Ruins of the past

Chapter 801 The Original Ancient Dragon

Fu Nanzi looked up and saw three giant dragons of different shapes soaring in the mid-air, exuding waves of astonishing pressure.

Next to him was Wang Feipian, the newly appointed leader of the Sword Academy of the Tianshi Sect. He clenched his fists slightly and said, "Hateful! If it had been a few months later, after the Taoist Master woke up, it would be the turn of these demonic dragons to be rampant."

Fu Nanzi sighed: "The Dragon Clan came prepared. They must have known in advance the day when Taoist Master would wake up."

"We are pretending to withdraw our troops now, but secretly we are preparing to prevent the Taoist Lord from coming."

"Especially since the Dragon Emperor connected himself to the spiritual veins of Dragon Snake Mountain, even if he completed the "Grand Burial of the Heavenly Dragon", he would never be able to do this without the early cooperation of people within the Tianshi Sect."

Wang Feipian gritted his teeth and said: "Huang Huangpeng... must have been tipped off by a traitor, so that the Dragon Clan could seize this opportunity. I'm afraid there are also his accomplices in the sect."

The three giant dragons in the sky have different shapes. One of them is covered with yellow scales and has colorful wings on its back. It is the Yinglong King of the East China Sea Dragon Clan.

Among the other two giant dragons, the one with a body like a long snake, a unicorn head, a carp tail, and a long beard on the face is the Canglong King.

There was another one, surrounded by clouds and mist, with bursts of fire emitting from the dragon scales. It was the Cloud Dragon King.

In the sea of ​​clouds, there is also the Mirage Dragon King, who is hiding in the dark with the Golden Peng.

Among the four dragon kings, headed by Dragon King Ying, looking at the Celestial Master Sect's main altar below shrouded in golden light, waves of light were flowing in the dragon's eyes, the meaning of which was unclear.

At this moment, the Canglong King on the side said: "This Xuanyuan Taoist is indeed the pinnacle of the human race. After being infected by the great devil, the consciousness in his body was split, and he was still able to survive in the Xuanyuan God Realm for two hundred years."

King Yunlong said: "Your Majesty has become attuned to the spiritual veins of Longshen Mountain. As long as he takes root here, Taoist Xuanyuan will never wake up..."

At this moment, King Ying Long suddenly flashed his eyes, looked down the mountain, and said coldly: "The human race Martial God has gone up the mountain."

"He's not a powerful guy, Canglong King, go and deal with him."

The Canglong King roared wildly and looked towards the direction Chu Qiguang was going up the mountain. With a flick of its tail, the dragon's tail drew out waves of air and flew away.

Just as he was leaving, the Mirage Dragon King, who had been silent all this time, said: "Cang Dragon King, that person seems to be Chu Qiguang, you should be careful."

"Oh? This person is Chu Qiguang? The number one Martial God of the human race?"

Canglong King laughed when he heard this and said: "It's a pity that no matter how strong the human race is, due to innate limitations, it is impossible for the martial arts to surpass my race. Let me see how many moves he can take from me."

Chu Qiguang was currently controlling the monster's clone. While going up the mountain, he kept observing the situation of the spiritual dragon with the eyes of a seeker.

The more he looked at him, the more frightened he became.

"Still growing up?"

The so-called spiritual dragon is like a big tree that has penetrated into the mountain of Longshen Mountain, and with waves of tremors, it continues to absorb all kinds of vegetation, sand, and rocks in the mountain, and then becomes more and more... The bigger.

At the same time, he also consulted Qiao Zhi on the other side.

Hearing the situation described by Chu Qiguang, Qiao Zhi said in surprise: "As far as I know, the so-called spiritual veins should be a kind of power distributed in the mountains and rivers around the world. It is a saying in Feng Shui. It’s related to a party’s luck, geology, environment, etc.”

Chu Qiguang nodded. The spiritual veins in this world were very similar to what he said about the dragon veins on earth in the past. The only difference was that the dragons in this world were hated by the human race, so the names were different.

Chu Qiguang continued: "Have you ever heard of the relationship between ancient dragons and spiritual veins?"

Qiao Zhi said: "Someone has said something like this. It is said that the original generation of ancient dragons did not actually have a real body, but a kind of 'power' lurking in the mountains and rivers."

"They are immortal and coexist with the heaven and earth. They like to reveal their existence through rocks, rocks, soil, rivers and sea water."

"Over a long period of time, they sometimes used rocks to form unicorns, and sometimes used rivers to turn into giant snakes... Finally, they adopted the characteristics of various monsters to create their own images."

"The later ancient dragons gradually transformed from invisible spiritual veins into tangible and qualitative existence, which is what most dragons look like..."

Chu Qiguang asked again: "Are there any ancient dragons among the East China Sea Dragon Clan now?"

Qiao Zhi frowned and said: "The current East China Sea dragon clan is too far away from the era of ancient dragons. They should all be dragon clans with flesh and blood. They have nothing to do with ancient dragons for a long time..."

Just as Chu Qiguang and Qiao Zhi were communicating, a strong wind roared in, blowing the surrounding big trees up from the ground, flying into the sky and being crushed to pieces.

A giant shadow has appeared above Chu Qiguang's head, it is the Cang Long King who is coming.

He looked at Chu Qiguang below, with a cruel smile on his lips, and said slowly: "Are you Chu Qiguang?"

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly, looked at the fourteen halos behind the other party, and secretly thought of trouble.

"Who are you? With your strength, you are definitely a high-ranking member of the East China Sea Dragon Clan."

When the Canglong King heard this, he roared wildly, and his dragon claws the size of a carriage were already grabbing at Chu Qiguang: "Want to know who I am? Take my move first and then talk."

Under the bombardment of the dragon claws, the terrifying Gang Qi struck at high speed.

Chu Qiguang frowned slightly when he saw this scene. His monster clone came from Hercules, which is the level of a martial god. How could he be an opponent of the other party?

However, he was not completely unprepared. Seeing the power of the opponent's attack, the Tongtian Baobao in his body began to emit the power of fiery energy and blood.

I saw that the energy and blood in his body surged out, and he had already collided with the opponent with the same palm.

There was a bang, and the airflow within a hundred meters radius seemed to be boiling, and there was a crackling sound.

"Oh? Sure enough, he has the power to manifest the realm of gods." The Canglong King moved and rushed to the ground: "Then I should be more serious."

Chu Qiguang watched the huge dragon body swooping towards the ground. Just when he thought the opponent was about to hit the ground, he saw the dragon body of the Cang Dragon King melting into the sea like a drop of water. Integrated into the earth.

A moment later, the wind roared and the earth collapsed.

The body controlled by Chu Qiguang was bombarded into a bloody mist during a fierce resistance, and dissipated invisible with the strong wind.

"too weak."

The Canglong King's figure slowly emerged from the earth, and he was slightly startled when he saw the sky-tearing treasure notes flying out of the blood mist.

This was the first time he saw something explode after someone was beaten to death.

So he stretched out his dragon claws and took the Heavenly Treasure Note into his claws. Then he flicked the dragon's tail and flew back to its original position.

"Then Chu Qiguang is vulnerable to a single blow. The so-called number one martial god of the human race is exaggerated, and I have already killed him on the spot."

"After he died, a strange thing appeared. Come and see what it is."

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