Ruins of the past

Chapter 609 Overcoming the Tribulation

Yongan 19 years, December.

In Shenjing City.

Heavy snow is falling from the sky, and there are very few people inside and outside the capital. There are not even a few refugees or beggars to be seen.

Outside the Changsheng Palace.

Wu Gelao and Jiang Longyu stood side by side, waiting for the emperor's summons.

At this moment, Jiang Longyu's face was full of spring breeze, with a strong aura of confidence on his face, and his whole person seemed to have the intention of flying upward from head to toe.

Just because he finally succeeded in breaking through the realm and achieved the realm of Taoist Martial God with the "Demon-Subduing Sword", his mental state also reached an unprecedented peak.

‘I’m not the person I used to be. ’

‘From today on, as a Taoist Martial God, I am already the top person in the world. I should tell the world about this matter. ’

‘Let’s hold a God of War banquet in a few days and invite more people over... We must send the invitations to Chu Qiguang before the New Year. ’

‘It doesn’t matter whether I come or not… I must let him know that I joined the Taoist tradition at the age of 18 and that I am just as fast as him. ’

Today is also the day Jiang Longyu was summoned by the emperor.

"Monster Sword" is a martial art created by warriors in the Pre-Han Dynasty to hunt down monsters. It is a martial art that refines demon blood. People who practice this martial arts not only have superhuman explosive power, but also have keen vision, smell, and hearing. Hunt monsters.

At this moment, Jiang Longyu's ears moved slightly, and he could hear the sound of rustling sounds.

The conversation between some of the waiters slightly aroused his idea.

"Have you heard? Another person is missing in the south of the city."

"That's not true. Even the Demon Suppression Department didn't investigate and take over. You see that there are fewer and fewer refugees in and outside the city. Maybe they were all kidnapped by monsters."

Jiang Longyu's eyes narrowed slightly. He had indeed heard a little bit about the recent disappearances in the capital.

However, he had been concentrating on martial arts breakthroughs before and didn't pay too much attention. Unexpectedly, this matter seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

After a while, Wu Gelao and Jiang Longyu were summoned into the palace together.

The two met Emperor Yong'an at the Shengxian Palace.

However, as soon as he entered the Shengxian Palace, Jiang Longyu frowned slightly. There was a strong smell of spices everywhere in the air, which made his now keen sense of smell somewhat uncomfortable.

After meeting Emperor Yong'an, he found that he was separated by a layer of white gauze, and the emperor could not be seen at all.

From time to time, a violent cough can be heard coming from behind the white gauze, which makes people feel worried about whether the person coughing will cough up blood.

Some recent rumors circulating in the city flashed through Jiang Longyu's mind.

It is said that since Huang Daoxu, the leader of the Tianshi Sect, snatched the dragon head from the East China Sea, and the dragon bones that Li Shentong of the Suppressing Demon Division snatched from Shuzhou were sent to the palace.

Emperor Yong'an appeared less and less in front of the ministers.

Even since a month ago, even when the ministers entered the palace to have an audience, they could only see the white gauze in front of them, but not the shadow.

After a conversation between the emperor and his ministers, Emperor Yong'an praised Jiang Longyu. The concern and satisfaction contained in his words made Jiang Longyu secretly happy.

When he was about to retreat next, Emperor Yong'an asked him to stay and listen to the memorial of Wu Ge's elder leader.

Jiang Longyu stood aside and listened quietly, and found that they were all about the court's money income and expenses.

Mr. Wu Ge lowered his head and said: "...the flood in Donghai Prefecture still needs to raise 200,000 taels of silver..."

A banging sound came from behind the white veil, and Emperor Yong'an said in a cold voice: "Donghai Prefecture, the tax collected this year is less than 200,000 taels, right?"

"In the richest place in the world, I heard that when a local wealthy family celebrates their birthday, they will have a banquet for three days and three nights and spend a lot of money."

"Two hundred thousand taels of silver, they treat me like a beggar."

Along with Emperor Yong'an's anger, the entire palace seemed to be enveloped in a severe cold.

Even the martial arts masters such as Wu Ge Lao and Jiang Longyu felt as if their heads were being completely held down.

