Class Reunion 9

Xu Ye frowned and looked in the direction of the monkey.

A group of monkeys that had been squeaking just now suddenly stopped what they were doing and became as quiet as chickens.

Oh my god, this person has such a strong aura.

Just being stared at by him for a few times made him feel a chill in his heart.

The monkey blinked, wondering why this was happening.

But they believed in their sixth sense as animals, so they all stopped and did not dare to act rashly.

On Xu Ye’s side, he didn’t have any particular emotions. What he was tearing was Wang Kangquan’s leg. Why was he angry?

At this time, Xu Ye observed the monkey group and found that in addition to the monkey who had just torn off Wang Kangquan’s thigh, many other monkeys were also holding bones, minced meat and other things in their hands.

Their eyes are red, and the monkey hair on their bodies is as hard as iron, with distinct roots, as if they were pierced with steel needles.

Other monkeys steal peaches and eat them, but these beasts in the strange story eat meat.

“Could it be that a vegetable dog bit Wang Kangquan, and these monkeys were attracted by the smell of blood on his body?”

In order to verify this conjecture, Xu Ye lowered his head and glanced at the man in his hand.

Wang Kangquan felt something bad in his heart, and he ignored the pain of losing a leg and said warily: “You big devil, what do you want to do with me?”

Soon, he let out a scream.

Xu Ye also removed his other leg, took it in his hand and threw it away from a distance.

The monkeys were attracted by the thigh, and they all swarmed up and ran after her. After a while, fierce sounds came from the distance. They must have been fighting each other for food.

Xu Ye took this opportunity to drive through the crowded road.

Don’t forget to apologize to my old classmates:

“I’m sorry, big brother, you saw the situation just now, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“You have lost one leg, and you can no longer walk anyway. There is no use in keeping the other leg, so you might as well use its last remaining heat.”

Wang Kangquan: “…”

Xu Ye: “Why don’t you speak? Are you angry?”

“No way, no way, just because of such a trivial matter? I told you it wasn’t intentional.”

Wang Kangquan gritted his teeth: “I’ll fight you!”

He said this and acted accordingly. But due to the loss of his legs, his whole body was left with a lump. If he moved like this, he would fall off the seat.

Xu Ye helped him up and said tolerantly: “Oh, I was wrong, don’t be angry.”

“If you don’t lose your legs, we’re going to be late for the party.”

“On the bright side, you have also contributed to being able to attend the class reunion smoothly. I will definitely send you to the place safely.”

Wang Kangquan thought it was reasonable, and he stopped making trouble: “You keep your word.”

Xu Ye affirmed: “That’s for sure.”

He has now determined that Wang Kangquan, like him, must abide by certain rules, one of which is that he must go to the class reunion.

Even if he is paralyzed, he must go, otherwise he will die…

His eyes came to Chen Yue,

Wang Kangquan on his side was not injured, but he was sitting on the roof of the car without any protection. Therefore, it still attracted the attention of the monkey group.

A large group of monkeys rushed over in a mighty manner.

Wang Kangquan was so frightened that he trembled all over and banged on the roof of the car: “Open the sunroof quickly and let me in, they are going to eat me.”

How could Chen Yue listen to him?

When the car door is opened, what if a monkey is let in and attacks you?

Therefore, not only did he not do what the other party said, but he also shouted loudly: “Just hold on, it will be fine soon.”

Chen Yue turned on the engine and the car started again.

But the car was driving very slowly, and the monkeys in front seemed to be unafraid of death. They gathered in front of the car and hindered the speed of the car.

“Ah, I can’t help it anymore, my arm, they bit off one of my arms, oooh, oh, it hurts so much.”

Chen Yue: “Then you might as well chop off the legs and throw them far away to attract their attention.”

A beautiful fragrant voice soon came from above: “You beast, you have already caused me to lose an arm, and you still dare to try to hit my leg.”

“Why don’t you cut off one of your legs and throw it out to attract their attention?”

This question is very good. It is like a master of debate. He asked the key point in one sentence.

