Ruins of the past

Chapter 619 Transformation and Madman

"Old Ancestor! Those gangsters got arrogant when you were away and kept causing trouble for us."

"And that little devil star bullied us cat demons everywhere and even shaved off my beard! You have to stand up for us."

"Our people haven't been able to talk to Mr. Chu for a long time, and they haven't been able to show their face in front of Mr. Chu."

Bai Mi slapped away several cat monsters: "Gungungun, you are a bunch of losers. Today is the day of my adoptive father's great joy. It is your turn to come here to mourn."

Qiao Zhi waved his paw: "It doesn't matter Baimi, I know the children were wronged when I was away."

"But now that I'm here, since I have become a Taoist Immortal, from now on I will take care of things that the dog factory does not dare to take care of, and I will kill those who the dog factory does not want to kill."

As he spoke, Qiao Zhi's body erupted with soaring demonic energy, and his hairs began to sway violently like living creatures.

Bai Mi quickly shouted: "My foster father has boundless power! He has great magical powers!"

The other cat demons also shouted.

Seeing the many cat demons with adoring and admiring expressions, Qiao Zhi felt extremely satisfied.

‘Recalling that after I was reborn, I subdued Chu Qiguang with one hand, trained Zhou Yujiao with the other, led the revival of the cat tribe, oppressed the dog gang and gangsters, and single-handedly turned things around and saved the world. ’

'Now, he has entered the Taoist realm so many years early and has become the world's top combat force. ’

‘Sometimes when I think about it at night, I can’t help but admire myself. ’

When Qiao Zhi thought of this, his beard couldn't help but tremble: 'The combat power of the Taoist realm is still very top-notch now. ’

‘Next, I will further enhance my status in Chu Qiguang’s team. ’

‘We must educate Zhou Yujiao well and don’t let her become a devil like Zhou Yingzhi. ’

‘You have to supervise Chu Qiguang carefully to prevent him from making the same mistakes as in his previous life. ’

'Well, the future of the whole world depends on me. ’

‘Qiao Zhi, you have to work harder. ’

Bai Mi on the side said: "Father! Since you have become a Taoist, can you take human form? Why don't you give the children eyes today?"

Qiao Zhi nodded: "That's fine."

"You all have noticed that you are born without a human form. If you want to change into a human form, you can only become a Taoist like me."

"I will give you a show today..."

As he spoke, the figure of Qiao Zhi in front of him expanded and changed. All the original cat hair was hidden under the body surface, and the cat's face gradually transformed into the shape of a human face.

Seeing Qiao Zhi gradually transforming into an adult, Bai Mi suddenly showed a stunned expression on his face: "Father... foster father."

Qiao Zhi looked at the cat demons and found that every one of them had a look of surprise, nervousness or even fear on their faces.

Qiao Zhi looked puzzled and asked, "What's wrong? I haven't gotten better?"

Bai Mi swallowed: "You...your face..."

Qiao Zhi looked at the bronze mirror brought by a cat demon in confusion, and saw in the bronze mirror a young but extraordinary face.

"Chu...Chu Qiguang?!"

"How did I become like Chu Qiguang?"

Qiao Zhi kept touching his face, his eyes full of disbelief.

He quickly changed back into cat form, then back into human form again, several times in a row, but he always looked like Chu Qiguang.

Qiao Zhi was about to cry but said without tears: "Why do I always look like Chu Qiguang when I turn into a human form?"

Bai Mi said from the side: "Father, you should think twice. Although your strength has greatly increased since you entered the Tao, you must not dare to have any wrong thoughts and try to replace him now."

Qiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the other cat demons around him, and immediately realized what they were thinking.

‘These fools think I’m going to rebel? ’

‘Damn it, am I so stupid? Rather than letting Chu Qiguang fight on his own, he should fight on his behalf? ’


Seeing the suspicious and nervous looks in the cat demons' eyes, Qiao Zhi suddenly reacted: 'I know I wouldn't do this myself, but others don't know. ’

'If Chu Qiguang sees me turning into him...'

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhi felt his heart tremble and immediately changed back to his cat form: 'Chu Qiguang must not let Chu Qiguang know about this. ’

He glared at the cat demons fiercely and said, "No one is allowed to tell anyone what happened today. Do you hear that?"

But at this moment, the little girl's laughter came over.

Qiao Zhi looked up and saw a sparrow shouting on the tree: "Okay, Master Qiao! You secretly turned into that look!"

"I'm going to tell my brother now!"

Qiao Zhi was slightly stunned when he saw this scene: 'Zhou Yujiao? How did she become a sparrow? ’

"So after you entered Taoism, you transformed into a human form and ended up looking like me?"

Chu Qiguang looked at Qiao Zhi who had turned into a human form with some curiosity.

Qiao Zhi smiled awkwardly: "I don't know what happened. That's all."

He thought to himself: 'Is it because I always thought about Chu Qiguang when I was dreaming that I finally became like him? ’

Chu Qiguang circled around Qiao Zhi and nodded: "Master Qiao, you look quite similar."

"By the way, I haven't congratulated you on completing the "Shadowless Tribulation"."

Qiao Zhi found that Chu Qiguang in front of him didn't seem to care much about his transformation, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Qiguang, who was on the other side, thought to himself: 'It has become really similar, and it is a real human form, not a disguise of a monster. In the future, maybe... I can let Master Qiao be my substitute. ’

'Why would he want to be like me? Does Master Qiao really want to be me? ’

Qiao Zhi smiled and said: "It's a joke, I was originally an immortal, and now I have just regained some strength. By the way, after completing the "Immortal Tribulation", I need to refine more monsters."

Chu Qiguang nodded: "Just go to the workshop and place an order. I will approve it then."

Seeing the two of them chatting happily, Jiaojiao, who had transformed into a dog shape at the side, thought to herself: 'Is this okay? ’

She couldn't help but said: "Brother, can I also become yours..."

"Don't even think about it."

Ignoring Jiaojiao who was rolling aside in protest, Chu Qiguang looked at Qiao Zhi and said:

"Master Qiao, you came just in time. I plan to go to Dragon Snake Mountain on the fifteenth day of this month. With your help, the chance of success will be greater."

Qiao Zhi, who had just finished his retreat, was surprised when he heard this: "Go to Dragon Snake Mountain?"

Chu Qiguang briefly explained the current situation and finally asked: "I may have to fight Huang Daoxu this time. Do you have any suggestions?"

For Qiao Zhi, a cat who knew the past and the future, Chu Qiguang still valued his advice.

Qiao Zhi, however, kept frowning, and finally recalled some newly revived memories, and said slowly: "You have to be careful of Taoist Xuanyuan, he may be the only existence in our world that can confront those external gods head-on. "

"But the biggest problem is that his behavior is relatively unpredictable."

"According to a powerful person, Dao Zun Xuanyuan may have gone crazy after experiencing the great demon dye."

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