Ruins of the past

Chapter 802 Life and Death

King Ying Long's dragon eyes flashed slightly, he glanced at the Tongtian treasure note handed out by King Cang Long, and said casually: "It seems to be some kind of treasure that contains the power of Qi and blood."

"Perhaps it's because of this thing that Chu Qiguang was able to enter the Tao and show off his martial arts at such a young age."

Canglong King nodded: "I think so too."

The Mirage Dragon King who was hiding in the dark frowned instinctively. He was hiding in the dark and had seen with his own eyes how Chu Qiguang was impressed by the two great martial gods and the descendants of Daxia.

At this moment, Huang Huangpeng had already spoken: "Dragon King, are you sure that Chu Qiguang was killed by you? This man's martial arts are earth-shattering, could he be deceitful?"

The Canglong King snorted coldly, and a burst of energy and blood erupted from the dragon's body.

"Shut up, you have no business talking here."

Huang Huangpeng gritted his teeth. Although he knew that almost all the upper-level dragons were extremely arrogant and looked down on humans, the arrogance and domineering behavior shown by the Cang Dragon King in front of him was still far beyond his expectation.

At this moment, the voice of the Mirage Dragon King came to his ears: "Taoist Huang, before the Cang Dragon King entered the Tao, he participated in the war between the Dragon Clan and the Han Dynasty more than two hundred years ago. In his heart, he always had feelings for the human race. You don’t have to worry about being biased.”

"And I know very well how powerful Chu Qiguang is, but Canglong King has also mastered the "Abyssal Dragon Earth Cry", and has the blessing of His Majesty's spiritual veins."

"Even if Chu Qiguang cheats his death, he won't feel comfortable. I will also guard against him."

The three giant dragons on the other side could not hear the communication between the Mirage Dragon King and Huang Huangpeng, which was covered by the mirage.

Their topic has shifted from Chu Qiguang to the situation in Long Snake Mountain.

Cloud Dragon King, who was covered in smoke, looked at the growing 'giant tree' and said: "At present, it seems that the spirit transformation method passed down by 'Shi', as well as the soul of the ancient dragon... it seems that it is indeed real. of."

"Then as long as we can get the other half of the spirit-transformation method, our clan can re-transform into the appearance of the first-generation ancient dragon. Not only will we not be afraid of demon contamination, but we will also be able to live as long as heaven and earth, return to the Huangtian Sect, and regain the glory of the ancient times."

Hearing the words of King Yunlong, the eyes of the other three dragon kings also exuded a hint of excitement.

Just because the demon stain is getting worse day by day, even they, as dragons, are becoming more and more affected by the demon stain.

Especially giant dragons like Canglong King who have experienced great demon stains are deeply afraid of the increasing number of demon stains.

It's not like they haven't thought of ways over the years, but no matter what, it's difficult to stop the growth of demonic stains in the entire world.

Even the birth of young dragons has been affected by this, and the number of dragons has been slowing down in the past hundred years.

It is conceivable that if this continues, as the magic dye continues to grow, one day the magic dye will be so strong that all the dragon clan will be unable to resist it, and the entire dragon clan will be destroyed by then.

In recent years, the growth rate of Mo Ran has been increasing.

The only way is to ask for help from the external gods and the Emperor.

For example, this method of transforming spirits from outside the world allowed the Dragon Emperor to reawaken the ancient dragon bloodline and transform into a semi-spiritual existence, no longer afraid of demon contamination.

For the East China Sea Dragon Clan, attacking the Central Plains and attacking Dragon Snake Mountain is not just an ordinary battle, but a battle related to the life and death of the entire clan.

King Yinglong's wings emitted colorful light from his back. He looked at the Tianshi Sect's main altar and said calmly: "The great catastrophe is coming. If our clan wants to survive it safely, we must not let anything go wrong in the battle of Dragon Snake Mountain. You will die here." War is inevitable."

The three dragon kings immediately agreed.

When Huang Huangpeng heard this, his eyes flashed with envy.

