Ruins of the past

Chapter 608 Bewitching

"Over and over again?"

Chu Qiguang said: "What if they choose not to stop the ritual in the ghost realm? What will happen?"

Yu Li said: "Who knows."

"But obviously, they probably hadn't even tried that option until we came on board."

At this moment, Wang Zhishan, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Chu Qiguang, there was a hint of panic in his eyes.

"It seems you still remember me."

"Then you stay here honestly for now and wait until I save the undead."

With that said, Chu Qiguang came to the river and pointed out again.

As the Force of Freedom exploded, the entire river flowed backwards, exposing the muddy riverbed at the bottom.

After spending some time, Chu Qiguang finally found an altar at the bottom of the river, as well as a large number of bones in front of the altar.

These are the bones left behind by fishermen who sacrificed girls alive for many years.

Chu Qiguang came to the altar and was about to burn the corpses, completely transcending the female ghosts who had merged with countless girls.

Suddenly he discovered that there were pictures carved on the altar, which seemed to tell some story.

Xiaolan's voice rang out: "Brother Chu, judging from the traces on it, it may be several decades old."

"But why didn't they leave a message?"

Chu Qiguang said lightly: "Maybe he is illiterate."

In this world, due to the devil's influence, most of the people at the bottom cannot read at all.

In the propaganda of major sects, especially the Tianshi Sect, knowledge is a kind of poison, and people are encouraged not to learn any writing.

All this is to prevent the people at the bottom from becoming possessed.

Chu Qiguang looked at the first image, which showed many people hunting a fish-man.

The fish-man's head was chopped off, his body was cut open and thrown into the pot, and the hunters ate the fish-man.

Then more fishmen appeared, and more people participated in the hunt.

But as the hunting intensified, the number of fish-men became more and more, and the number of people became less and less.

Gradually, people began to dare not eat fish, but there were still more and more fish people.

The hunt continues to spread, and the number of fishmen continues to increase.

They gradually discovered that as long as they were contaminated with fish blood, they could become new fish-men.

The hunter will eventually be hunted.

In the cycle of generations, all that seems to greet everyone is despair.

In desperation, people began to pray to the gods.

They performed rituals on the river, hoping that the gods in the river would forgive them...

Chu Qiguang shook his head. Facing this extraordinary power, ordinary people had no power to resist.

After he brought the bones back to the ship, he was ready to start arranging rituals to save the souls of the dead.

All the disciples of the Celestial Master Sect on the ship had also woken up.

They looked at Chu Qiguang, who was saving the souls of the dead, with different expressions in their eyes, but the most obvious ones were shock and nervousness.

Chu Qiguang lit the incense candle and began to draw a complicated and gloomy formation on the ground.

As he walked back and forth along the formation, the herbs in his hands were ignited and emitted a dense aura.

"The soul is back! No matter how far away it is!"

"The soul is back! I just want to be quiet..."

A gloomy wind blew across the ground, and traces of blood continued to appear on the ground.

With the start of the spiritual ritual, the female ghost was summoned into the body by Chu Qiguang, and then he began to cremate the body and redeem the female ghosts in his body one by one.

Finally, accompanied by a burst of shrill shouts, the female ghosts were finally completely saved by Chu Qiguang.

Chu Qiguang breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Wang Zhishan and said, "Are you awake? What's going on? Who taught you those spells?"

Wang Zhishan covered his head and said with some pain: "No more...the sound is gone."

"Tao Zun...have you abandoned me?"

Chu Qiguang frowned and said, "What's the sound? Are you sure it's Taoist Master?"

Wang Zhishan said nonchalantly: "That's the voice coming from the depths of my mind."

"Tao Zun... Tao Zun..."

"do not go……"

"In your mind? Then..." Chu Qiguang's eyes moved slightly, he took out the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and threw the sword towards Wang Zhishan.

Amid everyone's surprised gazes, the Emperor's Sword pierced Wang Zhishan's head directly.

Xuancheng, Yunxiu and others stood up suddenly, trying to resist desperately.

But Wang Zhishan, whose head was pierced, made a strange moaning sound.

In fact, the sword body transformed by Huangtian's son was not inserted into the head, but transformed into countless tiny flesh and blood tissues and penetrated into Wang Zhishan's head.

A moment later, a harsh scream came from Wang Zhishan's body.

Then he saw lumps of black substance escaping from Wang Zhishan's mouth.

During the constant deformation, the appearance of hair, tentacles, and arms appeared on the surface of this black substance from time to time.

Lines of writing appeared in Chu Qiguang's eyes, and he whispered: "God's hair?"

Just after the God's Hair was expelled by the Son of Emperor Tian, ​​Wang Zhishan's eyes became clearer.

He looked at the twisting hair of God, with surprise in his eyes: "What is this?"

Chu Qiguang waved, and the Emperor's Sword returned to his hand. Looking at the hair of the god, he said calmly: "This is a life from outside the sky. It should be a believer of some outside god."

"The person talking to you should not be Taoist Xuanyuan."

"But there is an existence called 'Shi'. He is also a believer of the outer gods. He also bewitched you... and asked you to wake him up..."

After a pause, Chu Qiguang did not mention the existence of "Soul Refining Record", but just said: "Awaken the evil ghost at the bottom of the river."

Chu Qiguang thought to himself: 'I'm afraid that after the last time the Gang Qi layer was torn apart, Shi's influence on this planet has become deeper, and he has done many things secretly. ’

‘Could the awakening of the “Refining Soul Record” be because he knew that I had cultivated the “Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts” and wanted to stop me from going further? ’

Wang Zhishan looked at God's Hair in shock: "Outside God? Am I being bewitched by an outside god?"

Although he didn't want to believe it, he seemed to have to admit it when he looked at the black substance that was constantly crawling on the ground.

Thinking that such a thing was actually in his mind, Wang Zhishan felt a flash of fear in his heart.

Chu Qiguang continued: "If it is convenient, please bring this news back to Longshe Mountain."

"I'm afraid you are not the only one in the world who has been deceived. Please be careful within the Tianshi Sect."


Chu Qiguang glanced at the disciples of the Celestial Master Sect who were stained with fish blood, and told the story about hunting fish monsters at the bottom of the river bed.

After hearing this story, the expressions of all the disciples present changed suddenly.

The disciple who was stained with fish blood looked livid and frightened.

The remaining disciples were filled with joy, and then they unknowingly moved away from the bloody disciples.

Chu Qiguang said: "After all, I have temporarily suppressed the things in the river, and these disciples may not turn into fish monsters. My suggestion is to temporarily isolate them and observe them."

Wang Zhishan looked at Chu Qiguang with gratitude in his eyes, and he asked: "May I ask your surname?"

Chu Qiguang stood up and disappeared from the eyes of Wang Zhishan, Yunxiu and Xuancheng.

"I can't say the name right now."

"But in half a year at most, I will go to Longshen Mountain to visit you. Let's meet again then."

Wang Zhishan stood up and said towards the direction where Chu Qiguang's voice disappeared: "Then we will wait for you at Dragon Snake Mountain. Today's kindness will be repaid with all my strength in the future."

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