Happy Event in the Mountain Village 23

Snap, in less than thirty seconds, Xu Ye felt dizzy and forcefully transmitted the strange talk about the rules.

In the last few seconds, a streak of light faded from the big locust tree and penetrated into the fragments of the mirror.

Back in the real world, Xu Ye was thrown out by force and hit the wall of the villa directly, which foreshadowed the anger of Rule Monster Tan this time.

“As for it?” Xu Ye scratched his head and said speechlessly.

On the other side, the Ice Bear Country.

Seeing that the truth of the matter was almost revealed, Ivan walked out of the room, but was blocked by an old man.

“Grandma?” Ivan said in surprise.

“My dear grandson, let’s go home with grandma.” The old man said with a stooped figure, his head almost reaching his chest.

Ivan was stunned for a moment and decisively refused:

“That won’t work, I have to go.”

Grandma had no fighting ability. Ivan refused and came to the entrance of the village. When the truth was revealed, the fog there had been dispelled and bright sunshine shone in.

The end is near!

There is a stone tablet at the entrance of the village with three characters “Xiaohuai Village” written on it, which is similar to the function of a dividing line.

Stepping over the stone monument means leaving the village completely.

Ivan walked forward excitedly.

Danmu was worried: “Isn’t this right? Others are teleported away directly after clearing the level. Why does he need to cross any village monument?”

“Is there going to be any problem?”

Or say that netizens have sharp eyes, and problems will come soon.

The moment Ivan was about to cross the stone monument, a gravitational force weighing a thousand pounds suddenly emerged from behind him, sucking him back directly.


Ivan stabilized his body, tentatively walked left, right, and walked in circles without any problems.

But once he got a little closer to the stone monument, he was immediately pulled back.

? ? ?

What is the principle?

He turned around inadvertently, and a kind face suddenly appeared in front of him.

I don’t know when my grandma caught up with me, and said firmly: “Gouwazi, you can’t get out, please go home with grandma.”

“I’m not a bitch, my name is Ivan, and I’m here to do a mission.” As the last step approaches, Ivan doesn’t care about any sense of substitution: “I’ve shown my cards and won’t pretend anymore. Now that the mission is over, I Got to go.”

Even if it makes the old lady sad, she still has to say it.

Grandma’s expression changed drastically, her body froze in place, she pointed her finger at Ivan, and made a huffing sound, as if she couldn’t believe it.

Ivan looked at her expectantly.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, grandma finally recovered. Her first words were: “No, you are just a dog.”

She stretched out her dry palm, grabbed Ivan’s wrist, and said forcefully:

“If you eat my food, no one can take it away from you.”

“Good boy, stay and stay with grandma. We are a family. Grandma will always be kind to you.”

These words are horrifying to hear. What does it mean to always be good to you? It is obvious that he wants to forcefully keep the chosen one.

Barrage: “Let me just say, you can’t eat the braised pork. This Ivan is not clear-headed. He refused politely at first, but then he agreed due to some deception.”

Ice Bear Country Government: “…”

If you want to curse someone, just say so, don’t be so arrogant.

“Well, we gave objective opinions based on the situation at the time. Let’s think about what to do now.”

Ivan: “Old man, you know I’m not a bitch, so don’t embarrass me.”

“My living habits and way of doing things are different from Gouwazi’s. I am not your grandson at all.”

He didn’t believe it. A person who loved his grandson very much couldn’t tell if there was someone else around him.

Grandma refused to listen and insisted on pulling him away. It seemed that taking Ivan home had become an obsession.

Barrage: “It’s scary to think about it. From head to toe, this old lady is the one who hides the deepest.”

Ivan looked up,Looking at Chen Yue No. 2 and others next to him: “Why, everyone here is guilty, but she doesn’t seem to be affected.”

Due to the rules, Ivan knew that he could not attack the elders in the village personally, so he wanted to incite others to kill his grandma.

Unfortunately, his calculation was wrong. Chen Yue No. 2 shook his head and pointed at the old man: “Originally, she was also at fault, but before, she personally protected you for stealing the scissors, which can be regarded as indirectly helping us get revenge.”

“We can’t repay kindness with hatred.”

Ivan: “…”

The co-authorship is all because of me.

