Family 1

No matter how well the Dragon Kingdom keeps its secrets, it can’t hide the sudden appearance of the mysterious continent.

The domestic security situation of the Dragon Kingdom is strong enough, but it cannot withstand the neighboring countries of Burma and Vietnam. The national strength is really weak, and several powerful countries have sent reconnaissance teams under the guise of visiting. Enter forcefully and inquire about the situation at the border between the two countries.

These people initially wanted to visit the Dragon Kingdom, but were ruthlessly rejected, so they had to settle for the next best thing, picking out the weak ones.

The emergence of the New World almost attracted the attention of the whole world. Naturally, people couldn’t help but talk about such a strange thing.

Some people say that there are countless gold minerals waiting to be mined, some say that it contains new technology and civilization from alien planets, and some say that Weird will use the New World as a base to invade the entire earth.

Amid the divergent opinions, Long Guo had no choice but to publish what it knew so far on its official website.

A picture shrouded in fog, plus three words: “I don’t know.”

At the same time, new troubles arise.

Xu Ye was sitting on the sofa petting the cat, stroking the orange cat’s chin with his fingers. The cat immediately narrowed his eyes in comfort and purred.

When he looked up, he saw the green-eyed cunning cat staring with disbelief in his eyes.

Xu Ye: “I’m not a scumbag, I just want to give the cats in the world a home…”

Lin Guobiao couldn’t understand these operations and started talking about business.

As the number of people participating in the strange rules story increases, there are always some lucky people who successfully pass the level, and the number has increased a lot compared to before.

These people have seen the blood in the ghost stories, awakened their talents, and have more power than ordinary people, but at the same time they are more difficult to restrain.

“In several small countries outside, there have been acts of the chosen ones hurting people and abusing ordinary people.”

Once a person gains strength, evil thoughts will awaken.

Especially for the Chosen One, the Rules and Regulations are not a legal institution, and not only well-trained soldiers like Song Jian can get out of it smoothly.

The fact is that in that kind of place, the survival rate of evil people is much higher than that of good people.

When they come out of the ghost stories, they feel that they are already very powerful and are not on the same level as ordinary people. It doesn’t matter if they kill a few.

Just as they expected, those few small countries relied on the Chosen One to help the country become immune to the weird rumors, and turned a blind eye to their actions, turning a blind eye to their actions, and the world became increasingly chaotic.

Lin Guobiao: “Obviously in the name of protecting safety, we have rearranged the residences of all the chosen ones who participated in the ghost story.”

“The number of people will increase in the future, and we plan to establish a ghost story association. I hope you can become the president.”

Xu Ye frowned: “Will it be troublesome? Will I be responsible for accidentally killing a member?”

He is most afraid of trouble and likes to simplify complex things, such as making the other party paralyzed or never having a way to continue doing evil.

“Don’t worry, we have arranged additional personnel management, you just need to show up and shock these people.”

Chen Yue added: “In addition, weird coins and props are being fetched at extremely high prices in the black market. These props are secretly leaking out and falling into the hands of some wealthy people, who may take the opportunity to cause trouble.”

Speaking of this, Chen Yue twisted his fingers in embarrassment and looked at Xu Ye cautiously: “Um, can I borrow some money?”

The next day, the familiar mechanical sound sounded, and it reached everyone’s ears without distinction, whether you were doing business, making love, or squatting on the toilet.

[The 19th round of the Ghost Story Challenge has begun. The chosen ones to participate in the challenge are now randomly selected. The list of participants this time is as follows: Dragon Country, Romance Country, Pakistan Iron Country, Ethiopian Country… a total of sixty-nine countries. 】

[One hundred chosen people will be selected from each country. 】

[Opportunities for internal prompts in this copy: 2]

Xu Ye opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in a restaurant, with dim pink lights above his head, and tables on the a big bouquet of roses.

Occasionally, there are people sitting around, all of them are couples, one by one, and their behavior is not clingy.

He reached out to touch the napkin on the table, trying to find out where the rules were, and found something uncomfortable in his arm.

Only then did he realize that he was wearing a white shirt and a suit jacket.

In order to facilitate movement, Xu Ye rarely wore such restrictive things before, because it was difficult to stretch out when something happened.

“Does an appointment need to be so formal?” he asked in astonishment.

After rummaging through the things on the table, I finally found a note under the dinner plate on the seat opposite:

[Copy: Love each other as a family. 】

[Your name is Xu Ye, and you are a person who is temporarily living at home because of your resignation. Currently, the entire family’s financial source comes from your wife. 】

[Rule A:]

[Rule 1: You are a family of four. In this family, there are you, your wife and two lovely sons. 】

[Rule 2: It is not important to increase your son’s favorability. 】

[Rule 3: Bumper cars are dangerous game items, do not touch them easily. 】

[Rule 4: Your wife loves you very much and can tolerate all the shortcomings in your life. 】

[Rule 5: Your wife likes orchids best. 】

[Rule 6: You must go home before six o’clock in the evening so that your wife can see you. 】

[Rule 7: You’d better be sincere in front of your wife. 】

The timelines maintained by each copy of the Chosen One were quite consistent. Almost at the moment he read the note, the sound of high heels could be heard in front of him.

In Longguo, Chen Yue smelled the strong smell of perfume. A beautiful woman with a curvy figure came in from the door and sat down opposite the dining table in a familiar manner.

Blinking her big eyes as big as Kazlan, she said charmingly:

“My dear, I kept you waiting.”

Chen Yue stood up, turned around and walked away: “I don’t know you.”

The woman’s red lips were slightly open, with a hint of astonishment. After reacting, she stamped her feet angrily and caught up from behind: “Brother Yue, wait for me.”

Chen Yue heard the sound and ran faster.

However, the woman behind him was wearing high heels and had difficulty moving, so she didn’t catch up.

When I came out of the hotel entrance, I didn’t go far when I saw a little boy holding a doll: “Dad, where did you go just now? Xiaoxing is so scared.”

“Dad, are you my son?” Chen Yue asked subconsciously.

“Yes, Dad, you just said you were going to the bathroom, put me where I was and then disappeared.”

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