Ruins of the past

Chapter 618 Fuzzy memory

"Chu Qiguang's residence should be on Qipan Street in the east of the city."

Qiao Zhi's figure disappeared and appeared in the darkness, running like a ghost towards the chief minister's mansion in his memory.

The closer he got to where Chu Qiguang lived, the closer and tighter the protection he could feel, but at the same time... he felt a sense of familiarity.

Especially after coming to Qipan Street, Qiao Zhi felt various memories pouring out of his mind, as if he had seen every plant and tree here many times.

He passed all kinds of guards and formations one by one through his memory, and finally turned over and entered the Chu family compound.

"Huh, I finally came in... But why, I am so familiar with the terrain here."

"Why do I remember the layout of all the buildings here?"

Just when Qiao Zhi was thinking this, a sneer suddenly came from behind him.

"I felt a little uneasy early this morning, as if there was an external demon intruding on me. I thought it was something, but I didn't expect it to be you, a little kitten slave."

Qiao Zhi turned his head suddenly and saw a stunning woman with a frosty face and a body covered with Buddha light appearing more than ten meters away.

Qiao Zhi's heart skipped a beat when he saw this woman: 'Zhou Yujiao! No, she should be called...'

But at the same moment, a familiar voice came from his mind: 'This woman is my sister Zhou Yingzhi. ’

‘Because I haven’t been around since I was a child, my personality is a little willful. ’

Qiao Zhi was slightly startled when he heard the voice in his head: "Who is talking?"

The woman named Zhou Yingzhi sneered and was about to take action when she suddenly frowned as if she was listening to someone's words.

"Why take him there?"

"...Let me open his head and check this cat slave..."

"...Can I just take Maotou there? I promise to keep him alive."

Listening to the other party complaining and making all kinds of terrible suggestions, Qiao Zhi couldn't help but swallowed: 'Why did I meet this female devil as soon as I came in? ’

Zhou Yingzhi turned his head, looked at Qiao Zhi and curled his lips: "Come with me, someone wants to see you."

A familiar voice came from Qiao Zhi's mind again: 'Follow him and see me. ’

Qiao Zhi followed the other party deep into the mansion in front of him. After passing through layers of guards, he came to the depths of an underground palace. What appeared in front of him was a huge ice coffin.

He could vaguely see a figure in the ice coffin, but he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Hello, Qiao Zhi."

"We finally meet."

Ever since arriving in New God's Capital City, a strange sense of immediacy has become stronger and stronger.

At this moment, that feeling reached its peak, making Qiao Zhi strongly feel that he had experienced everything before him.

In the days that followed, he felt like he had become a zombie, wandering around the underground palace in a daze all day long.

He kept listening to the various stories the other party told him, teaching him various martial arts and Taoist knowledge, and explaining the past and future of many people...

Those voices were vague, some of which Qiao Zhi still remembered, but some of which he could no longer hear clearly.

The other person seemed to be asking him to remember something over and over again, but he couldn't remember what it was.

He didn't know how long he had been here like this.

But when he came back to his senses, he found that the figure's back was facing him, and they were flying towards the sky together.

Looking down at the earth, it seems that one can see large tracts of humans and monsters dying, and the whole world has turned into a hell.

Life is being harvested by unknown forces.

Tentacles made of huge black matter hang down to the earth like mountains. They break through the mountain peaks, they fill the sea, and they fill the mountains and rivers with black liquid.

At the same time, a portion of pitch-black material roared together in mid-air.

Just like the ministers meeting the emperor, they all crawled on the body of the figure in front of Qiao Zhi.

The man said slowly: "If you could go back to the past, what would you like to do?"

In the purple light that reaches the sky and the earth, everything returns to nothingness.

When Qiao Zhi opened his eyes again, what he saw was a quiet room.

"Am I reborn again?"

"Rebirth is a dream?"

"Or was the future just a dream?"

After he was stunned for a while, he gradually recovered.

But a sense of illusion kept coming from his heart, making him somewhat confused about which side was the dream and which side was the reality.

Qiao Zhi forced herself to calm down while licking the cat hair on her body.

"I remember that I was practicing in seclusion, preparing to break through and enter the Tao with the "Shadowless Tribulation"."

"While controlling the demon dye in my body, I seemed to have fainted."

"And then there's the dream I just had..."

Qiao Zhi sorted out her thoughts and found that she recalled some more memories from the future.

"Is it because of joining the Tao that some of the memories I had forgotten have returned?"

"Logically speaking, I was already in the Taoist realm before my rebirth, so I shouldn't forget my memories."

"Is it because of rebirth?"

He recalled the last devastating scene in his dream, and a thick layer of chill gradually enveloped his heart.

‘Did Chu Qiguang collude with the foreign gods? He...sold the world? ’

‘Did he bring about the final disaster of the world? ’

Qiao Zhi felt a little confused: 'No, that's just a dream... But this dream did remind me of some memories. ’

‘Before I went back to the past, I did study under Chu Qiguang for a period of time. I actually forgot about this before. ’

The scenes in the dream and the memories in his mind kept intertwining and flashing, making Qiao Zhi confused about the boundaries for a while.

After a long time, Qiao Zhicai recovered from this chaos.

"No matter what, the past has been completely changed by me."

"The Chu Qiguang now is no longer the Chu Qiguang before."

Qiao Zhi recalled the days when he taught Chu Qiguang after his rebirth, followed him to travel around the country, and ran businesses in Lingzhou and Shuzhou, and he became more and more sure in his heart: "It's different, it's completely different." ’

‘The dream is just a dream, Chu Qiguang has changed for the better now. ’

‘He no longer experienced all kinds of cruel battles like in his previous life. He already had more companions of his own. ’

With this thought, Qiao Zhi gradually regained his composure and began to examine his current situation.

"Finally...I have entered the Tao again."

"And it is better to enter the Tao through the "Shadowless Tribulation"."

"Although this route is not as destructive and powerful as the Great Light Sutra that I took in my previous life."

"But it is more adaptable, and the power of various Taoist techniques is more comprehensive."

"Humph, I don't have to work on a construction site anymore in my life, so it's just right to do "The Unforgettable Tribulation"."

Qiao Zhi checked his current status, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

Soon after he left the quiet room, he saw a large number of cat demons waiting outside. Bai Mi, Lulu, Yudan, Jinxiu... all looked at Qiao Zhi.




"You finally got out of seclusion? You must have broken through to the realm of Taoism!"

Looking at the cat demons surrounding them, Qiao Zhi nodded with satisfaction and licked the heads of the leading cat demons to express his favor.

"Yes, I have completed the "Immortal Tribulation" and officially entered the realm of Taoism."

Looking at the excited cat demons, Qiao Zhi sighed to himself: 'It is indeed completely different. Not only Chu Qiguang, but also the situation of the cat demons has completely changed. ’

‘Chu Qiguang now has no reason to collude with foreign gods. ’

‘I… saved the world. ’

I'm still very sleepy, so I'll update one chapter first to satisfy my attendance, and then update after finishing the rest.

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