Ruins of the past

Chapter 855 The siege of Da Zhu’s army

The monsters in the restaurant screamed and began to melt.

Groups of madly screaming flesh and blood gathered together and once again transformed into a wave of disaster.

Bo Nan's monster body broke through to the realm of sainthood, and the sainthood transformation he obtained can be said to combine the characteristics of monsters and Zhengfa itself.

This not only gave him a powerful soul through cultivation, but also possessed the amazing vitality unique to monsters.

His soul can control, heal and even reshape his physical body, and his body can in turn nourish his soul and even strengthen his soul after making sacrifices.

At the same time, long roars were heard from three other locations in the city, seemingly echoing the call of wave disaster.

Those were the three demon immortals who originally ruled Da Zhu. They were completely surrendered after they broke through to become saints in the wave disaster.

Later, the Taoist techniques in Bo Nan's "Destroying Evil Demonstration Volume" invaded the sea of ​​consciousness and manipulated consciousness. The physical body has also been seeded with monsters and is completely parasitic.

Today's Three Saints of Dazhu, from mind to body, have completely become the puppets of Bo Nan.

The next moment, with the howling wind, three demon immortals had already arrived on the wind.

With the help of Da Zhu's resources and the fate of demons conquering people, the three of them also broke through to the realm of manifesting the gods, and completed the Wuwei Sect's sighing world and Wuwei scroll. The surging power of the soul merged into one, and even caused the clouds in the sky to shake violently. Tumbled.

The three demon fairies controlled the strong wind and surrounded Chu Qiguang from different positions.

At the same time, more demon armies took action, gathering towards Chu Qiguang's position amidst the roars of the generals.

If you look from a high altitude, you can see that the entire Feng'an City is moving, and countless monsters are rushing towards Chu Qiguang like a torrent.

Of course, in this process, many monsters were tempted by Tongtian Baoqian and started to handle business.

Bo Nan looked at Chu Qiguang and said coldly: "Chu Qiguang, you can't escape anymore."

At the same time, inside the library.

Emperor Tai Tai suddenly laughed when he heard the report of his protector: "Oh? Chu Qiguang is here? And he has already broken through the realm of sainthood?"

In front of him was a female general wearing armor, who was one of the guardian kings enlightened by Emperor Tai Tai.

Similar to the Dharma Protector King, he can enlighten up to six people.

And this Taoist technique comes from his ‘sacred enlightenment’ of transformation into a saint.

Each Protector Heavenly King not only has infinite fanatical loyalty and admiration for Emperor Tai Tai, but is also able to share his visual, auditory and other information with him.

After enlightenment, the strength of Qi, blood, body, and bones will be greatly improved, and even wisdom, talent, and qualifications will rise to a higher level.

In addition, one of the most important abilities of the Protector Heavenly King is that he can share a weakened version of the Holy Transformation from Emperor Tai Tai.

However, successful enlightenment also requires conditions, that is, the target being enlightened must worship Emperor Tai Tai and have unlimited trust in him.

Juno on the side is the last guardian king appointed by Emperor Tai Tai.

At this moment, when Juno heard the news that Chu Qiguang had arrived and had broken through to the Sainthood, the expression on his face seemed a little complicated.

Juno thought in his heart: 'Chu Qiguang is indeed a gifted genius, and he has achieved the Holy Spirit breakthrough so quickly, but with His Majesty here, I'm afraid...'

At the same time, Emperor Tai Tai slowly moved his fingers through the air, and he could see traces of mist spreading in the study.

"Juno, do you want to see how the fight is going over there?"

Emperor Tai Tai laughed: "Do you want us to make a bet? Let's bet on whether Chu Qiguang can survive the siege of Da Zhu's demon army."

"If Chu Qiguang can escape unharmed, I can grant you a request."

"If he is captured, you must be my guardian king."

Juno asked: "Are there also saints in Dazhu?"

Emperor Tai Tai said calmly: "Of course there is. The Tongsheng's name is Bo Nan. He is a natural-born monster who was dug out of a stone cave by the monsters of Da Zhu."

"Although he is a monster, he still maintains his wisdom. He uses the body of a monster to enter the Tao, manifest his gods, and attain sainthood."

"The roots of this demon are extremely mysterious. Although its magical power is not as good as mine, it is still rare in the world."

"How?" Emperor Tai Tai said, "Juno, do you want to bet?"

Juno sighed helplessly: "Okay, I'll bet."

In fact, Juno understood that besides gambling with Emperor Tai Tai, she had no other better choice or opportunity.

At the same time, the mist passed by Emperor Tai Tai's fingertips gradually formed an image, in which the two people in the center were Chu Qiguang and Bo Nan.

Further away, more and more monsters can be seen gathering, some of them have so much energy and blood that they look like powerful gods of war.

Chu Qiguang looked at the overwhelming army and the many masters present, but he smiled slightly, with an evil light in his eyes.

He looked at the monsters present and said calmly: "You... come together."

Although his voice was cold, it spread through the atmosphere, like thunder exploding above the heads of the demons.

Bo Nan snorted coldly and said: "Struggle to the death."

The next moment, the battle started suddenly.

Rows of powerful monsters such as bear monsters, tiger monsters, lion monsters, etc. with thick muscles and more than three meters in height raised their giant bows and pointed them in the direction of Chu Qiguang.

There are more than three thousand high-level demon clans, all of whom are warriors from the five realms carefully selected from all over Da Zhu. This number alone far exceeds the number of Five Realm warriors owned by the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, they drew their bows and strung their strings, and a heat wave burst out in all directions, as if a midsummer was ushering in all of a sudden.

And a layer of yellow mist flashed on their arrows, which were all arrows that had been sprinkled with Huangtian Dao Talisman Water.

