Ruins of the past

Chapter 631 Huang Daoxu, not bad

The location of the main hall of Longshe Mountain.

An old man with gray hair, a ravaged face, and a pair of blind eyes knelt before the statue of Taoist Xuanyuan.

His mouth was slightly open and closed, as if he was reciting scriptures, but he did not make any sound.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen old men of the same age, who were constantly reciting the scriptures taught by the Heavenly Master, accompanied by bursts of divine light.

These are the supreme elders taught by the Heavenly Master, and their seniority is higher than Huang Daoxu.

Although most of them have not entered the realm of Taoism, they have believed in Xuanyuan Taoist all their lives and have a fanatical belief that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

The blind old man at the head was called Wuchenzi, and he was Huang Daoxu's uncle.

It is said that in order to induce Taoist worship and pray devoutly, he blinded his eyes, deafened his ears, cut off his tongue... and then prayed silently every day.

He abandoned his senses and sealed himself in endless darkness, just to feel the divine revelation of Taoist Xuanyuan day and night.

And today in the main hall, it was this Wuchenzi who led the abbot rituals of many supreme elders.

At this moment, he seemed to sense the changes in time and space as the door to the Buddhist world continued to open. Wuchenzi's body shook violently, and the power of faith that had been accumulated in his body for a long time burst out like the Yangtze River.

At the same time, the voices of the supreme elders behind him recited scriptures became faster and more urgent, exuding endless majesty and power.

Si Xingchun looked in the direction around Long Snake Mountain.

I found that as the door to the Buddha Realm continued to open, endless darkness gradually surrounded the entire Dragon Snake Mountain.

In the entire world, it seemed that only Dragon Snake Mountain and the foot of the mountain where they were located were still in the real world, while the surrounding area had turned into a dark Buddhist world.

And as Buddhism continues to open, darkness is constantly coming towards them.

Once darkness completely envelopes the entire Dragon Snake Mountain, they will be completely dragged into the Buddhist world.

Ji Haoran judged: "As long as these four Buddhist gates are completely opened, I am afraid that the entire Dragon Snake Mountain...and us will all enter the Buddhist world."

At this moment, the shadow of Taoist Xuanyuan on Longshe Mountain suddenly expanded, expanded, and suddenly solidified several times or dozens of times.

It was as if it had suddenly transformed from a shadow into a real existence.

Looking at Taoist Xuanyuan who was sitting on Dragon Snake Mountain, he saw his hands forming seals. The whole world shook violently, and the endless divine light burst out, dispersing the darkness that rushed towards him.

Divine light and darkness are entangled with each other, tugging back and forth, seemingly reaching a temporary balance.

Si Xingchun analyzed on the side: "The mountain-protecting formation of Dragon Snake Mountain blocked Chu Qiguang's Samaya Mandala Formation. The Tianshi Sect has been passed down for so many years, so it is not so easy to succeed."

Ji Haoran said nervously: "Here we go, Huang Daoxu is going to take action again."

Under the nervous, expectant and awed gazes of everyone, Huang Daoxu had already harnessed the wind and thunder and soared into the sky.

"Haha, who else among you? Let's come together."

At this moment... Huang Daoxu didn't care when he saw Li Yaofeng taking action. Instead, he became interested and decided to deal with Chu Qiguang and all his men alone.

I saw that the Hao Zhen Tian Ming Sword in his hand had turned into invisible thunder, which spread directly to his whole body, standing in the atmosphere like a throne of thunder and lightning.

And as Huang Daoxu fell with a sound, Hao Zhentian's ringing sword was slowly raised and aimed at the front door of the Buddhist world.

The sound of dense explosions instantly sounded in the sky, like thousands of thunders sounded at this moment.

Immediately after the boiling Gang Qi layer, crisscrossing lightnings swam like dragons and snakes.

The Crown Prince of Great Xia hid in the crowd, watching this scene that was like the end of the world, and said in disbelief: "How long has it been since he took the Hao Zhentian Ming Sword? And he was able to use it to this extent?"

At this moment, this descendant of Daxia couldn't help but feel a surge of resentment in his heart.

He somewhat hated his ancestor Tiansheng Emperor...why he gave up the restriction in the process of building the Nine Mouth Divine Sword and did not set a restriction that only the Daxia bloodline could use.

And just as everyone was watching this scene of thousands of thunderous explosions, Chu Qiguang finally moved.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a mighty voice spread out with the great power of freedom, subduing the atmosphere and overpowering the thunder.

"Huang Daoxu, your opponent is me."

I saw Chu Qiguang clasping his hands together, standing on the back of the dragon, looking down at the opponent and saying, "Let's take action."

