Ruins of the past

Chapter 632 The strongest versus the strongest!

Seeing that Chu Qiguang was unscathed by Huang Daoxu's earth-shattering blow.

Although the spectators at the scene could not understand how he did it, they were all shocked.

Ji Haoran felt even more incredible: 'How did he block it, how could he remain unscathed. ’

Fei Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "My pension fund has been saved... No, if you can resist this trick like this, maybe Chu Qiguang... maybe there is a small chance... that he will win?" "

On Longshe Mountain, Jiang Longyu's eyes widened: 'This guy must be feeling secretly happy that he pretended to be someone again. ’

Hao Xiangtong breathed a sigh of relief: "How did Brother Chu block Master's move?"

Huang Huangpeng looked in the direction of Chu Qiguang and analyzed: "It must have been some kind of trick, otherwise the possibility of a head-on resistance would be too low."

"Let's see what Master does next. He may have figured out a way to crack it."

In the eyes of most of the spectators, Huang Daoxu's attack was so devastating that it was impossible to think of a way to resist it.

Like an earthquake or a tsunami, it seems that there is no other choice but to close your eyes and wait for death.

In fact, even Chu Qiguang couldn't withstand this attack without any injuries.

It was just that he had just relied on the newly evolved "Wuxiang Ghost Body" to manifest his spiritual transformation and temporarily escaped into the void, completely avoiding the attack.

This is how he behaves so calmly and calmly.

While Chu Qiguang used the Wuxiang Ghost Body, he also secretly lamented that the power of the gods outside the sky was indeed strange and unpredictable, and more dangerous than ordinary Taoism.

But no matter what, Chu Qiguang's amazing performance made everyone present, including Huang Daoxu, deeply aware of his strength.

At this moment, the same thought emerged in everyone's mind.

'Chu Qiguang... is very strong, strong enough to compete with Huang Daoxu. ’

This is exactly Chu Qiguang's purpose.

With the surge of the Yuanshi Black Seal, the power in the void was constantly being pried open, like the Yangtze River, being continuously poured into Chu Qiguang's body, crazily promoting Chu Qiguang's combat power.

Never before had he felt so powerful.

Under the gaze of countless people, evil light bloomed in Chu Qiguang's eyes.

I saw his hands spread out, as if he wanted to embrace the whole world in his arms.

"I started practicing martial arts when I was three years old."

"For the past seventeen years, I have been practicing hard day and night, walking on thin ice every day, not daring to slack off at all."

"For seventeen years, I haven't had a day off, I don't have a single friend, and I've severed all family ties."

"Just to pursue the highest realm of martial arts wholeheartedly."

"For me, there is nothing but martial arts."

Along with Chu Qiguang's words, the great power of freedom spread towards the entire world.

The atmosphere boiled with his words, and the mountains and rivers vibrated with his blood.

Everyone felt a wave of terrifying pressure coming towards their faces, and it was transmitted to them like a substance.

They looked up at the direction of the sky and felt that Chu Qiguang looked extremely holy at this moment, like a saint who had climbed to the top with all his heart, which made people feel a sense of reverence in their hearts.

Si Xingchun said with emotion: "Is Chu Qiguang really such a person? Yes... Only by being so dedicated, unswerving, and putting in all the hard work can he have such a terrifying cultivation level at this age."

On Dragon Snake Mountain, Huang Huangpeng sighed: "Is Chu Qiguang such a martial arts idiot? I feel like I won't be able to talk to him."

Fu Nanzi on the side said: "Without this kind of mental perseverance, how could he achieve such peak strength? It is precisely because of his enthusiasm for martial arts and dedicating everything that Chu Qiguang can reach today's cultivation level, right? "

Jiang Longyu listened to the discussions of the people around him, but instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Relying on the experience of getting along with Chu Qiguang in Chaoyao Mountain for a year, and his experience of consciously feeling sympathy for the other person, he couldn't help shouting in his heart: 'He is just pretending! He must be faking it! ’

‘He just loves the limelight! ’

‘You have all been deceived by him! ’

In the sky, Chu Qiguang looked at Huang Daoxu and continued: "I gave up all love and sacrificed everything. Finally, I entered the realm of manifesting the gods and acquired this invincible martial arts."

"I'm telling you this because I hope you'll do your best next time and don't let me down."

" are ready to accept the move."

The next moment, Chu Qiguang's energy and blood surged, and he stood in the strong wind, like a blazing sun, sending out endless heat waves towards the entire world.

It was obviously already the cold winter season, but it was like the hottest summer day suddenly came.

The snow on Longshe Mountain emitted layers of white smoke and continued to melt into snow water.

Everyone watching the battle felt their mouths became dry, as if they were in a desert exposed to the sun.

But at this moment, not many people care about the changes in temperature. Everyone understands what Chu Qiguang just said and is greatly shocked.

Although some people had already speculated about this, actually hearing Chu Qiguang say it had a hurricane-like effect.

Si Xingchun's eyes flashed: "What did he just say?"

Ji Haoran shook his head: "Chu Qiguang has entered the realm of manifesting the spirit."

"Sure enough, as I just thought, he and Huang Daoxu have probably already broken through to the Dao. Only then can they have such powerful means."

"This battle is not a one-sided show by the best in the world."

"It's a fight between two possibly the strongest people in this world."

On Longshe Mountain, Jiang Longyu looked at Chu Qiguang absently, feeling that the other party was as dazzling as the sun, while he stood on the sidelines like a minion.

Li Shentong, who had been cold and expressionless from beginning to end, also stood up and looked at Chu Qiguang and Huang Daoxu, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, Fu Nanzi looked solemn: "At the level of manifesting the spirit at the age of's hard to imagine what kind of price Chu Qiguang paid in his cultivation."

Huang Huangpeng sighed: "I'm afraid this person is a truly ruthless martial arts idiot. Without such great perseverance, great wisdom, and great is impossible to reach this state at this age."

"The trials he has gone through may have exceeded our imagination."

Hao Xiangtong looked surprised on the side: 'Brother Chu... I don't feel like this kind of person. Has he been pretending to be an ordinary person in front of us? To bear that pressure alone? ’

With Chu Qiguang's series of actions and speeches, his image in everyone's eyes has been completely reversed.

Now in the eyes of the spectators, Chu Qiguang is no longer a future genius who must be defeated, but the strongest person in the world who can rival Huang Daoxu.

This is already a peak battle between the strongest and the strongest.

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