Brown Farm 30

The barrage became anxious: “The exit of the farm is behind the mushroom forest. You can’t burn these mushrooms, which means you can’t go through it.”

“Why don’t you try Chen Yue’s method and get a hot air balloon?”

“It’s not reliable. Besides, Mr. Xu Ye’s talent is not to find things. Speaking of which, Mr. Xu YeWhat is your talent, immortality? ”

So far, Longguo has never openly disclosed Xu Ye’s talent, and everyone has been talking about it and making speculations.

Immortality is the most recognized statement among them.

“Why panic? Even if you can’t burn down the mushroom forest, you can clear the level with this dungeon.”

Of course everyone knows.

For other chosen ones, being able to pass the level and survive successfully is an incredible achievement.

But when it comes to Xu Ye, they have been watching Xu Ye’s live broadcast from the beginning, and their vision has been continuously improved all the way up to now. The tangled point has long been changed from how to survive to how to get higher scores.

Xu Ye’s eyes focused on the big trees in the forest. The branches of these trees were very lush, and dense mushrooms, like honeycombs, grew on the thick trunks, occupying the space above.

“Does the growth of devil mushrooms need to rely on these big trees for nutrients?”

Touching his chin, Xu Ye opened the mirror fragments with a smirk on his face and poured out all the fertilizer he had bought from the shopping area.

Pointing towards the dense forest ahead: “Go——”

After the words fell, the paper people who received the order went in holding the fertilizer.

Things are going very smoothly,

First, paper people are inherently dead creatures, and the spores have no interest in them.

Secondly, when the mushrooms saw the paper man’s intention, they actually wanted to fertilize the big tree they were parasitic on.

Naturally, they would not stand up and refuse something that was beneficial to the growth of the trees below them.

So there was this scene, paper people were busy going back and forth holding fertilizers, and the mushrooms were quiet and harmonious.

The paper people became the first ones to survive in the mushroom forest.

Little Bear sneaked over, saw this scene, and asked: “Are you trying to please them? Do you want to use fertilization in exchange for the right to pass through?”

Xu Ye didn’t answer him and asked the tour guide who had cured his eyes: “Is the matter done?”

Little Bear nodded: “I killed the farmer.”


This answer is too perfunctory.

Little Bear was sure that this was a more irritating way of chatting than fighting, and couldn’t help but ask: “Aren’t you curious why I had to kill him?”

Xu Ye wanted to say whether he was curious or not. Looking at the expectation on Xiong’s face, he swallowed the words on his lips and asked, “Why?”

“Because he is my father.”

Xu Ye: “…”

“Be more specific.”

Little Bear was very satisfied with his performance and explained it in detail on the spot.

The general idea is that before the farmer got the chain, the farm was very normal and he lived happily there.

But later, everything changed. Pollution came and he accidentally ran to play in the livestock area. As a result, he became infected. Gray fur began to grow on his body, and he gradually evolved into an animal.

His father was obsessed with huge profits and turned a blind eye to his abnormality. His mother tried to take him back to live with his family, but was beaten to death by his father who was afraid of leaking the secret.

With his body transformed into a bear, his father could not recognize him. After narrowly escaping, when he grew up, he openly cooperated with the farm, but secretly waited for an opportunity to get rid of the farm owner.

“The Emperor has paid off and finally allowed me to wait until Mr. Liu.” Little Bear laughed.

“I originally wanted to ask you for help, but it’s a pity that you have no love.” Little Bear touched the back of his head and said in a sinister tone.

At this moment, a buzzing sound sounded.

Behind the scenes, the spores in the dense forest were collectively shaking and struggling like crazy. Unfortunately, it was too late. The spores that had been so densely packed in the past were now only squeezed out with all their strength, and only a few dozen were squeezed out, which were easily dodged by the paper man.

Papermen came out with completely empty fertilizer bags and reported on the completion progress.

Xu Ye nodded and praised: “Well done, go ahead.”

The little bear raised his head and saw that the tall trees were gradually withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The land beneath them also glowed with green amid blood-red.

The little bear’s face changed drastically: “Did you apply chemical fertilizer to them?”

“Yes, I was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to eat well, so I specially added hundreds of millions of nutrients.”

Fertilizer is a good thing, especially the one sold by Brown Farm, which has the effect of quickly stimulating growth and promoting plant reproduction.

But after all, it is a nutrient, just like when a person eats a bowl of delicacies from the mountains and seas, it feels particularly delicious. After eating two bowls, I felt a little full. But if you eat two hundred bowls, you will be starved to death.

The mushroom forest now faces a problem: it is over-nutrientd and starved to death.

Although the food is good, don’t be greedy.

Xu Ye smiled half-heartedly and gave it a lighter: “For the sake of justice and love in your heart, you can now choose to set it on fire.”

Little Bear didn’t take action for a long time.At the end, he sat on the ground with a decadent look on his face: “When did you know about it?”

Xu Ye: “Anyone can guess it.”


“Wait a minute, what are you talking about? Am I not a human being?”

Xingxing didn’t blink: “Boss Xu Ye, are you trying to say that Xiaoxiong has impure intentions and doesn’t look like a good person? I can see that too.”

Netizen: “You know nonsense literature.”

Fortunately, the protagonist in the video did not continue to sell out and quickly told the truth.

“Yes, I not only want to kill me, but also want to inherit my property.”

The little bear has only one purpose from beginning to end, which is to become the new owner of Brown Farm.

“What I just said to you is also true.”

It’s just that the mentality behind it is different from what it shows.

He hated the farmer so much that he wanted to skin him and remove his bones.

But at the same time, during this long ordeal, a strong feeling of admiration and jealousy also emerged in my heart.

I envy the other party’s strength, envy the other party’s ability to do whatever he wants, and think again and again why he can’t be the one sitting in that position.

As for my mother’s death, it was still painful a few years ago, but then it was gradually buried in the long river of memory.

Xu Ye: “I still know the truth that wildfires cannot be burned out, but the spring breeze blows them again.”

“You deliberately burned those plants in the name of so-called justice. You just wanted to protect the real source of pollution. Including the time you just left, you and Liu Ninghao were discussing the sales price of the next batch of materials.”

When Xu Ye took back the chain, he kept a careful eye on the slaves left near the two of them, and finally took it back.

Therefore, the plan between the two people came into his ears clearly every word.

Xu Ye: “Unfortunately, during this period, I never believed you.”

Xu Ye walked towards the depths of the mushroom forest. The mushrooms were huddled in the corner and shivering. They could not die for the time being, but they could not emit spores, so they were probably not far from extinction.

At the exit, Xu Ye stood outside the mouth of the pipe, waiting for the pollutants inside to be drained out, and said to the back: “It’s fine now. You can be your farmer in peace.”

A cold iron chain quietly wrapped around the little bear’s arm.

It is stronger than in the hands of the farmer, making it impossible to break free.

From now on, he is the new owner of the farm, but he is also a farmer. Those weird plants and animals will slowly return to normal after the source of pollution disappears.

[Ding, congratulations to Xu Ye, the chosen one from the Dragon Kingdom, for clearing the dungeon Brown Farm. The clearance rating is seven stars. Rating analysis: one star for surviving for three days, three stars for uncovering the whole truth behind the farm, two stars for killing the farmer, and one star for escaping Brown Farm. 】

Seven stars?

The audience gasped and were confused. Is there no limit to the number of stars in a copy?

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