Pick up a biscuit, put it to your mouth and take a bite.

With a"crackling" sound, a strong milk aroma lingers in Bai Ziyu's mouth.

"Akane-chan, I didn't expect my aunt's cookies to be so delicious! Not bad! Not bad!"

While praising, Bai Ziyu slowly came to the girl's side:"Want a piece?"

Hearing this, she turned her head to the side, and Akane Nanao said in a slightly hoarse voice:"I don't want it!"

"I suggest you eat something to replenish your energy. You will continue to teach in a while, and I am afraid you can't hold on!"

As soon as she said this, the girl looked at Bai Ziyu fiercely.

If eyes could kill, he must be riddled with holes at this moment.

"Okay! Okay! Let's continue...."

Shrugging helplessly, Bai Ziyu put down the tray in his hand, put his hands on her round and fragrant shoulders, and slowly...

It was almost noon when the two of them finished the teaching.

Pulling out a few tissues and gently wiping the sweat off the girl's body, Bai Ziyu stretched his slightly stiff waist.

Looking down, looking at the sweat stain on the white casual clothes, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

It was a mistake. Since you are learning yoga, you should expect to sweat.

Also seeing the sweat stain, the girl's earlobe suddenly turned red like blood, and a soft hum came out from her nose:"Hum~"

Reaching out his right hand and pinching the straight nose, Bai Ziyu said softly:"Thank you Qian-chan for teaching me to practice yoga today. I will come to your house to learn tomorrow!"

As soon as these words came out, the blush that was originally only on the earlobe spread rapidly downwards, and in just a moment it spread all over the body.

Looking at his slowly leaving back, Nanao Akane couldn't help but whispered coquettishly:"Who wants you to come~"

As soon as the words came out, the girl suddenly realized something, her face changed slightly, and she hurriedly shook her head:"No! No! That bastard is Shoko's boyfriend, Akane you can't..."

However, the panicked girl did not realize that the figure that should have been in her heart had gradually faded away, and was replaced by the bastard who often bullied her.

In the living room, seeing Bai Ziyu was about to leave, the beautiful woman hurriedly tried to stop him:"Jie Yijun, are you leaving now? I'm almost done with the meal, let's stay and have lunch together!"

"Thank you, auntie! But I have some things to deal with, so I won't eat. But I will come to your house tomorrow to bother you. If I disturb you, auntie,..."

"What are you talking about, Jie Yijun? I'm so happy that you're here!"......

In the evening, in front of the villa gate, Himeno Yuri walked in with a schoolbag on her back and a mischievous look on her face:"I don't know what expression that bastard will have when he sees me, he must be very surprised!"

As she said that, she came to the door and skillfully entered the password to unlock it.

After walking into the living room, the girl put down her schoolbag and slowly went to the bedroom.

But just as she was thinking about what expression the other party would have when he saw her, a whimper like a kitten suddenly came from the bedroom.

Hearing this sound, Himeno Yuri's movements suddenly froze, and the blood on her face disappeared.

With the last bit of luck, she slowly came to the door and slowly opened a gap.

Looking at the scene, she covered her cherry lips tightly, and tears flowed down.

The next moment, she turned around and ran out of the door.

In the quiet alley, a hurried sound of footsteps echoed, attracting the predator who had just gone out to look for prey.

Leaning their heads out, they saw the plump, slender, youthful figure. They gently licked their slightly cracked lips, with a hint of sadness in their eyes.

In the villa, Bai Ziyu, who was teaching Sugimoto Shoko new knowledge, suddenly heard a system prompt in his ear:

【Emergency! Emergency! Himeno Yuri is in danger! Himeno Yuri is in danger! Could the host teleport to her side immediately? Could the host teleport to her side immediately? 】

Seeing that the key moment was approaching, Bai Ziyu suddenly stopped, and Sugimoto Shoko turned her head, her beautiful eyes full of dissatisfaction:"Onii-chan, what's wrong? No, I'm not going to......"

After tapping the plump and perky breasts, Bai Ziyu hurriedly said,"I'm in a hurry," and chose to teleport.

The girl's pretty face was in danger, and she showed a bit of deep resentment:"How could this be, Onii-chan is so irresponsible!"

The bright moonlight fell on the quiet alley. Looking at the girl who was forced into a corner and kept waving her arms and shouting"Don't come over", the two men, who were about 30 years old, showed a bit of cat-and-mouse playfulness in their eyes.......

This is more delicious than the prey they missed some time ago.

Tonight, they must have a good time with Wang Yuan!

With this thought in mind, one of the tall and thin men suddenly stretched out his hand to grab him.

But at this moment, a murderous voice sounded in their ears.

The good thing was ruined again. The two men's mentality was a little broken, and they immediately cursed:"Who the hell is this?"..."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she felt dizzy and then she knew nothing.

Putting away the Thunder Sword, Bai Ziyu came to the girl and said softly:"Yuri, are you okay?"

Looking at this man who was so familiar, the tears in Yuri Himeno's beautiful eyes suddenly poured down like a dam breaking.

Seeing her thoughts and understanding why the other party was like this, Bai Ziyu sighed slightly and stretched out his right hand.

She wanted to wave it away, but the girl finally let it get close.

After a while, feeling the familiar warmth on her cheek, Yuri Himeno, whose defense line completely collapsed, threw herself into his arms and kept beating his broad chest:"Woo woo~, you bad guy, since you are with Shoko, why do you still come to tease me?..."

Facing the girl's question, Bai Ziyu answered with his own actions.

He lowered his head and kissed those soft cherry lips, and waved his hand to open a space door.

The blue and white sailor uniform fell to the ground, and the whispers gradually dissipated.

The whispers slowly wandered, and finally reached the bedroom not far away, interrupting Sugimoto Shoko who was busy.

Stop what you are doing, prick up your ears and listen quietly.

After a moment, the girl was sure that she had not heard wrong, turned over and got out of bed, and angrily ran towards the source of the sound.

It's really too much, how can this be?!

Coming to the door of the room and pushing it open violently, the girl said in a delicate voice:"Onii-chan, you..."

Halfway through the conversation, Sugimoto Shoko noticed the beauty in Bai Ziyu's arms, and her brain suddenly crashed:"Yuri-chan???".

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