Elder Wu Ge quickly pulled out a memorandum announcing the good news.

He opened his mouth and said: "The land reform in Shuzhou has been quite effective. This year's tax has been paid in full at 300,000 taels, the highest in Southern Kyushu. It is expected that it will increase again in the next two years. I am afraid that every year's tax will be paid in the future." More than four hundred thousand taels of silver."

"In this way, we can consider the implementation of land reform in various places in the future."


With a soft hum, the eunuch Yang Jinzhong walked out from behind the white gauze and handed over the memorial.

After a while, Yong'an Emperor Longyan's Dayue voice came from behind the white gauze: "Okay."


"Chu Qiguang and Li Qingyun (Governor of Shuzhou) did a great job."

"Especially Chu Qiguang, I really saw him right."

"What is the pillar of the country? This is called the pillar of the country."

"Mr. Wu Ge, you and the cabinet draft a decree for me to review. You must reward them well..."

When he said this, the sound of Emperor Yong'an coughing loudly came from behind the white gauze.

Then came the concerned voice of eunuch Yang Jinzhong: "Your Majesty, today's time is almost up."

"Don't worry, I'm happy today, so I'll chat a little more."

Emperor Yong'an continued: "Mr. Wu Ge, please see if Chu Qiguang still needs support. When the time comes, make a list for me to review."

He sighed softly, seeming to think of the great demon that might exist in Shuzhou.

"Shuzhou... is not easy."

"We must help him support Shuzhou."

"Long Yu, you should learn more from Chu Qiguang if you have the opportunity in the future, don't just know how to fight and kill."

Jiang Longyu's face darkened after hearing this. While listening to Emperor Yong'an's subsequent praise of Chu Qiguang, he thought in his mind:

‘What’s so easy to learn about making money? No matter how fast you make it, there’s no way you can grab it as fast as you can. ’

But an idea emerged in Jiang Longyu's heart that he was unwilling to admit, that is, there was indeed something in Chu Qiguang that he wanted to learn.

'He must be in the limelight again in Shuzhou. This kind of person is very disgusting. He thinks about being competitive all day long. When he was fifteen years old, he thought of many ways to show off himself. Now that he has gone to Shuzhou, it must be even more excessive... …Let’s find someone to inquire about it in two days. ’

After finishing the conversation, Jiang Longyu followed Mr. Wu Ge and left the Immortal Palace.

He suddenly frowned and asked doubtfully: "Mr. Wu Ge, do you smell a smell?"

On the other side, Yang Jinzhong's crying voice came from behind the white veil: "Your Majesty... let me invite Fu Nanzi into the palace."

"He is the head of the Alchemy Academy of Tianshi Sect. He must have a way."

Yong'an said flatly: "I'm not sick, why should I ask him?"

There was a bang, and the sound of someone kneeling on the ground came from behind the white gauze: "Your Majesty, please let Fu Nanzi show it to you."

Yongan said quietly: "Stupid slave."

"Nowadays, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, the Monster Clan of the North, and those aristocratic families in the East China Sea, and the great demon who shows off his power who knows where..."

"There are also Baiyang Sect, Tianjian Sect, Holy Fire Sect..."

"And those remnants of Buddhism..."

"Those extraterrestrial visitors..."

"When the news gets out, what do you think they will do?"

"The whole world is on my shoulders, how can I get sick?"

He suddenly laughed: "I'm just trying to survive the tribulation."

"Hehe... As long as you survive this calamity, you can achieve "Saint Wangqi"..."

"Let Wu Siqi, Wei Bingwen and Chu Qiguang all support themselves..."

"I... I'll get over it soon..."


In the underground workshop in the Lan River Valley.

The blood vessels stepped on a mass of black material, which was the hair of God brought back by Chu Qiguang.

Thirteenth Niang shook her head aside, the fluffy fox tail hanging down from her back.

She sighed: "This thing... blood pool, qi, blood, and demon dye have no effect on him. It simply doesn't look like a living creature."

Chu Qiguang stood aside but was not disappointed.

Naturally, this divine hair from the outside could not be studied clearly so easily. He understood that this was likely to be a long-term task.

I’ll post one chapter first, and I’ll post the rest when they’re finished.

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