Ruins of the past

Chapter 858 Changes

When Bo Nan was knocked away, Tian Yan Shen Selection's magical power had been continuously activated.

There was an agitation in his soul, and he seemed to have seen dozens of changing options.

Some have grown carapace all over their bodies, some have muscles that have become thicker, and some have changed the nature of their flesh and blood, becoming like steel...

Every choice represents the direction of life evolution, and it is also what countless races in this world have been doing since ancient times.

And Bo Nan's Tianyan Divine Choice gathered thousands of years of changes into a short moment.

I saw his body trembling for a while, and the flesh and blood in his body changed drastically. From the original ordinary flesh and blood, it gradually transformed into a flesh that was full of elasticity and like steel bars that had been tempered for hundreds of years.

Then he stamped his feet on the ground, and as the ground beneath his feet undulated and collapsed, he rushed towards Chu Qiguang like a cannonball.

There was a loud bang amidst the screams of the air.

Bo Nan's body collided with the Great Freedom of Vajra again.

Chu Qiguang's brows raised slightly, and he felt that his blow was like hitting a super elastic rubber ball hard.

Huge elasticity came from Bo Nanda's body, and Bo Nanda himself was knocked out again.

Although it was only two blows, Chu Qiguang already had a suspicion in his mind.

The next moment, Bo Nan's figure shot out again and punched Chu Qiguang in the head.

The arm extended long, with an obvious arc, like a crackling whip.

Then the two sides fought faster and faster, with waves surrounding Chu Qiguang's continuous shots, like a meteor hitting back and forth.

The surrounding streets were swept up in the air waves created by the fighting between the two sides, and completely collapsed in an instant, turning into large areas of ruins.

In the battles again and again, Chu Qiguang also discovered that Bo Nan's physical body was constantly changing.

Bo Nan's flesh, flesh and bones are becoming more and more pliable and elastic, and the Vajra's Great Freedom Power is like bombarding a ball of cotton again and again, making it increasingly difficult to deal an effective blow to Bo Nan.

His skin became smoother and smoother, making it harder and harder to apply force. Chu Qiguang felt that his attacks were being constantly separated and diverted, making it increasingly difficult to be effective.

Layers of invisible barriers also appeared on Bo Nan's body, constantly counteracting Chu Qiguang's attacks.

Even his spiritual power gradually changed from black to gold, and began to have attributes similar to King Kong.

boom! The power of the soul and the power of freedom of the Vajra collided fiercely.

The layers of invisible barriers on both sides collided in the air, and as the wills of both sides continued to squeeze each other, waves of air erupted.

Inside the library.

Juno looked at the changes that had taken place in Bo Nan with a look of shock on his face.

She suddenly thought of the Emperor's Son in the Shuzhou War. They were all in the same state as monsters, and they were also the kind of monsters that were constantly improving and changing. However, Bo Nan's strength was obviously higher than that of the Emperor's Son.

"Oh? Did you also meet Huang Tian's son in the Central Plains? They are Huang Tian's dependents."

Emperor Tai Tai obviously heard Juno's thoughts again and smiled:

"But the Son of Emperor Tian that you met mainly evolved physically."

"But what is happening in Wave Disaster right now is that the spirit and body are advancing at the same time, allowing one's own Taoism and martial arts to evolve accordingly, and have more and more powerful abilities."

Juno heard this and looked at the changes in the picture, and had to admit that Emperor Tai Tai was right.

There was a faint worry in her heart.

At this moment, Emperor Tai Tai continued: "It has begun. The role of Tianyan Divine Selection is becoming more and more obvious. Bo Nan has gradually adapted to Chu Qiguang's Vajra Phases."

"Although Chu Qiguang's Vajra Phases are powerful, almost no one of the same level can kill him when fighting against him, but currently it seems... there is the most fatal problem."

"That means he can't kill anyone."

"For Bo Nan, this is simply the perfect stepping stone, allowing him to maximize the power of Tianyan Divine Selection."

"It can be said that Bo Nan is Chu Qiguang's natural enemy."

On the battlefield, the situation seemed to be becoming increasingly unfavorable to Chu Qiguang as Emperor Tai Tai said.

Bo Nang seemed to pay less and less attention to Chu Qiguang's attacks, and the two of them fought fiercely, with a fierce attack-for-attack style.

In addition to the defense, Bo Nan's offense is also constantly evolving.

Needless to say, the physical strength and speed were getting faster and stronger. Every punch and kick was as fast as thunder, shaking mountains and demolishing cities, and hitting Chu Qiguang like a violent storm.

Another pair of hands grew on his back. Every time these hands were shot out of the air, they would create layers of invisible barriers and collide with Chu Qiguang's Vajra Power of Freedom.

At the same time as every collision, Chu Qiguang could feel a strange force constantly penetrating into his sea of ​​consciousness.

From the vague presence at the beginning, to now the voice of Bo Nan appeared directly in his mind.

This is the time when Bo Nan's soul power has evolved and evolved again and again, and finally mastered the ability to invade Chu Qi's sea of ​​light consciousness.

"Chu Qiguang, your Vajra Forms are indeed unique magical skills that are rare in the world, and your ability to protect the body is unparalleled in the world."

"But it's a pity that you met me."

"My magical powers are your greatest nemesis."

After saying that, a storm seemed to have broken out in Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness, and the violent power of his soul seemed to crush his consciousness, memory, and beliefs into pieces.

The roaring sound of the wave resounded through Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness, like billions of thunders exploding continuously.

"Chu Qiguang! Not only do I want to defeat you physically, but I also want to completely suppress you mentally."

"I will make you my puppet and fight for me in the eternal future."

In the blink of an eye, while fighting head-on, Bo Nan invaded Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness with his spiritual power, and started a spiritual and spiritual battle with the opponent.

Bo Nan's spiritual power turned into a wild storm, seeming to crush everything in the sea of ​​consciousness to pieces.

Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly turned into a diamond color, and his spirit, body, and knowledge were firmly combined.

"You want to start from the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness? You are smart."

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "The inner and outer parts of the Vajra Dharma are one. Whether it is the physical body or the sea of ​​consciousness, they are both clear and solid. How can you destroy them?"

In the real world, the figures of the two people are still flickering and colliding, and they are fighting fiercely.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Bo Nan's soul power and Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​​​consciousness transformed into a vajra state are also entangled.

At the same time, the verbal exchanges between the two did not stop, as they both seemed to be trying to find flaws in each other's hearts.

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