After all, the dragon clan was originally born to serve the emperor. In Huang Huangpeng's view, they are also the group in the world that is least worried about the tearing of the aura layer and the arrival of foreign gods.

Even more than three hundred years ago, the East China Sea Dragon Clan competed in the Central Plains, exterminated the human race, and collapsed Daxia. It was most likely related to Emperor Tian's instructions, in order to tear apart the Gang Qi layer.

‘The demon contamination is getting worse day by day, and one day, it will form a wave of demons sweeping the world. By then, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands or millions of people will turn into monsters. ’

‘Only an external god like Huang Tian has the ability to solve this disaster. ’

'What's more, under the destiny of demons to conquer humans, it is only a matter of time before the Gang Qi layer breaks...'

In Huang Huangpeng's view, since the Gang Qi layer will break sooner or later, and since the demon dye is getting more and more serious, it is better to let the Gang Qi layer break early and let the outer gods come to solve the demon dye crisis.

'At that time, whether you become a believer of an alien god, become a citizen of an alien god, or be killed by thousands of alien gods...even if it is used as food or supplies, at least the human race will have a chance to continue. . ’

'And if you can believe in the Emperor and let the Emperor rule the world, it will be better than the current emperor...'

'It's a pity that neither the master nor the short-sighted people from the Holy Fire Sect and Baiyang Sect understand my painstaking efforts. ’

Although many powerful human beings do not understand Huang Huangpeng's thoughts, he believes that the human beings who survive the demon-stained catastrophe in the future will definitely understand the reasons for his choice.

‘Taking refuge in foreign gods is the only way for humankind to survive the catastrophe. ’

Just as Huang Huangpeng was thinking, the situation on Long Snake Mountain had changed again.

I saw the whole mountain was surging with wind and clouds, and huge cyclones appeared on the giant trees.

"Is it going to be done?"

Huang Huangpeng knew that the strongest person in the Dragon Clan today was the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor, and what he practiced when he entered Taoism was the same Zhengfa "Five Songs of Earth Yuan" as Emperor Yong'an.

This Feng Shui method of entering the Tao was originally a unique skill of the Dragon Clan. Even the Han royal family only snatched it from the Dragon Clan two hundred years ago.

Corresponding to the "Sage Wangqi" practiced by Emperor Yong'an, the correct method of manifesting the spirit practiced by Taiyuan Dragon Emperor is called "Saint Dragon Wangqi".

After becoming a semi-spiritual person, it is said that he even completed the legendary "Grand Burial of the Heavenly Dragon" and entered the realm of sainthood.

Huang Huangpeng secretly thought: 'After the Taiyuan Dragon Emperor became semi-spiritual, his physical body gradually turned into a rock-like existence, but it still continued to expand. ’

'It is said that he later used the rock body as a base to set up a great Feng Shui array on his body to condense the good and evil spirits. ’

‘Now that he has taken root in Dragon Snake Mountain, he has gradually turned the entire mountain into a part of him, and also spread his own formation. ’

‘Once he completely integrates the spiritual veins of Dragon Snake Mountain and envelops Long Snake Mountain in a large formation, no one in the Tianshi Sect will be able to stop him. Even if the Taoist Master possesses the master, it will be useless. ’

The Mirage Dragon King on the side heard Huang Huangpeng's question and replied: "We haven't succeeded yet. Huang Daoxu is using the power of Xuanyuan Taoist to resist His Majesty's erosion in his spiritual veins."

"But after all, he doesn't know the way of Feng Shui. The Taoist priest was destroyed by us in the divine sacrifice. At this moment, he is disturbed by his own evil thoughts."

"All obstruction is in vain."

Two hours later, the giant tree growing out of Dragon Snake Mountain became more and more dragon-like. It even stretched out its dragon claws and began to twist its body slightly, causing the mountain and the earth to tremble continuously.

King Ying Long said: "Be careful, Huang Daoxu and Dao Master Xuanyuan will never be captured without mercy..."

At this moment, he saw a huge Buddhist door suddenly open in mid-air, and powerful auras poured out from it one after another.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all happiness and good health, and a happy family

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