Ruins of the past

Chapter 823 New Employees and Recipes

Feeling the energy and blood flowing into his body like an endless stream, the Canglong King felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Not only because of the increase in qi and blood power in the body, but also because this qi and blood power belongs to Chu Qiguang.

But then he followed Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's instructions and transferred the energy and blood power back into the account in Tongtian Baobao.

Taiyuan Dragon Emperor continued: "It's not enough, you can borrow some more and punch it in."

Anyway, the power of Qi and blood was not used, and the Canglong King didn't feel bad. Hearing this, he clicked on the function of borrowing Qi and blood.

"Hey, someone pretended to be your identity and stole Chu Qiguang's energy and blood. They are now targeting you. The only way now is to put the energy and blood power into a safe account..."

"The transfer failed, please try again."

"There's something wrong with this Tongtian Baobao. If you don't stop it, half of your energy and blood will be extracted every day. You should do as I say..."

"Huh? As long as you take off your clothes, you can get the power of blood. Do you want to give it a try?"

Originally, because of the death and resurrection of the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, Canglong King's mood fluctuated greatly, and he obeyed the Dragon Emperor's words even under the agitation.

But after a while of Qi and blood manipulation, he gradually returned to calmness.

Watching himself go from borrowing to transferring money, the energy and blood flowed from Tongtian Baocao to him again and again, and then returned from him to Tongtian Baocao.

It was obvious that he didn't have any vitality in his body at this moment, but the loan amount continued to increase, and in the blink of an eye it had reached a point where he felt a little bad.

When he heard Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's last words, he felt something was wrong more and more. His cold dragon eyes swept across the Dragon Emperor in front of him: "You are not the Dragon Emperor."

Taiyuan Dragon Emperor laughed and let out a low voice like a girl's barbell: "Stupid dragon, it took you so long to find out? Are all the dragons in the East China Sea as stupid as you?"

"My brother also said that you are a serious threat to the human race. I think I can deceive you all by myself."

When the Canglong King heard these words, he saw the blasphemous way the other party was manipulating the Dragon Emperor's body. The dragon opened its mouth and roared, then jumped up and tried to subdue the other party.

But he had already been weakened by a large amount of drugs and talismans, but now he staggered and fell to the ground.

Just listen to the female voice continue to say: "Stupid dragon, you have already owed a lot of debt. You can't pay it off next time. Follow me and go to Shuzhou to work and pay off the debt."

Canglong King felt the Tongtian Baozao inside his body tremble, and it slowly crawled out and fell into the opponent's hand.

This heavenly treasure note fed to him by Chu Qiguang personally was specially refined by Chu Qiguang.

Not only does it possess a large amount of Qi and blood, but it is also fused with many Tongtian treasure notes, which is equivalent to a branch that is popular in the world, and its various functions are quite complete.

The Canglong King remembered what he had just done and couldn't help shouting: "I didn't keep any of the energy and blood power that I lent, and I have already returned this treasure banknote to the sky."


The other party controlled Taiyuan Dragon Emperor's dragon claw, tapped on the Tongtian treasure note and said: "You have borrowed all the energy and blood power inside."

"As for what you typed in, we didn't receive it."

"Tongtian treasure banknotes are universally accepted. Once they leave the counter, we will not be held responsible."

"You'd better come with us."

Donghaizhou, ascend to the sky.

Jinnu said to Chu Qiguang who was at the table: "Mr. Chu, a message has been sent from Jiaojiao that Canglong King has officially joined the job."

"Oh?" Chu Qiguang's eyes flashed, and while swiping his fingertips on the Book of Emptiness, he said: "King Canglong is a die-hard racist. Jiaojiao can recruit him. It seems that he has really learned. I’m pretty capable.”

"Tell her that although the Canglong King is from the Dragon Clan, he has excellent talents and is among the best in the world in martial arts. He must be put to good use after arriving in Shuzhou, and he must not rest for a day."

After giving instructions to Jin Nu, Chu Qiguang looked at the Book of Emptiness again.

‘The chat group is very lively today. ’

I saw lines of text jumping out of the book of emptiness at this moment. Apparently there were many people speaking.

Emperor: You idiot, if you meet us, you will be lucky in this life.

Kuang Ye Qiong: Hee hee, our high-end monastic group does not accept people casually. Anyone here is a big shot who dominates the starry sky and controls the fate of hundreds of millions of people. Any advice you get from anyone is enough to make you a key training target of Blind Mountain in the future.

Blind Mountain Tianchi: Thank you seniors for your guidance.

In the Book of Emptiness at this moment, Zhou Bai, represented by the emperor, and another being named Kuanghao Yeqiong were deceiving a newcomer together.

Kuanghao Yeqiong was the group of friends who asked Chu Qiguang to pray to Yuanshi Tianzun last time.

As for cheating... at least in Chu Qiguang's opinion, he was cheating on the other party's Taoist skills.

However, although the blind mountain idiot seemed to keep saying yes, he did not take any actual actions. It seemed that he was still half-convinced by what the emperor and Kuanghao Yeqiong said.

Chu Qiguang, on the other hand, was silently observing the conversation between the three of them and collecting some information from Tianwai.

The so-called Blind Mountain seems to be a very powerful sect in the outer world, occupying many starry skies, ruling a large number of living beings, and is also a believer of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Shortly after the conversation between the two parties ended, Qunxing Gourmet sent a message: Tongtian, are you there?

Tongtian: Yes.

Stars Gourmet: The recipe is ready, I’ll send it to you.

According to you, the quality of that dragon is good, maybe it can be regarded as A3 or A4 level dragon meat.

I specially created a new dish based on your environment. The preparation is simple and the taste is rich, which can fully bring out the flavor of dragon meat.

Remember to send me a review after you finish cooking and eating.

After the other party said this, he sent a long string of texts, all of which were about how to deal with dragon meat and dragon blood.

The so-called cooking of gourmets among the stars is also very different from that of ordinary people. Various cooking techniques all rely on the natural environment and even extraordinary power, and also involve some strange rituals and incantations.

Ever since the other party last taught Chu Qiguang how to condense dragon blood and obtained the transformation of flying after taking it, Chu Qiguang had become interested in this gourmet of stars.

Not only was the other party very useful, but during the time he was diving in this group, Chu Qiguang discovered that there were some weird things about the other group members. Only Future Demon and this star gourmet looked like normal people.

Among them, the future devil has a cold temperament, and the star gourmets are much gentler in their conversation.

After getting the dragon meat this time, he first thought of the Book of Emptiness.

The other person seemed to be very interested in cooking and responded quickly. After some inquiries, he started developing recipes.

Now that he got the recipe, Chu Qiguang was eager to try it and planned to tell his employees to try it as soon as possible.

Tongtian: Got it, thank you.

Stars Gourmet: Haha, as long as it works. There is no need to thank me, we are all beings abandoned by this universe. If we cannot keep each other warm, our final demise will be just a matter of time.

Tongtian: I wonder if anyone in the group knows the refining method of dragon scales and dragon armor that I asked about last time.

Star Gourmet: Hmm... The one who is best at making weapons in the group is probably the Greedy King, but this guy has not been online for a long time. He may be working on some big project again. If you are not in a hurry, just wait.

There is another chapter being written

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