The monkey is too noisy.It was buzzing, and Chen Yue had to shout at the top of his lungs: “I’m not begging you, I’m giving you advice.”

“I don’t know how to open a car door anyway. If you don’t throw your legs out, you’ll be chewed up to the bone later.”

So the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene: the NPC who was originally causing trouble for the Chosen One was sitting on the roof of the car, cursing and greeting all the eighteen generations of Chen Yue’s ancestors. The other side had to endure the pain, cut off one of his thighs with his own hands, and threw it towards the back of the monkey group.

It can be said to be a real “sacrifice to feed the monkeys”.

Barrage: “666, he is indeed the chosen one who was taught privately by Xu Ye. Even the problem-solving ideas are exactly the same.”

“Chen Yue, should I call you Lao Liu or Lao Liu.”

“You are so cruel that you forced Weiwei to tear off one of his own legs. Killing people can only be done with a nod of the head. You are simply killing people’s hearts.”

“I’m a little worried. What will happen when I go to the class reunion later? Wang Kangquan won’t go around saying bad things about Chen Yue, right?”

“Then why don’t we kill him right now?”

If we don’t say that this generation of netizens is so awesome, they don’t even hesitate to say things like murder.

As time went by, everyone quickly discovered the pattern.

Monkeys like to eat meat most and are interested in the smell of blood.

All the Chosen Ones who were injured after fighting with their old classmates were attacked. The Chosen One, who did not have any dispute, successfully passed the road section after waiting in place for twenty minutes.

Some of the injured chosen ones made the same choice as Chen Yue. They resolutely refused to open the door for Weiyi and finally passed the test.

The tragedy is for those chosen ones who are not strong-willed and choose to listen to Wang Kangquan’s lies.

After the sunroof opened, Monkey moved much faster than his classmates and got into the car immediately.

Screams continued from the scene.

The mechanical sound sounded, and nearly a hundred people were eliminated this time.

During the Dragon Kingdom Monster Talk, Lin Guobiao looked at this scene with his eyes becoming firmer: “Xu Ye is right. Untimely compassion has no effect except putting yourself in danger.”

“Notify the Propaganda Department to vigorously promote Xu Ye’s values ​​so that the entire public can learn from them.”

In extraordinary times, extraordinary means must be used.

If it were a peaceful time, Lin Guobiao would never make such a decision.

But the current situation is that weirdness is rampant, and more and more places in the real world are covered by weirdness. The strange rules of the rules have increased the amount of experiments to determine the number of participants in the dungeon.

Who can be sure that one day in the future, all people will participate in the dungeon?

Lin Guobiao didn’t want that day to come, but he had to make plans in advance.

He shouted in his heart, is this destined to be an era when madmen awaken?

Talking about the world of ghosts, Xu Ye drove on.

In the back seat, Liu Kangquan was leaning on the back of the seat helplessly. Caigou helped him adjust his body shape and posture from time to time, which seemed very “caring”.

It was very different from the way he looked just now when he wanted to kill him.

Liu Kangquan didn’t appreciate it in his heart. He probably knew what the evil dog was thinking. It was because he was told by Xu Ye that he was afraid that he would not be able to pay his respects to his master after he died.

Just take care of him if you say you will. He really needs help from others now.

What Wang Kangquan couldn’t stand the most was that the dead dog would grin at him from time to time and keep making faces at him.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and his eyes were full of humanized banter. He would also look at his broken thigh from time to time, revealing a kind of silent ridicule.

After Wang Kangquan became physically disabled, he suffered a huge mental blow.


The car came to an emergency stop, and Wang Kangquan accidentally fell off the seat. The dishdog picked him up again by holding his collar in his mouth, and his clothes were covered with dog saliva.

Ahead, an old lady stood in the middle of the road, leaning on a cane.

She looked very old, her face was covered with wrinkles, her body was half bent, and her head was almost lowered to her waist. Holding something in hand:

“Good boy, would you like to buy a rose?”

It was a black rose, with two pure black leaves growing on the branches. The petals were slightly open and covered with the unique texture of roses.

The overall look gives people a sense of beauty that is easily withered and broken.

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