Ruins of the past

Chapter 854 Chao Ling


Looking at the trouble in front of him, Chu Qiguang sighed: "I originally wanted to sneak in."

With that said, he walked towards Bo Nan step by step and said, "Do you want to be a Tongsheng? The Tongsheng Dharma taught by Dazhu should be the "Destroying Evil Demonstration Volume" of Wuwei Sect, right?"

Chu Qiguang remembered the names of a series of rectifications of the Wuwei Sect that he had seen in the ruins of Daxia.

Later, when I was in the capital city of Daqian, I heard the Emperor Tiansheng talk about the key points of the righteous method of Wuwei Sect.

'I remember that in "The Demonstration Volume of Destroying Evil", you must first establish the precepts, then abide by the precepts, and finally break the precepts. Release the power of your soul in the levels of establishing, keeping, and breaking, so that the power of thought can not only act on external objects, but also invade. He knows the sea. ’

‘Then speaking of which, maybe the reason why this guy acts so carelessly is because he has practiced the "Destroy Evil Manifestation Scroll"? ’

On the other side, Bo Nan's eyes flashed and he nodded: "Oh? You know a lot, so you should be able to understand the gap between us. The gap between a realm is often absolute, and this is not a dragon. Snake Mountain, there is no Taoist Xuanyuan to lend you strength."

After saying that, Bo Nan laughed: "So how are you going to struggle? Let me enjoy it."

Chu Qiguang continued to walk towards Bo Nan step by step: "Yes, I know the power of Tongsheng very well."

At this moment, he was only a short distance away from the opponent.

The eyes of both parties also collided fiercely, and the turbulent momentum spread out between the two of them, making the monsters around them freeze in place like frightened mice.

But Chu Qiguang showed a smile at this time: "Wuwei teaches the importance of the soul rather than the body."

"You shouldn't have let me get so close to you."

The next moment, Chu Qiguang's figure stepped out with the light of the sky.

In the roaring hurricane, with the monsters watching in surprise, he stretched out his broad palm and pressed Bo Nan's head.

Bo Nan looked calm when he saw this, and even had a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

‘Idiot, how big a gap do you think there is between becoming a saint and manifesting a god? You want to sneak up on me at close range? ’

As his thoughts moved, the energy of his soul that was visible to the naked eye suddenly erupted all over his body, and like a copper wall, it slammed into Chu Qiguang.

But the moment the soul power collided with the opponent's physical body, Bo Nan's expression suddenly changed.

He found that his spiritual power was shaken by the opponent's physical body, and he didn't know how to lose half of his power.

Then after it acted on the opponent's golden body, 90% of its power was inexplicably offset.

The originally turbulent spiritual power finally swept through the opponent's body like a breeze, but failed to produce the slightest effect.

The distance between the two sides was too close, and he had no time to change his moves. He could only watch in disbelief as the opponent's palm covered his face inch by inch.

There was a loud bang among the fire that shot into the sky.

In the horrified eyes of all the monsters, Chu Qiguang pressed Bo Nan's head, and the floor shattered with a roar from both sides, and then he crashed into the ground.

There was a loud bang! There was a huge tremor on the ground for several kilometers around, so many monsters were startled that they thought it was an earthquake.

Under Chu Qiguang's squeeze, Bo Nan's body instantly erupted into a large amount of blood mist.

He felt like he was being pressed down by a mountain at this moment.

At the same time, the muscles, qi, blood, and bones all over the body were shaking violently and it was difficult to control.

And he could also feel that his head was still pressed to the ground by Chu Qiguang.


Bo Nan's face looked ferocious, and steel wire-like tentacles suddenly sprouted out.

At the end of the tentacles are terrifying mouthparts, creating afterimages that want to tear Chu Qiguang's palm into pieces.

But Chu Qiguang's whole body had turned into a vajra body.

The mouthpart bit Chu Qiguang's palm, and he only felt an eternal solidity. Not only was there no place to bite, but he was even shaken by the bang, which made his whole body numb.

Instead, under Chu Qiguang's explosive pressure, the tentacles and Bo Nan's head squeezed together and exploded into a ball of minced meat.

‘Martial arts is all about sneak attacks and pretense. ’ Jiaojiao looked at this scene and said with admiration: ‘My brother really understands martial arts. ’

If it is an ordinary, powerful saint who maintains a regular body.

His head was crushed by the God of War at such close range, and he was certain to die.

But it was obvious that Bo Nan was not an ordinary sage master, but a monster.

His body was seen shaking violently, and there seemed to be roars coming from inside his body.

However, Chu Qiguang struck out with another palm, shaking Bo Nan's body into a bloody mist.

Immediately afterwards, money light appeared behind Chu Qiguang's head, like a halo surrounding his head.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of treasure notes shot out from the halo and fell to every corner of the city.

After those sky-high treasure notes flew around the city, they sprouted arms, legs and wings, and then a soft voice came out: "Who wants to apply for a Qi and Blood Credit Card? You can use the power you will cultivate in the future today. Apply now. The credit card also comes with a Qi-blood loan limit."

Many monsters were so frightened that they backed away when they saw the sky-tall treasure notes falling like meteors.

But as Chao Ling's voice came out, several monsters froze and walked toward Tongtian Baochao as if they had lost their souls.

The monster on the side was shocked when he saw this scene, and quickly grabbed the other person, trying to drag him away.

At this moment, a voice sounded in the back of his head: "Sir, our bank has recently launched a customer benefit. Apply for a card and get martial arts. Do you want to know about it?"

A trace of resistance flashed on the monster's face, but he slowly turned his head and looked at the Tongtian Baochao flapping its wings. Finally, he gradually lost his temper in the gentle voice of Chao Ling and started doing business obediently.

Jiaojiao, who sensed this scene, had a look of disgust on her face: 'Forcibly opening an account... This technique is too evil. If you get a little involved, you will unknowingly owe a huge debt...'

And just when the Tongtian Baobao spread automatically, Chu Qiguang, the instigator, looked at the location of the disaster again.

I saw a strange shadow emerging from the broken flesh and blood.

The strange figure seemed to have a basic human shape, but its whole body was covered with strange organs and tentacles, and it erupted into bursts of low roars while it was constantly twisting.

This is exactly the soul of Bo Nan. The Zhengfa of Wuwei Sect puts less emphasis on the physical body and emphasizes the soul. It can be said that the soul is his strongest power.

As a monster, Bo Nan can even survive as a spirit alone without a physical body.

The extremely deep and dark power of the soul burst out from it, and the demonic dye it brought turned the entire restaurant into a demonic realm. The monsters tore their skin and flesh in crazy roars, twisted and deformed, and finally turned into irrational monsters.

At the same time, Bo Nan's voice came from the soul.

"Chu Qiguang, I am very happy that you can break through to the Holy Level. I am extremely happy."

"Because in this case, I don't have to worry about you being played to death by me too easily."

"As for this kind of body, I can have as many as I want."

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