Ruins of the past

Chapter 824 Full Dragon Banquet and Heavenly Master Certification

Methods of using dragon scales and bones to refine weapons and armor are not unknown in the Central Plains. For example, the royal family of the Han Dynasty is said to have dragon armor made during the period of Taizu of the Han Dynasty.

But in Chu Qiguang's view, the level of the group members is higher. If they can obtain their technology to use these dragon bones and dragon scales, it will obviously have better results.

Without technical support from the Book of Emptiness for the time being, Chu Qiguang arranged for people to start cooking dragon meat and dragon blood.

The recipes provided by Qunxing Gourmet are tailor-made based on the information told by Chu Qiguang. They are fully adaptable to this world and are not complicated.

The name of the recipe is called Whole Dragon Feast. It uses different parts of dragon meat in different cooking methods, and finally gets ten dragon dishes.

As long as you eat these ten dragon dishes from beginning to end, you will achieve a transformation.

According to Star Gourmet, there is not one type of transformation, but there are several possibilities, varying in strength and weakness.

So in the next few days, the people arranged by Chu Qiguang began to marinate dragon meat and prepare dragon blood with some common herbs according to the recipe.

They also burned incense, bathed, prayed and arranged rituals before the pickling process.

Then they heated the dragon meat in a specific way, smeared the dragon's blood on the dragon meat in the shape of runes, and then sprinkled it on the various spices prepared in advance, while reciting mysterious incantations...

A few days later, a feast was placed in front of Chu Qiguang, including ten dishes such as appetizer dragon head soup, steamed dragon head, hot and sour dragon miscellaneous, fresh dragon meatballs in soup, and braised dragon steak.

Because a whole dragon is used, the whole dragon feast is very large.

Almost every dish is placed on a plate that takes up an entire table.

The ten dragon dishes in front of Chu Qiguang were placed on ten tables.

These dishes cooked with special rituals and incantations seemed to contain a strange magic power, which attracted Chu Qiguang's attention at just one glance.

He felt his saliva secretion, gastrointestinal motility, and a strong sense of hunger in his body.

As far as he knew, during this period of time when dragon dishes were being cooked, there were chefs or warriors who couldn't bear the temptation of these dishes and couldn't help but want to eat them secretly.

Fortunately, the monsters' heavy surveillance stopped them.

At this moment, feeling the temptation coming from the food, Chu Qiguang understood how those people felt.

"Sure enough, it's not a mortal thing."

After Chu Qiguang's seeker eyes scanned the ten tables of delicacies, lines of writing flashed across them.

"Full dragon feast."

“A delicacy created by a mysterious being deep within the stars.”

“Use a whole dragon to cook ten different flavors of dragon dishes.”

"It is said that if you can eat it all in one go."

"There will be a powerful transformation."

After the seeker's eyes found no problems, Chu Qiguang ate in big mouthfuls.

The fragrant dragon steak was taken in one bite, and the rich juice exploded instantly in Chu Qiguang's mouth. The large pieces of dragon meat melted like ice and snow, turning into waves of heat that spread all over his body.

Even Chu Qiguang had to admit at this moment that the deliciousness of this dragon steak was far beyond his imagination.

So after a while of devouring, Chu Qiguang devoured the entire dragon steak on the table, and then stared at the next dish.

However, the portion of dragon vegetables was far beyond what ordinary people could bear, and even Chu Qiguang felt a little full at this moment.

So while eating meat, he circulated the power of Qi and blood to speed up digestion and absorption in the intestines and stomach.

I ate like this for more than an hour before finishing the entire Dragon Feast.

This can only be achieved by his martial arts cultivation in the realm of manifesting gods. A martial artist who has entered the realm of martial arts may have to eat for several days, and a warrior who has entered the realm of martial arts may be stretched to death.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang also felt an overwhelming sense of fullness. The surging heat flowed back and forth in his body, and finally gradually dissipated, as if it had been completely absorbed by his body.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to undergo subtle changes, and the sound of dragon roars spread through the body, constantly shaking Chu Qiguang's flesh and blood.

And the seeker also saw a new transformation in his eyes.

"Dragons from all over the world."

