Ruins of the past

Chapter 651 Choice

"On the contrary... if you are unwilling to hand over this evil god's thing, Ambassador Chu, then I can only suspect that you are a disciple of Huangtian."

"Then even if I try to get injured, I will suppress you on Dragon Snake Mountain today."

As Huang Daoxu finished speaking, the Tianshi Seal in his hand suddenly burst out with divine light, and the Tianshi Dojo suddenly activated.

Golden figures spread out with Huang Daoxu as the center, surrounding him like statues of gods. Some manipulated wind and thunder, some breathed water and fire, and some suppressed demons.

At this moment, Huang Daoxu was like the god of gods descending into the world, and the aura that burst out was enough to make people worship him.

At the same time, the thunder formed by Hao Zhentian's ringing sword shuttled back and forth among the clouds, like giant dragons, sticking his head out from time to time and looking at Chu Qiguang.

And within his body, the undead flesh and blood squirmed back and forth, providing him with an endless supply of vitality.

At this moment, Huang Daoxu possesses the four powers of "The True One to Defeat Demons", the Celestial Master's Seal, the Hao Zhentian Sword and the Immortal.

He is confident that the current self... is the best in the world.

With Huang Daoxu's sudden outburst, the entire scene fell into silence, and the words spoken by this number one person in the world caused a stir in everyone's hearts.

‘Chu Qiguang is a believer of Emperor Tian Evil God? ’

‘Is he a cultist? ’

‘No way… I heard that Chu Qi Guangming is a follower of Tao Zun. ’

Everyone looked at Chu Qiguang, and at this moment all the pressure seemed to be concentrated on him.

Fu Nanzi gently put his hand on his medicine gourd.

Wang Zhishan's fingertips slowly pinched the talisman.

The strong men of the Tianshi Sect naturally followed Huang Daoxu, not to mention that Chu Qiguang was indeed full of doubts and was suspected of colluding with foreign gods.

Many other people present had not yet figured out what was going on, and felt that suddenly Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu were at war with each other.

In this solemn atmosphere, a kind voice sounded.

"Both of you are the pillars of my Han Dynasty, and they are also unparalleled talents of our human race. How can you destroy harmony by fighting? I think there must be some misunderstanding. Why don't you two give me face and sit down and talk."

The person who spoke was none other than Zhong Shan'e, the former head coach of Zhenmo Division and now a senior figure in the imperial court of Lingzhou Qianhu.

As a veteran of Emperor Yong'an and Chu Qiguang's master, although his strength was not the strongest among everyone present, his seniority and status were not low.

Hearing his words, Huang Daoxu nodded, and his tone softened a little: "As long as Chu Zhenshi is willing to hand over the hair of the god, the rest can be discussed on Dragon Snake Mountain."

Zhong Shan'e looked at Chu Qiguang and persuaded him: "Qi Guang, Huang Zhenren is dedicated to the country, and he is true to his word. He will never lie to you. Why don't you give that thing to Huang Zhenren first, and the two of you can turn their hostility into friendship."

After finishing speaking, Zhong Shan'e also looked at Chu Qiguang very nervously, as if he was afraid that the situation would deteriorate further and that the student would do something irreversible.

After all, once Chu Qiguang is recognized as a cultist by Huang Daoxu, the leader of the Tianshi Sect, he will truly become a public enemy of the world and a traitor to the Han Dynasty...

Chu Qiguang looked at Zhong Shan'e and found that there seemed to be a trace of prayer in his eyes. This was a look he had never seen in the old man's eyes.

Chu Qiguang understood that if he only made an appointment with Huang Daoxu to fight, the most he would do was to be hated by some followers of the Tianshi Sect.

But if Huang Daoxu is identified as a cultist, or even colluding with outside gods, then the reputation of the court, the Tianshi Sect, the people, and even the entire human race may suddenly be brushed with hatred.

What's more, it is not in line with Chu Qiguang's ideas to be instigated by "Shi" to infight.

So after Chu Qiguang was silent for a moment, he suddenly said: "I don't believe in the God of Heaven, or any other external gods."

"To me, that's a complete evil god."

"If I have the chance, I wouldn't mind sweeping away the Emperor's followers all over the world and arresting them all for mining and farming."

"I wonder if this is what Huang Zhenren is satisfied with?"

Originally, Chu Qiguang wanted to use the talismans taught by the Heavenly Master in person to prove his credentials.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

After all, the Huang Daoxu in front of him is a real master of talismans, a figure in the realm of manifesting the gods, and Taoist Xuanyuan who doesn't know what's going on.

If you use it in person like this...if the other party sees the problem of the Faithless Bone, it will probably be even more troublesome.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Shan'e's face flashed with joy.

He looked at Huang Daoxu and said, "Master, Chu Qiguang is a devout Taoist believer. There must be a misunderstanding."

But Zhong Shan'e saw a hint of indifference flash across Zhenren Huang's face: "Chu Qiguang, what you said..."

"God... doesn't care."

"You have only one choice now, hand over the hair of God and stay in Dragon Snake Mountain."

"This is the highest favor I... can give you."

"Answer it, yes or no."

"If it doesn't work, even if you have reached the realm of manifesting the gods, you will still be suppressed under the Dragon Snake Mountain today."

"This is a gift from God to you."

At the same time, a shrill roar of beasts came from the main hall of Dragon Snake Mountain. If some kind of beast was on the verge of death, it let out its final roar.

Huang Daoxu understood that it was because Li Shentong could no longer bear the madness of Taoist Xuanyuan.

And there were bloodshot eyes and madness in his eyes. Huang Daoxu gritted his teeth and said: "Chu Qiguang, answer quickly, you and I don't have much time."

"He can't wait."

In an instant, as Huang Daoxu's ultimatum fell, the atmosphere at the entire scene became desolate.

Many powerful Taoists present could hear clearly that Huang Daoxu's words were not only filled with murderous intent, but also had a hint of divine aura.

In other words, the current treatment of Chu Qiguang may not only be Huang Daoxu's intention, but also perhaps the idea of ​​Taoist Xuanyuan.

‘Does God not care? ’ Li Yaofeng looked at this scene and thought to herself: ‘Could it be that Taoist Master Xuanyuan... doesn’t care about Chu Qiguang’s faith, strength, talent and other things at all... he just wants the so-called hair of the gods. ’

Everyone looked at Chu Qiguang, Lin Lan, Hao Xiangtong, Jiang Longyu... At this moment, they could not imagine what kind of pressure Chu Qiguang was facing Huang Daoxu and Xuanyuan Taoist.

Shi's voice also rang in Chu Qiguang's ears: "Chu Qiguang, Taoist Xuanyuan doesn't care what you think. The moment he sees you communicating with God's Hair, he will definitely be right." You took action. ’

'You and the people of this world are destined to be sworn enemies...'

Facing everyone's gaze, Chu Qiguang suddenly laughed.

Qiao Zhi's heart sank, and he thought to himself: "No, is it possible that he is getting sick again at this time?!"

Today I moved the ashes. First I went to the funeral parlor and then to the cemetery to store the ashes. Because the distance between the two sides was quite far, it was more time-consuming. Here is a new chapter, and there is still another chapter to be written.

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