Ruins of the past

Chapter 604 In the Ghost Realm

As Tianshijiao's ship gradually approached the center of the river, thick white mist suddenly rose around it.

The entire river surface became invisible in an instant, and not even a sound of wind or water could be heard.

Seeing this unusual situation, the Taoist priests from the famous Tianshi Cult all held their breaths and concentrated on guarding against the rolling thick fog.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed through the thick fog.

But with a thud, someone appeared on the deck behind the ship.

Everyone's eyes turned to him instantly.

They found a young man sitting on the deck of the bow.

The young man also carried a dark and worn-out box on his back, and he was standing up with a pat on his butt.

Xuancheng immediately surrounded him with his disciples, pointed at the young man and said, "Who are you? Where did you get on the ship from?"

Chu Qiguang rubbed his brows helplessly and said casually: "I was rushing on the river and accidentally bumped into you."

Xuancheng felt baffled after hearing this. There was obviously no second ship nearby. How did the other party get on the way? How did you suddenly get on the ship?

Chu Qiguang glanced at the other party's clothes and asked curiously: "Are you taught by the Heavenly Master? Are you here to deal with the water ghost?"

He said strangely: "The villagers here shouldn't be able to pay so much money to let you send out such a large battle."

A Taoist priest shouted: "Don't talk nonsense! The master received the decree from the Taoist God and came here to slay demons and eliminate ghosts! He will not accept anything from the villagers here."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin and thought to himself: "God's decree? Is it from Taoist Xuanyuan? it something else?"

Seeing Chu Qiguang's nonchalant expression, Xuancheng frowned at the side.

They came all the way here and met no one who was not respectful, whether they were Taoist priests from the Celestial Master Sect or local officials. This was the first time they met someone who didn't care about them so much.

Especially Chu Qiguang's strange appearance, with a hint of weirdness all over his body.

‘This person is a bit strange...could it be related to the water ghost? ’

Just when Xuancheng was thinking this, the sound of waves suddenly sounded around the ship, like countless hands slapping the river surface.

Chu Qiguang immediately walked to the edge of the boat and looked down.

Then I saw countless pairs of pale palms stretching out from under the river surface and grabbing at the hull of the ship, as if they were trying to drag the entire ship into the bottom of the river.

His eyes moved: 'This thick fog and these ghost hands...'

Xiaolan said: 'Brother Chu, I'm afraid we have entered the ghost realm now. ’

Chu Qiguang frowned and asked: "Why is there a ghost realm in "Refining the Soul"? Yu Li, is there a ghost like you in there?"

Yu Li snorted coldly and said: "The Taoist techniques in the "Ten Thousand Ghosts Record" series originally came from the study of strange corpses."

"Do you think there can be many different ghosts on the same corpse?"

"The reason why I am here is not because I originally belong here, but because I was used by the Theosophical School to suppress the "Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts". The "Record of Souls" has not been studied by the Theosophical School."

Yu Li paused slightly when he said this, and then sighed quietly: "If there is really a ghost realm appearing in the "Refining the Soul", then maybe... the thing in the corpse has awakened."

At this moment, a ghost figure jumped out of the river and rushed towards Chu Qiguang's position.

The ghost roared and howled wildly. Although it was still in human form, it could be seen that its whole body was covered with scales, and its two pale eyes bulged out, like some kind of fish.

Looking at the approaching ghost, Chu Qiguang snorted coldly.

He tapped lightly with his middle finger, and his energy and blood energy instantly gathered together, turning into a thunderbolt.

The Great Force of Freedom is activated instantly and spreads along the layers of atmosphere.

At this moment, Chu Qiguang considers himself to be the best in the world in terms of martial arts, and probably not many people dare to compete with him.

Although this pointer seems light and indifferent, it contains extremely terrifying power, and you can hear thunder in the silent place.

Seeing Chu Qiguang take action, Xuancheng immediately took a closer look.

But when he saw Chu Qiguang pointing his finger in the air, nothing happened, and the ghost continued to pounce on him without being affected at all.

Xuancheng thought to himself: 'This person doesn't know how to deal with ghosts? ’

And in the thick fog hundreds of meters away, there was suddenly a loud noise, and the strong wind swept across the river, blowing up a stormy sea. Everyone on the boat was so startled that they looked in the direction of the loud noise from time to time. Don't understand what that is.

Wang Zhishan, a Taoist Immortal from the Tianshi Sect, opened his eyes suddenly, golden light flowing in his eyes, and looked in the direction of the sound, with a solemn look on his face.

The son of Emperor Tian who witnessed this scene thought to himself at this moment: "Chu Qiguang missed the target again. How many times has this happened this month?" ’

‘Logically speaking, with his cultivation level, this kind of mistake shouldn’t happen. Is it just luck? ’

The son of Huangtian felt more and more strange things about Chu Qiguang: 'No matter how bad a person's luck is, it should not be this bad. He can't be in conflict with this world. ’

Chu Qiguang, who knew he had missed the target, sighed. Looking at the approaching ghost, he simply stopped taking action and instead used all his energy and blood to resist.

In addition to being saved, ghosts can only be driven away with warrior energy and blood.

Chu Qiguang was confident that his martial arts energy and blood at the realm of manifesting the gods was enough to compete with the ghosts in front of him.

But he didn't dare to release his Qi and blood power too much, for fear of accidentally burning the whole boat again.

At this moment, a heat wave hit his face. The ghost was swept away by the heat wave and jumped back into the water screaming.

However, it was the female Taoist Yunxiu who cast a yellow talisman drawn by the warrior's energy and blood to temporarily drive away the ghost.

At the same time, the Taoist priests around each took out a piece of blood talisman.

The billowing heat emitted at this moment, as if the masters of the five martial arts realms all burst out with energy and blood.

It was obviously the season of late autumn, but the heat wave dispelled the chill, as if bringing the entire ship into spring.

It was as if a huge fireball was burning above the river. The ghostly shadow that originally surrounded the ship began to retreat instantly and gradually disappeared into the thick fog.

Seeing the ghosts retreating, the Taoist priests on the boat all breathed a sigh of relief.

Yunxiu looked at Chu Qiguang and said, "It takes martial arts energy and blood to drive away ghosts. Ordinary fists and kicks are useless."

Chu Qiguang said casually: "I was just about to use the energy and blood in my body to fight off the ghost, but thank you anyway."

Yunxiu said helplessly: "Don't act like that. Being attacked by a ghost will hurt your energy and blood. You can withstand it once, but you won't be able to withstand it seven or eight times. By then, you may die from exhaustion of energy and blood."

Chu Qiguang said truthfully: "I have broken through to the realm of manifesting the gods. My energy and blood are enough to suppress all ghosts. I will be fine."

Yunxiu was slightly startled when he heard this, and looked at Chu Qiguang with a strange look in his eyes.

Just after the ghosts in the water receded, a strange sound suddenly came from the thick fog ahead.

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