It was almost evening when Bai Ziyu returned to the villa. He saw the slender figure with her back to him, busy at the dining table, and his eyebrows raised slightly. He walked slowly behind her and stretched out his arms to catch the cute pet.

Bai Shi Taozi's delicate body froze when suddenly attacked.

But the next moment, she reacted, her cheeks flushed, and she gently nestled in the broad embrace, breathing sweetly:"Boss~"

While gently teasing the plump jade picture, Bai Ziyu leaned close to her ear, blew a breath of hot air gently, and said softly:"Taozi, why did you come back so soon, how is your aunt?"

"Mom, mom has recovered, that's why I came back, I want to work for the boss!"

"What a dedicated little secretary. Let me see if Taozi's professional level has declined in the past few days."!"

As he spoke, Bai Ziyu's right hand slowly...

But at this moment, three beautiful ladies in swimsuits walked into the living room, all wet.

Seeing this scene, Sugimoto Shoko immediately pouted her pink lips, with a look of resentment on her face:���Onii-chan bullies Momoko as soon as she comes back, she's so mean~"

Ignoring the girl's resentment, Bai Ziyu looked at Akimoto Aoi, who was wearing a light yellow swimsuit and burying her head deeply in the wealth in front of her, pretending to be an ostrich, and his eyes revealed a bit of surprise:"Aoi, why are you here too?"

"I, I came to find Jie Yijun for treatment."

Bai Ziyu heard this and nodded gently:"So that's how it is! Calculating the time, it is indeed time for treatment!"

Although he helped the other party cure depression last time, the other party has suffered from a new disease and needs him to give him a few injections from time to time.

Seeing that Bai Ziyu ignored her, Sugimoto Shoko was immediately unhappy:"Ouni~"

Let go of the beauty in his arms, slowly came to her, Bai Ziyu held the snow-white jade cheek with both hands and kissed it gently:"Okay, don't be angry."

With puffy cheeks, the girl turned into a winter food storage chipmunk, dissatisfied and coquettish:"Huh~, Ouni is really too much this time, Shoko wants to challenge you!" You want to calm your anger with a small kiss, dream!

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ziyu's face immediately became a little more exciting:"Shoko, are you sure!"

The other party was beaten to a pulp by him last time, and now he is coming again?

Who gave her the courage, Liang Jingru?!

"That's right! Shoko wants to challenge Onii-chan! Onii-chan, you're not afraid, are you?!"

After saying that, the girl glanced at Bai Ziyu provocatively, and especially stopped at a certain place for a moment.

How could Bai Ziyu bear to be attacked by her like a dragon? She immediately hugged her slender waist and wanted her to pay the price for her reckless behavior.

Sugimoto Shoko, who had never expected the other party's reaction to be so big, was suddenly a little pale and looked at her companions beside her.

Since they had formed an offensive and defensive alliance before, they naturally could not watch their allies fall into the hands of the enemy and ignore it....

For a long time, Bai Ziyu's face showed a bit of loneliness.

Alas~, it's lonely at the top, how lonely it is to be invincible.

In the following days, Sugimoto Shoko organized several attacks again, trying to get back at Bai Ziyu.

But as expected, each time ended in a miserable defeat.

Gradually, they also faced the reality that they were far from being opponents of the opponent's strength.

To defeat him, they must unite more like-minded comrades.

And there is such a person now.

In the coffee shop, seeing Sugimoto Shoko staring at her seriously, Nanao Akane suddenly panicked:"Shoko, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Akane-chan, are you and Onii-chan together?!"

As soon as these words came out, Nanao Akane's stirring action in her hands suddenly stopped, her eyes gradually became vague, and then she forced a smile at the corner of her mouth:"Sho, Shoko, what are you talking about, how could I be with Yuiichi-kun! How is it possible! ?"

"Really? Then how do you explain all this?!"

As she spoke, Sugimoto Shoko took out a stack of photos from her backpack and handed them over.

Looking at the photos of herself with a livid face, the color on Nanao Akane’s face disappeared without a trace.

And Sugimoto Shoko’s next words were like the last straw that broke the camel’s back:"These were all found on Onii-chan’s phone. You won’t say that this is not you, will Akane-chan?!"

In an instant, tears as big as soybeans kept falling from the girl’s eyes:"Shoko, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!"

"Humph! If saying sorry is useful, what do we need the police for? Nanao Akane, I thought you were my best friend, but you secretly stole my boyfriend!"

"Shoko, I definitely don't want to compete with you for Yuichi-kun........ "

"I don't want to, could this photo be fake, wow~, Akane is really proactive."

Facing Shoko Sugimoto's sarcastic words, Nanao Akane's tears fell like pearls with a broken string.

But in the next moment, the other party's words were like a ray of dawn, breaking through the darkness in her heart:"I can forgive Akane-chan, but I need Akane-chan to agree to one condition of mine."

Hearing this, Nanao Akane nodded hurriedly:"As long as Shoko can forgive me, I can do anything!"

"Very good! Then I want you to be Onii-chan's woman from now on, can you agree?!"

""Ah? ? ?"

As soon as these words came out, Nanao Akane's brain immediately crashed. What's going on?

I had sex with your boyfriend, but instead of scolding me, you asked me to be your boyfriend's woman. Are you okay?

"Shoko, you.1.8.."

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Sugimoto Shoko's face suddenly changed:"Why, you don't want to? Then let's not meet again in the future!"

After that, Sugimoto Shoko picked up her backpack and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Nanao Akane hurriedly held her right hand and whispered:"I, I promise!"

"This is not much, but there is one thing I want to make clear first. If one day you dare to betray Onii-chan, I will never, ever forgive you!"

"No way! No way!"

Hearing this, Nanao Akane hurriedly shook her head like a rattle.

Her first love and virginity were both that bad guy's, how could she like other men!

Seeing that her goal was achieved, Sugimoto Shoko's pretty face immediately turned from cloudy to sunny:"Akira-chan, we're going to...".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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