Back in the room, she gently stroked her slightly crescent-shaped lips, and a hint of shame flashed in her beautiful eyes:"This bad guy...".

The bad guy she was talking about was currently in Mihara City, quietly enjoying the intimate massage from his girlfriend.

Resting his head on those straight and straight jade legs, smelling the faint jasmine fragrance, feeling the warm and soft hands rubbing gently on his temples, the feeling was simply too good.

But enjoying alone has never been Bai Ziyu's style, so before long, he also made Marina happy.

Ai Li, who was standing in front of the door and was about to ask her elder sister what to eat for lunch, heard the sobbing voice coming from inside, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

Then she spat lightly and left in a hurry. Two flowers bloom, each showing its own beauty.

While Bai Ziyu was trying hard to make his girlfriend happy, in the villa in Kanagawa City, Akimoto Aoi, wearing a light pink dress, slowly came to the door of the villa.

"I don't know if Jie Yijun is awake now. Do you need a wake-up service?..."

While whispering softly with cheeks flushed, she skillfully entered the password to unlock the door.

The next moment, the door opened and the two looked at each other.

In the end, it was Sugimoto Shoko who broke the deadlock first:"Excuse me, who are you?"

Seeing the familiar red hair, Akimoto Aoi, who knew the other party's identity, felt a little guilty for some reason:"I, I am a patient of Yuichi-kun. This time I came to him for treatment. Is he not here?"

Hearing this, Sugimoto Shoko glanced up and down at the other party, and a look of understanding flashed in her beautiful eyes.

With this look, this bear, this butt, that greedy stinky Oni-chan, it would be a miracle if she could let it go.

She was 100% sure that this must be a peach blossom debt owed by the other party.

Just as she was about to say something, Himeno Yuri came out of the bathroom with a white towel, wiping her wet hair:"Shoko, it's Yuichi..."

Just as she finished speaking, she noticed Akimoto Aoi who was looking shocked not far away, and the girl was also shocked:"Cousin, why are you here?!"...

Finally, after a heart-to-heart talk, the three girls, who understood their respective identities, couldn't help but show some embarrassment on their faces.

Especially Himeno Yuri and Akimoto Aoi, they were cousins, but now...

As the saying goes, good things come in pairs. At this moment, the door of the villa was opened again.

Shiraishi Momoko walked in slowly, carrying a lady's backpack on her shoulder and a small suitcase in her right hand.

Seeing that there were suddenly three beautiful women in her villa, the secretary's brain suddenly crashed.

Is this my home?

I subconsciously looked at the house number and found that I was not in the wrong place!

"Here comes another one, this stinky onii-chan is so fickle~"

With her cherry lips slightly pouted and a slight coquettish sound, Sugimoto Shoko got up from the sofa and slowly walked to Shiraishi Momoko:"My name is Sugimoto Shoko, what's yours?"

"It's Ms. Sugimoto. My name is Momoko Shiraishi. May I ask where you are?..."

"Everyone present here is my sister's woman, and I think Momoko, you are no exception, right?"

As she spoke, Sugimoto Shoko raised the corners of her mouth slightly, with a hint of teasing on her face. It must be said that my sister has a good eye, and every one of them is a charming and beautiful woman. The other party revealed his identity, which made Shiraishi Momoko feel nervous, for fear that the other party would let her leave because of this:"I, I'm just the boss's secretary!


"Taozi, don't hide it anymore, you have the scent of Onii-chan~"

"Impossible, I already..."

Hearing this, Shiraishi Momoko, who was confused, subconsciously refuted.

But as soon as she said this, she realized that something bad was going to happen, and hurriedly covered her pink lips.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

Seeing the other party's silly and cute look, Sugimoto Shoko's face became more playful:"What happened to Momoko?"

In the end, under the three-court trial, Shiraishi Momoko had to admit her relationship with Bai Ziyu.

With this little episode, the original embarrassment between the few people disappeared immediately.

Women are very magical creatures. It often only takes them a few minutes to go from strangers to good sisters.

And because of the existence of Bai Ziyu, these few minutes were greatly reduced again.

After talking for a while, Sugimoto Shoko, who had successfully grasped the general situation of the two women, immediately proposed her own plan:"Yuri-chan, Aoi, Momoko, I have a suggestion. Why don't we work together tonight to deal with Oni-chan?"

This idea came to her when she was defeated that time, so she suggested that the other party take down Nanao Akane, wanting to regain her lost dignity through the human sea tactics.

0 ·······Request flowers···· ········

And now, the chance for revenge has come!

Hearing this proposal, the three girls blushed instantly and lowered their heads to play ostrich.

Finally, after Bai Ziyu's previous efforts, Himeno Yuri, who successfully released some of her nature, spoke:"Shoko, this, how can this be~"

"Yuri, I have no other choice. You are well aware of how powerful Oni-chan is. Any one of us alone is definitely not their opponent. Only by uniting as one can we have a chance of winning!"


"Sisters, we can't hesitate any longer. Do you want to be defeated by Onii-chan for the rest of your life and be oppressed by him? Unity is strength...."


Faced with the girl's encouragement, the three girls gradually became tempted.

They had been defeated for so long, and they wanted to win once.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to be beaten to a pulp.

Seeing the hesitation on the faces of the three girls, Sugimoto Shoko immediately stepped up her offensive, pouring all kinds of inspirational words into their mouths.

Finally, in her suddenness,...After lobbying, the three women were successfully persuaded and agreed to join the plan.

In order to prevent anyone from leaking the secret, Sugimoto Shoko also took away all the communication tools of the three women. The main goal was to catch Bai Ziyu off guard. Bai Ziyu, who had no idea that he had been arranged, was holding the top-grade jade in his arms and enjoying the light warmth.

However, this warmth did not last long and was destroyed by a strange sound.


In an instant, Marina's earlobe turned red, and a layer of light pink gradually appeared on her white jade-like skin.

It was so embarrassing at this time!

The shy look of the girl made Bai Ziyu want to bully her. Then he slowly showed his signature smile at the corner of his mouth:"It seems that Marina is really hungry. It's my fault that I was only concerned about going downstairs before...."

The more she listened, the redder her cheeks became. In the end, she buried her head in the broad chest and acted like an ostrich. This bad guy will bully me for a long time.

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