Ruins of the past

Chapter 650 Zhou Bai?

In 2134, Chu Qiguang, the most vicious criminal in history, behaved well in prison and was released early after a reasonable reduction in sentence.

Protests broke out in many places around the world, and some people said that the federal government had been completely bribed by Chu Qiguang.

Some people say that the entire virtual world has been left with a backdoor by Chu Qiguang, who secretly controls the thoughts of all mankind.

Others say that Chu Qiguang cloned everyone's consciousness algorithm and constantly replaced the consciousness in people's bodies.

Various rumors were rampant, but they could not prevent the fact that Chu Qiguang was released from prison.

In 2141, the human fleet broke through the solar system and headed for the distant stars.

In the following history, most of the human beings conquered planets one after another and eliminated alien civilizations one after another.

It wasn't until they encountered the family members of the Emperor God that a fierce interstellar war broke out.

The final result of the war was that humans on earth were inspired by the greatness of the Emperor and Heavenly God, and chose to believe in this omnipotent god...

Just when Chu Qiguang was reading with enthusiasm, another advertisement was found.

"Welcome to Aten Search. Click to watch the 15-second video and continue searching for free."

When Chu Qiguang wanted to search for historical information again, he found that the entire screen seemed to be locked, making it difficult for him to operate.

"We're already in the interstellar era and there's still such crappy advertising."

"Huh? According to Ateng's search, according to the previous historical information, this is my company?"

“Is this Internet innovation?”

In desperation, Chu Qiguang could only click on the advertising video.

The moment Chu Qi clicked into the advertising video, the screen in front of him went black slightly.

Then lines of words flashed across the screen quickly: "You damn me finally clicked in. How uncurious are you and how much don't you like clicking on ads?"

"Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out after you come in?" Chu Qiguang sighed and asked, "Who are you?"

Another line of handwriting appeared: "I am Zhou Bai, do you still remember me?"

Chu Qiguang was stunned for a moment, then said, "Are you here to pay back the money?"

Chu Qiguang was still very impressed with Zhou Bai.

Because in his memory, this is the only person on earth who he has not been able to recover his debt.

On the first day when Chu Qiguang came to this world, what he thought was that the money he lent to Zhou Bai would never be returned.

After hearing Chu Qiguang's question, the other party was silent for a moment and then responded: "When did I owe you money?"

Chu Qiguang nodded: "It is indeed you."

The other party: "...Listen to me, time is limited now, so put money aside for now."

"The aura layer dropped by the Emperor of Heaven can isolate the quantum network. What you are communicating now is only a small piece of consciousness algorithm."

Chu Qiguang's heart moved when he heard this. If what Zhou Bai said was true, then the history he just searched was just prepared by Shi, right?

The other party continued: "Don't believe anything 'Shi' says, don't think about relying on God's Hair's technology, and don't give up the pursuit of power... but keep this God's Hair, he is our future A bridge of communication.”

At this moment, garbled characters gradually began to appear in the messages sent by the other party.

"...He found me...I told you to remember..."

" been destroyed..."

"...past and future...everything is...a cycle..."

"...Find Zi door..."

As the last word 'door' flashed away, the black screen in front of me disappeared, and everything seemed to have returned to normal.

And while Chu Qiguang was quickly reading the information brought by God's Hair, Shi's voice kept ringing in the ears of everyone present.

"Chu Qiguang, the time has come to prove your faith and your loyalty."

"Kill all the humans in front of you and sacrifice them to the God of Heaven."

"You are still the leader of God's Hair."

"Otherwise, when the Gang Qi layer breaks and this world falls under the gaze of Emperor Tian again, you will be buried with this world..."

Hearing Shi's words echoing in their ears, the eyes of Huang Daoxu, Fu Nanzi, Huang Huangpeng, and even Li Yaofeng, Faxiang, An Yiyun and others were constantly changing.

Finally, Huang Daoxu took a step forward and came to Chu Qiguang, with the radiance of thunder and divine power flashing all over his body.

"Chu do you feel now?"

Chu Qiguang's eyes flickered slightly, and he seemed to retreat from the connection.

He thought to himself: 'The hair of God in front of me is very valuable and must be preserved. ’

However, Chu Qiguang glanced at the situation at the scene and knew that if he wanted to take away the hair of God... I'm afraid many people would not agree.

So he turned to the armor transformed from the divine hair in front of him and said, "Change it into a form that I can easily carry."

The hair of the god twisted and deformed in an instant, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a belt and fell into Chu Qiguang's hand.

Huang Daoxu listened to the fluent and unfamiliar language in Chu Qiguang's mouth, and watched the hair of God change under his command.

At this moment, Huang Daoxu looked at Chu Qiguang with more alert eyes: "What language did you just speak?"

With a flick of Chu Qiguang's fingertips, his great freedom wrapped around the belt formed by the hair of the god and held it firmly.

Hearing Huang Daoxu's question, he smiled slightly and said: "These are the words of these visitors from outside the world. I used to study the history of Wuweijiao and had communication with Jiutian Laoxian. It was he who taught me this language."

Huang Daoxu asked again: "Why can you communicate with them? These hairs of gods... should kill people on sight. No one in history has ever been able to communicate with them."

Chu Qiguang frowned and explained: "Maybe they did it on purpose, wanting to provoke an internal fight between you and me?"

Huang Huangpeng in the distance shouted: "Master! Don't be fooled by his sweet words. Only the outer gods can control the hair of gods. Chu Qiguang is by no means ordinary. If he is allowed to leave today, I'm afraid There will be endless troubles..."

At the same time, Huang Daoxu could feel Taoist Master Xuanyuan's whispers getting stronger and stronger, and waves of killing intent were surging in his body, constantly pushing towards Chu Qiguang.

He understood that Taoist Master Xuanyuan was enlightened at this time and asked him to immediately kill the hair of the god in front of him.

And Dragon Snake Mountain was emitting swaying divine light, which meant that Li Shentong could not hold on for long.

Everything seems to be forcing Huang Daoxu to make a choice as soon as possible.

Huang Daoxu looked deeply at Chu Qiguang and said, "Chu Qiguang, you are amazing in martial arts and Taoism. You are the pillar of the great man."

"If you are willing to hand over the hair of God and stay on Dragon Snake Mountain, from now on reciting scriptures and worshiping the Taoist Master, I will ensure that you are safe and sound."

After all, Chu Qiguang was powerful and talented.

Huang Daoxu still cherishes talents in his heart at this moment, and wants to keep Chu Qiguang on the mountain to teach him slowly, and to distinguish the relationship between him and the foreign gods.

But these two conditions he proposed were absolutely impossible for Chu Qiguang to agree to.

These two chapters are somewhat related to the previous work "Tomorrow's Tribulation", but readers who have not read the previous work, please rest assured that I will definitely not write a plot in this book that requires reading the previous work to understand.

Some readers will discuss the plot of the previous work in this chapter. Readers who have not read the previous work will definitely find it difficult to understand these chapters, but please don’t worry about it. I guarantee that this will not affect the viewing of the subsequent plot of this book.

But if you want to know more in advance, you are also welcome to read the previous work "Tomorrow's Tribulation"

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