Ruins of the past

Chapter 857 God’s Choice

When Chu Qiguang took three steps, three Buddha images emerged from behind him, blocking the attack of the three-headed monster.

This is Chu Qiguang's Buddha Appearance Realm, which can turn martial arts into Buddha Appearances, and each Buddha Appearance can withstand an attack.

While the opponent's attack was neutralized, Chu Qiguang's body also crashed into these monsters.

So when he took the first step, the tiger-headed monster screamed.

His magic sword did hit Chu Qiguang's neck, but Chu Qiguang's advancing neck pushed the sword back. The sword's edge directly hit him and opened a huge scar on his stomach. , blood flowed all over the ground instantly.

"How can I be a king if I can't hold my sword tightly?"

After taking the second step, the lion-headed monster's arms were hit with broken tendons and fractures, and he flew straight out and crashed into a pile of ruins.

"The steps are sloppy, the palms are weak, and the body is vulnerable to a single blow."

After taking the third step, the elephant-headed monster screamed and knelt on the ground, looking at the human-shaped blood hole in his chest with horror in his eyes.

Chu Qiguang just passed through his body and made a hole.

"I am the living Buddha, and you use Buddhist scriptures to block me? It's ridiculous."

The elephant-headed monster fell to the ground with a thud.

On the other side, King Baoguo had just climbed out of the ground, and what he saw was a scene that shocked him.

Chu Qiguang turned to look at him, the diamond light flashing around him, and said lightly:

"Since he is the heavenly king of Buddhism and protects the Dharma, why don't he worship the Buddha when he sees him?"

After saying that, the Great Freedom Power of Vajra turned into barriers, pressing down on King Baoguo like the sky falling.

The king shouted violently, and blocked the pressing barrier with his hands as if to reach the sky. However, he was still squeezed by the huge force and fell to his knees inch by inch.

In the blink of an eye, the four guardian kings knelt down three times and were all defeated.

None of the Da Zhu demon army in the distance dared to continue chasing Chu Qiguang. They all stood hesitantly at a distance, their eyes looking at Chu Qiguang filled with fear.

"Did you hear what Demon Saint Bonan shouted just now? This person is Chu Qiguang..."

"The number one master of the Han Dynasty? I originally thought it was those Han people who were boasting..."

"One person can fight against the entire city's monsters, and he also defeated the Bonan Demon Saint... There are actually such monsters in the human race?"

Da Zhu was originally a country that took the law of the jungle to its extreme, where powerful monsters could even eat weak monsters at will.

After they came to the Central Plains, they were unscrupulous, massacring and hunting everywhere, because all the human beings they encountered were weak, and the Han army was no match for them.

But now they saw Chu Qiguang single-handedly defeating all the monsters in the city, and even the Bonan Demon Saint was being chased everywhere, making them look horrified.

In their eyes, Chu Qiguang has become a super master who cannot be messed with.

But no matter how the Da Zhu Demon Army reacted, Chu Qiguang didn't even look at them, but continued to pursue Bo Nan's position.

Inside the library.

Juno looked at the scene in the mist with surprise and joy. She was about to speak, but she swallowed her words back.

But Emperor Tai Tai on the side said: "You want to say: Your Majesty, your Dharma Protector has lost."

"Yes or no?"

Juno nodded helplessly, knowing that his thoughts had been read by the other party.

Emperor Tai Tai frowned slightly, and a hint of surprise seemed to flash in his eyes as he looked at the picture: "I didn't expect Chu Qiguang's Vajra Phases to be so strong."

"I never thought that the four guardian kings could defeat a true saint like Chu Qiguang, but even I didn't expect that they would lose so quickly."

"Chu Qiguang has now at least cultivated the diamond body and transformed into two phases. Only then can he go on such a rampage."