"Dragon and snake rise from the land! Thunder bursts from the sky!"

Along with the shouts of the demon clan, dazzling thunder and lightning suddenly burst out from the arrows.

Immediately afterwards, the long arrow roared out, bringing thousands of thunders with it, turning into a dense rain of arrows and covering the position where Chu Qiguang was, as if thunder was falling from the sky.

Further away, sixteen Taoist Martial Gods all took out javelins made from the spines of Taoist monster beasts and aimed them at the direction of Chu Qiguang.

They are all martial gods who have practiced the "Blood Arrow Sutra". As for the "Blood Arrow Sutra", it naturally flows from Dagan.

"Magical body protection! Invulnerable!"

They also took the talisman water of Huangtian Dao. At this moment, their whole bodies were wrapped in black and yellow energy, and their strength was greatly increased.

"Dragon and snake rise from the land! Thunder bursts from the sky!"

Along with the prayers, their javelins were also wrapped with layers of thunder and lightning.

Immediately afterwards, a series of sixteen air explosions sounded, and the javelin screamed under the violent energy and blood, like sixteen meteors shooting towards Chu Qiguang's position.

In the other direction, an army of thousands of monsters roared one after another.

They were all monsters that Bo Nan had conquered and controlled. At this moment, they were spitting out strong winds and thunderous fire, like thousands of roaring cannons, all exploding in the direction of Chu Qiguang.

Three consecutive troops attacked one after another. Although they did not have any powerful saints, they still made threatening attacks with their numbers, equipment and faith.

Facing such an offensive, most Tongsheng experts will not necessarily be injured, but they will also be constantly consumed.

And if there is another powerful sage present and uses the army to consume, the situation will often be more dangerous.

At the same time, the spiritual power of the three demon immortals merged into one, bringing up a series of terrifying tornadoes that connected the sky and the earth, swallowing Chu Qiguang like giant dragons.

The arrow rain was also accelerated by the strong wind, tearing the air with a scream, and shooting towards Chu Qiguang like black lightning.

As for Bo Nan, a powerful master of Tongsheng, he had already taken action before anyone took action.

Screams erupted from his body, and the dark power of soul spread out.

Thousands of demons who came over screamed and were turned into crazy monsters on the spot.

Then their souls, flesh and blood were extracted by Bo Nanshengsheng, and condensed into a crimson vortex, directly blasting towards Chu Qiguang's position.

The Da Zhu Demon Army was not only a fighting force for Bo Nan, but also a reserve force that he could use at any time.

In this short moment, Chu Qiguang faced the siege of Da Zhu's army, the three demon immortals, and Bo Nan, a powerful sage.

Along with the huge explosion, waves of offensives completely covered his location.

Amidst the atmospheric roar, streets and buildings collapsed in the shock wave.

In the blink of an eye, under the controlled offensive of many experts from Da Zhu, a radius of one kilometer was razed to the ground.

The ground shook constantly, as if there were small earthquakes happening all the time.

Tens of millions of kilograms of smoke and dust rose into the sky, blocking the sky over the city.

At this moment, the battlefield seemed to have turned into a huge meat grinder. Under Bo Nan's command, tens of thousands of monster troops attacked Chu Qiguang in all directions.

Juno looked at this scene with a strong look of worry on his face.

Emperor Tai Tai commented from the side: "He is the Tongsheng Martial God after all. He should not die under this wave of offensive, but he is probably injured. If he doesn't find a way to escape quickly, he will continue to be consumed."

"On the contrary, with the help of Da Zhu's army, Bo Nan can continuously replenish its own consumption and become more courageous as the battle progresses. This is the advantage of home court."

The attack lasted for several minutes. Chu Qiguang's location had turned into a huge pit, and he himself seemed to have been completely swallowed by the attack.

The Da Zhu monsters were also exhausted at this moment and finally stopped attacking.

But the next moment, in their unbelievable eyes, they saw the smoke and dust blown away by a strong wind, and then Chu Qiguang slowly walked out.

At this moment, his whole body was crystal clear, like a perfect statue, walking towards the location of the wave disaster.

Jiaojiao was also shocked and said: "Brother, are you too hard now? And I feel that you have almost no consumption just now, whether it is physical energy or blood, there is almost no consumption."

Chu Qiguang was sick and ignored her, but looked at Bo Nan: "It seems you can't stop me. Why, aren't you ready to escape?"

When Bo Nan heard what Chu Qiguang said, he roared angrily, and Da Zhu's army began to attack again.

The raging tornado struck Chu Qiguang with vacuum shock waves, but dispersed like a breeze.

Amidst the clanging sound of collision, Chu Qiguang advanced directly against javelins, arrows, boulders, wind, fire, and thunder, as if to him, these attacks were really just rain.

The thunder blessed by Emperor Tian Fu Shui flashed across Chu Qiguang's body from time to time, but was ignored.

The demonic dye, which was like a substance, kept sweeping over Chu Qiguang's body, but was also ignored.

Bo Nan's dark soul power penetrated directly into Chu Qiguang's sea of ​​consciousness, but he could only see a bright golden light, extremely solid, like eternal matter, and the consciousness attack also failed.

No attack seems to be able to stop Chu Qiguang's progress, just like waves of waves hitting the rocks, and finally they are broken into waves.

Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to him, Bo Nan had a furious expression on his face.

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "If you don't run away, you won't be able to escape."

Roar! Bo Nan roared furiously and instantly retreated backwards.

There was still a strong unwillingness on his face, and it seemed that he had never thought that he could not do anything to Chu Qiguang.

Seeing this scene, Juno looked ecstatic: "Chu Qiguang is completely above the waves, and the other party can't stop him at all."

She turned to look at Emperor Tai Tai: "Your Majesty, you seem to be losing."

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