"The transformation into a saint obtained after eating the whole dragon feast."

"Being able to breathe and move freely in the water without being affected."

"If you are in the sea, you will not be afraid of storms and tsunamis, and you will be blessed by the ancient dragon's great power."

"It doesn't matter if the rivers and oceans turn upside down."

"It is said that the deep sea contains endless mysteries."

"And the ancient dragons were originally born here."

Seeing this new transformation, Chu Qiguang was slightly surprised, and then overjoyed.

Originally, he thought that after finishing the Dragon Banquet, he would be able to achieve a divine transformation at most, but he did not expect that he would be able to obtain the Holy Transformation.

It stands to reason that his current state has not yet reached the level of sainthood, and he cannot have the transformation of this state.

But the Quanlong Banquet actually allowed Qiu to obtain a kind of saint transformation, which was an unexpected surprise.

"It's easy to describe the transformation of the river and the sea... The description of the transformation of the river and the sea is a bit too ambiguous, and I don't know what the specific effect is. But since it is the transformation of the Holy Spirit, the effect is definitely not weak."

This face-to-face confrontation with Taiyuan Dragon Emperor made him clearly feel the power of the Tongsheng realm, and he understood that the transformation of this realm must be no small matter.

"However, this Four Seas Dragon is mainly effective in the sea, and its applicable range is a bit smaller."

But Chu Qiguang then thought about it. If he had a war with the Dragon Clan in the future, there might be a lot of naval battles. Then the Four Seas Dragons would be useful.

After finishing the Quanlong Banquet, Chu Qiguang once again devoted himself to a new round of training and management.

During the day, he needs to manage the operations of the entire chamber of commerce and coordinate the overall fight against demons. At night, he also needs to circulate his energy and blood to do his part to make up for the shortfall of Tianxia Tongxing.

Under his leadership, the chambers of commerce in Shuzhou, Lingzhou, and Donghai were all flourishing, and the Qi and blood deficiencies in the world were gradually filled.

Under the influence of him, Huang Daoxu, and Ji Haoran, the forces of many sects and aristocratic families gradually reached an agreement to jointly fight against the demon.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Yong'an 21st year, September.

Chu Qiguang returned to Night City that day and was listening to Jin Nu's report.

"The targeted cultivation of monsters developed under the leadership of Li Yaofeng has achieved phased results. It has been able to mass-produce five basic types of monsters through the blood pool, and the monsters are blessed on a new generation of universal Qi and blood machines..."

Chu Qiguang said: "Schedule the time. I want to check and accept it. If there is no problem, let them prepare the monster for the market."

Jinnu: "According to the report from Maochang Qianhu Baimi, the person in charge of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce in Shangyuan Mansion has lost his ideals and beliefs, is keen on political speculation, illegally accepted gifts, and engaged in power-for-money transactions. Your approval is required to apply for arrest..."

Chu Qiguang: "Approved."

Jin Nu: "The total number of members of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce has exceeded 20,000, the number of people who actively complete characters every day has exceeded 5,000, and the number of people who redeem martial arts every day has exceeded 3,000..."

"Huang Daoxu, the leader of the Tianshi Sect, will visit Shuzhou on the first day of next month. Here is a four-day visit plan that needs your approval."

Chu Qiguang glanced at it and said casually: "Arrange the Qi and Blood Workshop in Night City."

Jin Nu was stunned for a moment, then showed a somewhat human expression: "The Celestial Master Sect seems to have a very negative tendency towards demons."

Chu Qiguang nodded when he heard the words and agreed: "You are right, you must respect the beliefs and customs of the Tianshi Sect."

"Tell Li Yaofeng to engrave more statues of Taoist Xuanyuan on the qi and blood machines in the warehouse."

"Go back to the master of Shuzhou Daogang Division to open it. The Qi and Blood Machine that has been opened will be deemed to have been certified by the Heavenly Master. The price of Qi and Blood Machines that have been certified in the future will be tripled."

"The new generation of Qi and blood machines is about to be launched. If Huang Daoxu is not allowed to visit, how can I sell the backlog of inventory to him?"

"If all the Celestial Masters can be equipped with Qi and Blood Machines, it will be easier to resist demons in the future."

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