Juno was stunned again when he heard this: 'Is Your Majesty taking the opportunity to test Chu Qiguang's spiritual transformation? He knows so much about the Vajra Temple inheritance? ’

At the same time, she felt something strange in her heart: 'Why was the Protector King defeated miserably and was seriously injured, but His Majesty still seemed indifferent? ’

The next moment, Emperor Tai Tai smiled slightly: "But just being beaten is not enough."

"Bonan has activated his magical power."

"Let's see how Chu Qiguang blocks it now."

I saw screams and roars coming out one after another in the clouds and mist, as if countless innocent souls were screaming...

Just when Chu Qiguang defeated the four guardian kings who intercepted him, Bo Nan had already activated his own magical power.

In the realm of Tongsheng, one can rely on the transformation of the gods to combine martial arts and Taoism to create a power called supernatural power.

The magical power can be said to be a condensed version of the unique skills that a powerful Tongsheng master has learned throughout his life.

And every powerful Saint Master is very different because of his personality, experience, and what he has learned. Even if he practices the same Dharma, his transformation will be different in many ways.

Therefore, the magical power created by each powerful sage must be the most suitable and unique power for him.

Possessing the body of a difficult monster and achieving the righteous dharma of enlightenment of Wuwei Sect, the transformation achieved brought together the strengths of the two sects.

And the same goes for his magical powers.

Wherever the wave passed, it seemed as if there was an invisible disaster and epidemic spreading.

Monsters screamed and fell to the ground. As the flesh and blood on their backs undulated violently, palms, claws, and tentacles scrambled to tear open the flesh and get out.

The monsters turned into monsters, and then Bo Nan forcibly extracted the demonized spirit and flesh and blood and integrated them into his body.

At this moment, he used his soul to control the demon body, and used his demon body to comply with his soul.

The Wuwei Sect's sage-conquering dharma "Destroy Evil Manifestation Volume" focuses on breaking the precepts in the heart, letting go of the power of the soul, and unleashing the power of the soul wantonly.

During this process, the body of the Wuwei Cult monks in the past could not keep up with the evolution of their soul and soul, and in the end they could only gradually become a burden.

But Bo Nan is different, his demonic body can keep up with his soul.

"Use gods to control demons, use demons to protect gods."

"Heaven chooses things, borrow the law to live forever!"

I saw Bo Nan's body stirred up, and then turned into a pure white human body that was neither male nor female floating in the air.

When Chu Qiguang arrived, he saw this scene. He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Supernatural power?"

Bo Nan's body stood quietly in mid-air. He looked at Chu Qiguang and said calmly: "The weak eat the strong, and things compete with nature. This is the truth of this world."

"My magical power, 'Heaven's Choice', is the supreme magical power based on this."

After saying that, he flashed and came directly in front of Chu Qiguang, and then slapped Chu Qiguang with his palm.


King Kong's Great Freedom collided hard with Bo Nan's palm.

What Chu Qiguang didn't expect was that Bo Nan's palm had no power, almost as light as a mortal.

After being hit by the Great Freedom of King Kong, he flew out covered in blood.

In the library, Juno looked at this scene with confusion, wondering why Bo Nan became weaker after using his magical power.

Emperor Tai Tai on the side seemed to be able to hear the doubts in her heart, and explained: "The Divine Selection is a magical power that can only act on oneself."

"After it is used, his demonic body will change according to the changes in his thoughts. If letting the mind fly can be done by mortals, then Tianyan Shenxuan can let the body fly, allowing the body to be as unrestrained as the mind and change at will."

"To this extent, the physical body can change the mind, and the mind can also change the state of the physical body."

"When it comes to specific applications, Bo Nan will first return to a state similar to the Origin Beast under the influence of Tianyan Divine Selection."

Emperor Tai Tai's eyes flickered, and he seemed to hear Juno's thoughts again:

"You don't know the origin beasts? They are the first batch of lives put into our world by the Emperor of Heaven, and they are also the ancestors of all humans and monsters."

"In short, after returning to the origin beast state, any stimulation... will trigger his natural evolution changes."

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