Ruins of the past

Chapter 603 Water Ghost

On a passenger ship.

Chu Qiguang stood at the bow of the boat, his eyes scanning the crowded river ahead.

He carries the Emperor's Sword at his waist. If you listen carefully, you can seem to hear a whistling sound like ocean waves coming from the sword's blade.

During this period of time, the Son of Emperor Tian suppressed the Xuanming Tianpo Sword day and night, and gradually got used to the resistance of the Daxia Divine Sword, and was able to change from the original spherical shape back to the sword shape.

After all, although the Xuanming Tianpu Sword is powerful, it is still a dead thing. The power of resistance is too rigid and lacks spirituality and flexibility.

On the contrary, the sons of Emperor Tian had a sophisticated realm and were able to gradually understand the laws of such a divine sword resistance, gradually making the suppression work easier.

Behind Chu Qiguang, Jin Nu 666 followed closely behind him, wearing an ordinary gown, hiding the flames in his eyes, and pretending to be an ordinary maid.

It is precisely because he carries a being like Jin Nu that Chu Qiguang can enter the Buddhist world at any time and contact the direction of Shuzhou.

The number of this Jin girl was specially chosen by Chu Qiguang.

After all, his life has not been going well recently, and he even caused several accidents in Shuzhou.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have left Shuzhou so quickly and came to Donghai State to do business.

‘In a while, when the transit ritual is ready, we will be able to get rid of this bad luck. ’

Chu Qiguang touched the box in his hand and asked, "Can you feel it? Is it in front?"

What is placed in the box is the severed arm attached to "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

At this moment, the ghostly voice of Yuli came from the broken wall: "It's no more than ten miles away, and I can feel the breath of "Refining the Soul" right there."

"Frenzy, angry...and a little crazy."

""Soul Refining Record" may have woken up."

"You have to be careful. There is a reason why no one has been able to surrender to the Soul Refining Record."

At the same time, Xiaolan's voice sounded in Chu Qiguang's mind: "Brother Chu, I can also feel the very strong ghost power and resentment in front of me."

"Perhaps the water ghost those people are talking about is related to "Refining the Soul"."

Chu Qiguang touched his chin: "Has it caused a commotion?"

"As far as I know, the Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts can only be said to have been discovered by the Theosophical School. After countless experiments, the cultivation methods on it were standardized."

"Yu Li, I originally thought that the severed hand that "Ten Thousand Ghosts" was attached to was yours."

"But now it seems that this may not be the case, right?"

Yu Li said: "Boy, your feeling is right."

"The severed hand came from a very powerful alien. Ancient humans beheaded the alien and divided its body into pieces in an attempt to find some kind of revelation in the corpse."

"The Suppressing Demon Division only accidentally found a severed arm in a ruins. After that, after in-depth human experiments, the cultivation method of "Ten Thousand Ghosts" was discovered."

"But those who failed in cultivation have turned into ghosts."

"That's why I'm telling you that things from this lineage are very dangerous. It's too late for you to withdraw now."

Chu Qiguang smiled and did not answer. He just looked at Jin Nu and said, "Stay here and don't move. I'll go to the front and take a look."

After saying this, Chu Qiguang's body flashed, his movement skills reaching the peak, and he disappeared as if melting into the wind.

After crossing the crowded river for more than ten miles, there were suddenly no ships on the entire river.

On the thousands-meter-wide river, the scene on both sides has become blurry.

On the calm river, a large ship with the banner of the Tianshi Sect was slowly sailing towards the center of the river.

Various sacrifices such as Taoist statues, candles and paper bundles, incense burners and livestock have been prepared on the deck in advance, all of which are the preparations needed by the Celestial Master Sect to transcend the souls of the dead.

And an old Taoist priest wearing a purple robe sat cross-legged in front of the incense table. He closed his eyes and muttered words, all of which were scriptures taught by the Tianshi.

This old man is Wang Zhishan, a high-level master of the Tianshi Sect. He is the leader of the Tianshi Sect's lecture hall and a world-famous Taoist immortal.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at the sky, with excitement and piety flashing in his eyes.

'I heard. ’

He said slowly in his heart: 'That is the voice of Taoist Master. ’

At this moment, the old Taoist priest's ears echoed with vague murmurs.

That strange sound was like an echo from the starry sky, a whisper from the abyss, exuding incredible attraction, guiding his mind to transcend the constraints of the body.

In Wang Zhishan's view, this is the true revelation and God's will.

He stood up and looked in the direction of the bow: "The evil spirit is right in front."

At this moment, there was a sudden shout and the sound of waves from behind the ship.

Then golden light flashed, and several Taoist disciples came over, escorting a monster with a fish head.

Wang Zhishan asked calmly: "Xuancheng, what's the matter?"

The leading male disciple, Jianmei Xingmu, was the person Wang Zhishan called Xuancheng.

He bowed and said, "Master! This demon is lingering on the side of the ship, saying he has something to tell you."

The fish demon had a pair of bulging white eyes, and was covered in mucus. You could even see some green algae on its face.

When he saw Wang Zhishan, he quickly said: "I...I am not a monster! I used to be a human too!"

He said cautiously: "Taoist Priest, I want to remind you not to go forward."

"Rivers and lakes are deep and vast, so they can accommodate all things, but they will always produce some inexplicable things..."

Wang Zhishan, however, did not believe the words of the monster in front of him at all.

When he was young, his parents were devoured by monsters. After joining the Tianshi Sect, he studied Taoist scriptures day and night. He was an extremely devout believer and had always hated monsters.

Wang Zhishan's eyes slightly glanced at the fish demon in front of him, and he said calmly: "The demon's words are misleading the public, and you want to prevent me from carrying out God's decree?"

"Slay the demon!"

After saying that, he pointed out, and a yellow talisman turned into sword light and swept out, slashing off the fish demon's head and falling on the deck.

Until the moment he landed on the deck, a pair of fish eyes were still staring at the boss, as if he had been looking in the direction of the old Taoist priest.

Afterwards, another figure of the fish demon appeared behind the ship.

After Wang Zhishan found out, he ordered: "It is our bounden duty to kill demons. Kill all the fish demons to sacrifice to the Taoist Master."

One by one, the Taoist priests immediately rushed to the stern of the ship, but one female Taoist priest stayed behind and said hesitantly: "Master, do those monsters really want to warn us that there is danger ahead? I always I feel like something is not quite right in this river."

Wang Zhishan raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Yunxiu, remember... there is no harmony between men and monsters."

"These monsters are full of lies, cruel and cunning. You cannot believe a word they say."

The female Taoist priest named Yunxiu nodded, not daring to refute Wang Zhishan again, for fear that the other party would doubt her belief.

After a while, the sounds of killing were heard on the river. Along with the thunder and fire transformed by the talismans, the fish monsters were captured and killed one by one.

The fish's head was cut off and erected on the bow of the boat.

It can be seen that the skull has been cut open and the brain has been hollowed out.

This originates from the ancient custom of the Tianshi Sect. It is said that doing so will prevent the slain monsters from reincarnation forever and drive away the remaining monsters.

A ghostly broken arm.

The arm that carries "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

After careful reading, you can understand the mystery of "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts".

Communicating with ghosts is a gift.

This is an item used to stimulate talent.

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