Happy Event in the Mountain Village 22

A good man who treats others in his own way…

The corner of Xu Ye’s mouth twitched, he met the bride’s gaze, and shouted in surprise:


Ning Yutong’s delicate body trembled: “Actually, I have nothing to do with you. I was mean to you that night just to use the pretext to lure you into the wedding room and kill you individually.”

But she didn’t expect that Xu Ye’s behavior was unexpected. It seemed that the two people believed that they loved each other and helped her a lot by secretly poking at each other.

And said: “If it’s okay between the two of us, why would I wake up from your bed?”

Thinking of this, Ning Yutong felt a little bit ashamed for the first time in a long time. She felt that she behaved like a scumbag and wasted no time.

“Everyone in Xiaohuai Village is very bad, but you, Gou Wazi, are so pure, like a mutated species.”

The audience was extremely happy to see this. They were all watching Xu Ye’s reaction, guessing whether he would be heartbroken or make some other response.

After all, Xu Ye’s sense of empathy was the strongest among all the chosen ones they had seen.

Sure enough, Xu Ye curled his lips after hearing this, raised his head and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his face showing sadness in his balls.

Barrage: “I know he is acting, why am I so sad?”

“Boss Xu Ye, you are so damn charming, you should become a professional actor.”

“I’m used to the arrogance of Mr. Xu Ye, so it’s quite attractive to be so quiet.”

“Quickly take a screenshot, I want to use this picture as a screensaver.”

On the screen, Xu Ye raised his final question: “Who are you, Ning Shanshan?”

“She’s my biological sister.” Ning Yutong was silent for a while and then spoke. With Xu Ye’s expression on her face, she couldn’t refuse.

“Ten years ago, my sister and father passed away one after another, leaving only my mother and me to depend on each other.”

“After another six months, my mother couldn’t bear the pain of losing her daughter and her husband, so she finally went with him.”

“From that moment on, I vowed to take revenge.”

“So ten years later, I personally committed a crime, pretended to have a good impression of Brother Ming, came to Xiaohuai Village, and asked my sister to possess me to take revenge.” Ning Yutong took away the fan that had been covering her.

I saw that her face was divided into two parts from the middle. The left side was a normal bridal face, while the right side was a different face.

Exactly the same as the bride who committed suicide ten years ago.

Xu Ye: “That Xiaohuaicun and the guy named Brother Ming have already turned over a car because of a woman. You and your sister have the same surname, so they have no suspicion at all?”

Speaking of this, Ning Yutong’s face twisted and she smiled disdainfully: “Of course he wouldn’t. Ten years ago, my sister saw that his family was not in a good situation, but she still didn’t dislike him for being poor and went back for an outing. He thought he was so attractive. Well, girls will like it.”

“Bah, I’m a narcissist. I think I’m Daniel Wu.”

Ah… Xu Ye was too smart to answer this question.

The screams continued at the scene, and Xu Ye saw that those who had bullied Ning Shanshan back then had been beaten to a bloody pulp.

As for the perpetrators, after they woke up and found out that the person they had just held and kissed for a long time was an old man from the same village, they became nauseated and vomited.

Barrage: “Killing people is heartbreaking. It’s miserable. It’s really miserable.”

“Smells, it smells so good~”

Xu Ye heard the sound and looked outside the house. What he saw were some women who were stuffing cooked dumplings into their mouths.

One bite at a time, each looks like a big eater.

Finally, when all the dumplings were eaten and it was not enough, several women ran into the hall, lifted up the men who were half-dead from the ground, and without even chopping them, sent them directly into the boiling fire.

“Have you ever seen a monkey brain splashed with oil? It’s even worse than that.”

[Ding, congratulations to Xu Ye, the chosen one from the Dragon Kingdom, for clearing the dungeon mountain village. Completion rating: six stars. Rating analysis: One star for survival. Help the bride redress her injustice and gain a star. Uncover the complete truth behind Xiaohuai Village Four Stars. 】

[The transmission will begin after 30 seconds, please be prepared for the chosen one, 30, 29, 28…]

Xu Ye stood there, and at this moment, Chen Yue No. 2 ran over excitedly,Holding up the paper man in his hand: “What did you use to draw these eyes?”

His appearance changed at this time. He was no longer the modern look he had when he first arrived. Instead, he was wearing a gray robe with wide and short sleeves. He looked quite free and easy.

Xu Ye slapped his head: “By the way, why did I forget this?”

He whistled, and in an instant, a dozen green-eyed paper figures came running over. Xu Ye took out the mirror fragments and stuffed all the paper figures into the haunted house.

“Well, not enough.”

Xu Ye quickly came outside Gouwazi’s residence, hugged the big locust tree and pulled it out.

He could feel that this tree, which had been enshrined for many years, was indeed somewhat divine.

The most direct effect is that it can repel insects while sleeping.

The cold mechanical sound sounded again [It was detected that the chosen one took away the copy item privately, violating the rules. 】

[Detected that the chosen one secretly…]

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