He was filled with grief and anger, as if he had made some kind of determination, and swallowed a pill in his mouth: “Do you really want me to stay, even if it means death?”

Grandma was anxious: “Don’t be impulsive, you only live once.”

He never said anything about letting people out.

Ivan felt desperate and took out a fruit knife and stabbed it in the heart.

His life was gradually passing by. When the old lady saw this scene, she collapsed: “No, why would you rather die than stay?”

“Is it so difficult to just stay with my old man?”

Ivan: “No, I have more important family members that I need to spend time with.”

“You have a family and I have a family.”

At this time, the bride, who had been silent all the time, suddenly took off the fan covering it and said with the face of the sister on the other side: “Are you… Mrs. Zheng?”

Her tone was suspicious: “I remember, didn’t your child die of illness ten years ago?”

Although she had just arrived in Xiaohuai Village at that time and could not recognize everyone, she was deeply impressed by this incident.

Mrs. Zheng’s grandson was less than ten years old and died of an illness.

“You were crying and shouting for him to come back to life. You didn’t believe that he was dead. I didn’t expect that now…”

Barrage: “The case has been solved. It turns out that Gou Wazi has been dead for a long time. It just so happened that Rules Ghost Talk wanted to send the chosen one in, so he fulfilled Mrs. Zheng’s wish and arranged such an identity.”

Barrage: “Old Mrs. Zheng knew the truth from the beginning, but still didn’t want to admit it, so she chose to take advantage of the trick. She deliberately fed the meat here to her grandson, hoping that the chosen one would always be with her as a dog.”

“The braised pork is a prop. If you eat it, you will keep it forever. But if you don’t eat it, given the situation at the time, Ivan might be beaten to death by the villagers on the spot. It is really a difficult choice.”

Strange talk about the world,

Ivan felt his body getting weaker and weaker. The pill he just took was a prop dropped from the previous world. It was similar to the life-extending ginseng pill. Its effect was that it could bring the dead back to life within one minute, but now it has passed. Thirty seconds later, he realized he was still alive.

Isn’t it said that if the heart is injured, you will die? Why is it different from what he imagined? He seems to be able to struggle for a while.

“Not enough, not enough.” Ivan picked up the knife and stabbed his heart crazily, wishing that it would be like a sieve.

If he was still alive after a minute, the pill would be in vain.


“I’ve seen people who are cruel, but I’ve never seen people who are so cruel to me.”

“I can’t understand this operation, but I’m shocked.”

Time passed, and finally at fifty-nine seconds, Ivan’s heart stopped beating.

[Ding, congratulations to Ivan, the Chosen One of the Ice Bear Kingdom, for clearing the dungeon mountain village. Completion rating: four stars. Rating analysis: Help the bride redress her injustice and win one star. One star reveals the truth about Ning Shanshan’s death, one star reveals the truth about the paper man’s father’s death, and one star reveals the truth about Taoist Master’s death. 】

As the announcement sounded, Ivan stood up from the ground “back to life” and was transported out of the world of ghost stories.

[Ding, it’s a happy event for Sofik, the chosen one of the Tulip Kingdom, to clear the dungeon mountain village. Rating for clearance: three stars. Rating analysis: One star for survival. Help the bride redress her injustice and gain a star. Unveil the truth behind Ning Shanshan’s death. 】

Sophie’s timing was too accurate. As soon as she showed Ning Shanshan’s tragic situation, she was infected by the other party’s emotions and started killing the people around her. So much so that I never saw the complete truth that followed. However, the three-star rating still excited the people of Tulip Country.

[Ding, Chen Yue, the Chosen One of the Dragon Kingdom, cleared the level with four stars, score analysis…]

There were thousands of people participating in this strange story. With a large base, the probability of success naturally became higher. In the end, more than 20 countries had successfully cleared customs.

Xu Ye lay on the sofa,

[Individual six-star awards will be awarded below. 】

[Halo: Son of Truth:

Blessings from Ning Yutong, she firmly believes in your words and feels deeply guilty about it.

Having this halo can increase the trust level in words by 20%. 】

Xu Ye waited for a while, the air was as quiet as a chicken, he couldn’t believe it:

“Is this gone?”

If you want him to clear the level with six stars, give him a title? NoThat’s how it works. Targeted, simply targeted.

Xu Ye was extremely angry.

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