His eyes were full of evil intent, and his energy and blood were constantly accelerating under the heavy pressure, exuding a monstrous evil aura.

Under such a scene and with so many people's attention, Chu Qiguang finally fell ill.

‘I’ve obviously beaten the son of Emperor Tian, ​​but he still got sick... I can’t help it, there are too many people. ’

However, even though he had to challenge the world's best despite his illness, Chu Qiguang still went ahead for the sake of the hundreds of millions of people in the world and for the people of Shuzhou, Lingzhou and other places to live and work in peace and contentment.

Of course, because he now has the power of lies gained from the Black Chapter of Yuanshi, he is not particularly afraid of this problem.

After all, what he has to do next can not only cure diseases, but also enhance combat power through the Yuanshi Black Seal.

Listening to Chu Qiguang's words, everyone present was shocked again. Huang Daoxu's next blow in front of them was obviously earth-shattering and earth-shaking. It was unknown how much more powerful it was than the sword light just now.

Chu Qiguang actually asked the other party to take a move, which was too arrogant.

Hao Xiangtong said helplessly: "Brother Chu... now is not the time to be in the limelight."

Jiang Longyu looked at Chu Qiguang with bright eyes: "It's a good show. If you can catch it next, the serious injury will be worth it."

Huang Huangpeng on the side tilted his head and said in surprise: "This self-confidence is really good. When he is beaten down, I will make friends with him."

Facing Chu Qiguang's concession, Huang Daoxu's face flashed with a hint of surprise, and a slightly excited smile appeared on his face.

"Young man, you have a great momentum."

"For a long, long time, no one as bold as you dared to give in to me."

As he spoke, streaks of lightning fell from the sky, and under the inspiration of the divine sword, they were continuously injected into the thunder transformed by Hao Zhentian's Mingjian.

I saw that the thunder continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye it had turned into a dazzling light group like the sun.

There were constant crackling sounds in the air, and even the people watching the battle at the foot of the mountain felt the electric light stimulating their skin.

Beneath Chu Qiguang, the son of Emperor Tian roared in his heart: 'You want to pick me up, why are you dragging me with you! ’

Feeling the increasingly terrifying pressure ahead, he finally couldn't help but whisper: "Chu Qiguang, shall I leave?"

Seeing Chu Qiguang nodding, the sons of Emperor Tian flew out as if they were granted amnesty, leaving Chu Qiguang alone to control the strong wind and fly in the air.

The lightning has become more and more dazzling with continuous superposition, completely making it impossible to look directly at it.

"Don't worry, you won't die with this move."

In the heavy thunder light, Huang Daoxu's figure has become blurred, and only his voice can be heard.

“Experience it with your heart.”

The next moment, the roaring thunder swept towards Chu Qiguang with the force of the earth shattering.

Not only is it powerful, but it also has the unique speed of thunder.

Before anyone could react, the lightning engulfed the entire sky where Chu Qiguang was in an instant.

The atmosphere shook and the wind surged.

Countless vegetation in the mountains were lifted into the sky by the hurricane in the aftermath of the impact, and then turned into ashes by the lightning.

Everyone on the earth feels as if they have been deprived of sight and hearing.

All he could see was white light, and his ears could only hear endless loud noises.

A feeling of the world being shattered and the end of the world enveloped everyone.

Even Jiang Longyu, who had become fearless after recently entering Taoism, now felt a sense of panic when faced with the mighty moves of Heaven.

Ji Haoran sighed in his heart: 'Fortunately, Huang Daoxu just got the Hao Zhentian Sword that day, otherwise we would all die. ’

‘The speed of thunder, the power of heaven and earth. ’

‘There is no way to hide, no way to stop. ’

Fu Nanzi on the mountain closed his eyes and sighed: 'I am afraid that only the top masters before Da Mo Ran two hundred years ago are resurrected, can they be able to withstand this blow. ’

'Today's senior brother is no longer number one in the world...'

‘But he is invincible in the world. ’

Feiyi on the other side of the mountain was shocked: ‘I’m going bankrupt. ’

At this moment, facing this terrifying blow, everyone present was speechless, unable to think of any resistance at all.

Looking at the thunder light gradually dissipating in the sky, they were still guessing whether Chu Qiguang was dead or alive, but most people felt that Chu Qiguang was dead.

But when the lightning completely dissipated, an unharmed Chu Qiguang was revealed.

He stood in the strong wind, and not even the clothes on his body were damaged.

Looking at the frowning man in front of him, Chu Qiguang nodded in approval: "Huang Daoxu, not bad."

"Come and take one of my moves, see if you can catch it."

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