Family 11

Chen Yue also got the note, opened it, looked it up, and carefully wrote down the contents.

People from other countries are very greedy to see it, but it is already after ten o’clock, and according to the rules, you cannot go out.

There was no other way but to send another message the next day and let the chosen ones try their luck.

Ivan from Ice Bear Country walked into the wrong door and accidentally arrived at his wife’s room. After reading the contents of the note, he cursed:

“Damn, it means that my wife was poisoned and my son was rebellious and cursed. No matter what they did to me, in order to maintain the safety of the family, I can’t resist and go back?”

Ivan raised his head and roared: “It’s so frustrating…”

This is simply a disaster for a fighting nation accustomed to using their fists to reason.

The barrage was silent for a while: “It seems to have been translated. Is this what it really means?”

“What he said makes sense, and I can’t refute it.”

Night fell, and at ten o’clock, it was quiet outside the window. There were occasionally a few strange “hissing” sounds, and it was unclear what creature they came from.

Generally speaking, it was quiet, but after what happened during the day, the chosen ones who had just entered the world of Kaidan were tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep at all.

It’s so scary, a dead person, a kid who drinks poison and talks nicely, suddenly his mouth is split to the back of his ear,

Is this situation reasonable? Very unreasonable.

Is it legal in reality? Uncle Hat arrived in minutes.

In just one day, they endured too much.

At this time, even if a leaf outside the window is blown by the wind, it can be a reason for them to get up from the bed and look around in panic.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and a childish voice sounded: “Dad, are you asleep?”

It was the voice of the youngest son.

[Rule 4: Please do not leave the room after ten o’clock in the evening. Any movement outside the door has nothing to do with you. 】

“dadDad, Mom said she has something to do with you, so she asked me to call you to her room. ”

The sound outside continued, and at this time, the Chosen One couldn’t bear it any longer.

[Rule 5: Having sex with your wife can increase your favorability. 】

What if the wife wants to do that and is too embarrassed to come over in person and calls him out in the name of her son?

Besides, building a good relationship with your wife is the core content of this copy. The son can be beaten and scolded, but the wife cannot be easily offended…

Some of the chosen ones had a trying attitude and couldn’t help but ask: “What else did your mother say? Why didn’t she come over by herself?”

“Dad, you really didn’t sleep.”


The gloomy children’s voice sounded, and the voice that was just outside the door was heard in an instant. The chosen one subconsciously tilted his head and met a pair of green eyes…

[Ding, Sakura Country, Uk Country… and other 63 chosen ones were devoured by ghost stories. 】

“Bagaya Road is a dead place. They are all idiots, and they fell into such a stupid problem.”

“It seems that we have to rely on our Prince Luo Lan to pass the customs. Everyone else is just scum.”

“The rules say that any movement outside the door has nothing to do with you. Obviously, if the Chosen One replies to their message, it is considered a violation of the corresponding rules and makes matters related to the door.”

The sound outside the door kept ringing for about an hour, and then gradually died down.

The time came to twelve o’clock in the evening, and the Chosen One finally relaxed. Just when he was about to fall asleep, in the haze, there was new movement.

This time it was a girl’s voice: “Dad, open the door. I have something to tell you.”

The knocking on the door became louder and louder, and the girl said with a hint of anxiety:

“Dad, I am your daughter, don’t you remember me?”

His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn’t spoken for a long time, and the intermittent tones seemed extremely strange in this boundless dark environment.

This time is not like the one just now. At least they heard his son’s voice during the day, and the Chosen Ones had a preliminary impression of him.

They had never seen this girl during the day, let alone heard of her.

What’s going on? How did this girl come in in the middle of the night? How to show up in your own home. What is her purpose?

Thinking of the first rule B,

【Rule B】

[Rule 1: Remember, there are only four people in this family. 】

The chosen ones were even more afraid to open the door. This time, even the most careless chosen ones did not dare to speak. They were wrapped in quilts and hiding in the corner of the bed, shivering.

The sound outside the door also lasted for an hour, and then gradually disappeared.

After these two changes, the attitudes of the Chosen Ones gradually became polarized.

Some people huddled in the corner all night, like frightened birds. When they got up the next day, they had two big black eyes.

There are also a few people who lie in bed and sleep soundly after confirming that as long as they don’t make a sound, no one outside the door will be able to come in. I saved my energy for clearing the dungeon the next day.

This has something to do with people’s personalities. Some people are born to be heroes, with adventurous factors built into their genes. They usually remain anonymous and look similar to the people around them. Once something bad happens, you can work hard and be positive.

Adversity, for them, is a good thing for experience.

The next morning, as the first ray of light shone on his face, Xu Ye opened his eyes on time and went to the kitchen to make a hearty breakfast.

Well, in fact, with Xu Ye eating compressed biscuits all year round, how could he know how to cook.

The big yellow dog rolls the dough, and the green-eyed cunning cat adjusts the fillings.

Seeing the clumsy movements of the cat and the dog, which almost caused sparks to appear in their less dexterous claws, Xu Ye felt a rare feeling of guilt in his heart.

The law stipulates that it is illegal to employ child labor.

Then he is now…

After a while, several bowls of fragrant wontons came out of the pot, and Xu Ye shamelessly performed the final processing of the ingredients – bringing the things to the table.

The wife took a bite and said, “It tastes good, but why is there a cat hair on it?”

At the same time, the gap between the chosen ones in each country was revealed.

Rules and Ghost Stories are the same as in the real world. People in it need to eat and sleep to replenish the energy consumed in the day.

It’s even more serious than the real world. In the real world, depending on each person’s physical fitness, one can barely get through it with willpower.

In Rules and Fantasy, if you don’t have enough rest time, it’s like the blue bar in the game is gone, and you can feel the obvious fatigue value.

Many of the chosen ones were so panicked that they couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night. They couldn’t even get up in the morning, let alone make breakfast for their wives and increase their favorability.

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