Class Reunion 10

Different from the unique oriental meaning of chrysanthemums in happy events in mountain villages, black roses almost all represent misfortune and death in the cultures of countries around the world.

“Oh, how do you sell things?”

“It’s not expensive, kid. This is a small business, old lady.”

Xu Ye: “How much?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, just exchange it with me for anything you have.”

Xu Ye thought for a while and took out two marbles: “This is my best friend ever, my favorite thing. There are precious memories of the two of us in it. ”

“Okay, okay.” The old woman’s eyes became more sincere, and she handed the black rose to Xu Ye with a smile.

[Rule 6: On the way to the party, if someone tries to sell you something along the way, ignore him. 】

Xu Ye thought about it for a moment and concluded that this was a wrong rule.

Sure enough, there was a piece of paper stuck in the heart of the black rose, which should be rules or something. Xu Ye was about to open it and read when the old lady in front spoke again:

“Bai Xun has a good friend like you, old lady, I can die with no regrets. Go ahead, when we get to the destination later, be sure not to laugh, that kid will hold a grudge.”

Xu Ye frowned: “Why can’t you laugh? That child…are you talking about Bai Xun?”

“It’s all obsession, obsession…sigh.”

After saying that, the figure in front of him slowly dissipated and turned into a gust of wind, as if he had never appeared before.

There was only one “Alas” left, which made him look particularly confused and helpless.


Barrage: “You can’t laugh, why? Just deny Rule 8?”

“Is this a disguised reminder?”

“Who is the old lady? I can’t believe it. What if it’s a trap again.”

Xu Ye opened the note:

【Supplementary Rules】

[Rule 10: The black rose is an important token and can save lives at critical moments. 】

[Rule 11: Marbles not only carry happy memories between you, but also the beginning of tragedy. Do not display them casually. 】

[Rule 12: Choosing the right position is very important, your attitude predicts the final result. 】

Barrage: “These three rules seem very vague. It seems like they said something, but also like they didn’t say anything at all.”

“What the position, memories, and key moments are, the people listening are at a loss.”

“Look, Xu Ye seems to be crying.”

“Oh my god, I love it when he cries, Jue Juezi.”

“By the way, do you know what Mr. Xu Ye’s tears taste like?”

“(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)Uncle Hat, there is a pervert here, come and capture him.”

That’s right, Xu Ye, who was talking about the world, was crying.

The kind of physiological tears I can’t control.

I just touched a handful of rose petals, and a feeling of extreme sadness and despair came from inside.

In confusion, Xu Ye’s eyes became hazy.

This is an… auditorium? Standing at the door, there were many figures coming in and out, some of them looked very familiar.

Xu Ye couldn’t control himself and walked inside with the flow of people.

I saw the big word “Dian” hanging on the coffin.

Black and white photos stood on the cabinet, with an open coffin in the middle.

Each student held a black rose in his hand and formed a long queue, circling the coffin and gently placing the flowers inside as they passed by.

Their faces are so sincere and their expressions are sad enough. And that teacher cried the hardest.

This caused everyone around him to turn around and comfort him, saying that this person has passed away, and the living people are the most important. You have to look forward.

“I know you’re sad, don’t break your body from crying.”

“You are a good teacher and have deep feelings for your students. I can rest assured that our children will be left to you in the future.”

Teacher: “I didn’t take good care of him.”

Guest: “I can only say that the child’s life is not good.”

Similar conversations have been going on forever.

When it was Xu Ye’s turn, he already had the answer in his heart.

The young man in the coffin has a beautiful appearance, lying quietly on the hard board. Judging from his face, he is Bai Xun who was in junior high school.

Xu Ye put the rose on the man’s chest. The young man seemed to feel something. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him.

Then, Xu Ye woke up and found that he was crying and couldn’t stop crying.

This feeling is very new, I have never experienced it before.

So, Xu Ye simply let this situation go and started the car on fire while crying.

He was born with no sense of pain, and his five senses were duller than others. In the past twenty years, there has been little opportunity to cry.

Now is the time to experience it.

On the other side, the chosen ones from other worlds.

If you think about it a little, you will understand that even if you don’t buy anything, you should stop and listen to the old man’s words on the way, just in case there are useful clues.

This is indeed the case. Due to the rules, many chosen ones are unwilling to exchange marbles for roses. The old man gave the note in the flower to the chosen one.

After reading the rules, all the chosen ones regretted it. Unfortunately, by this time, the old man had disappeared.

But some people are so used to being cruel that they don’t even want to listen.=========

The author stayed up late typing and suffered from dry eyes. What I am sending is a deposited manuscript.

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