At the dining table, Sugimoto Shoko looked at Nanao Akane with a puzzled look on her face:"Akane-chan, where did you go just now? I found you in the bathroom too?"

Hearing this, she subconsciously glanced at Bai Ziyu, and the girl gritted her teeth and said lightly:"I came out of the bathroom and suddenly saw a stray dog. It looked quite pitiful, so I bought it something to eat!"

After that, her delicate body trembled slightly, and a few red strands slowly climbed up her slender swan neck

"Oh~, so you went to feed stray dogs. No wonder I didn’t find you in the toilet. But Akane is still so kind."

""It's, it's okay~"

An hour later, the three got up and left, but there seemed to be a faint shimmering light at the place where Nanao Akane was sitting.

After sending her home, Bai Ziyu took Sugimoto Shoko back to the villa. As soon as she entered the door, the girl turned into a koala, wrapped her arms tightly around her lover's neck, and asked for credit:"Onii-chan, Shoko did a good job, didn't you?"

Hearing this, he pecked at the pink lips like a dragonfly skimming the water. Bai Ziyu did not hesitate to praise:"Well! Not bad! Not bad! Shoko really surprised Onii-chan!"

"Hehe~, have you thought about what kind of reward you want to give to Shoko?-?"

"Oh? Then what does Shoko want?"

"I want..."

Hearing the girl's request, Bai Ziyu looked"surprised"":"Shoko, I didn't expect you to..."

Before he could finish, Sugimoto Shoko, who looked shy, stretched out her white hands and covered his mouth:"Onii-chan, don't say it, it's so embarrassing!"~"

"Okay! I won’t say any more! I won’t say any more! But are you sure you want to do this, Shoko?"

"Yes! Shoko wants to give everything to Onii-chan~"...

The afternoon sun shines through the window and into the bedroom, illuminating a beautiful scene.

Bai Ziyu lowered his head and gently kissed away the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes. He asked softly,"How do you feel now?" The little head arched against the broad chest a few times, and the girl smiled sweetly,"Onii-chan, Shoko is so happy! Really so happy!"

Gently stroking the fiery red hair, Bai Ziyu smiled but said nothing when he heard it.

Enjoying a moment of tenderness, Shoko Sugimoto couldn't help her curiosity and raised her head slightly,"Onii-chan, how did you do it?"


"It took only three days to conquer Akane-chan. Although Akane-chan is a little silly at ordinary times, she is still very conservative about this kind of thing. Onii-chan, how did you do it?"

"I didn't actually do anything...."

Knowing from Bai Ziyu's narration that the other party was almost defeated by Dong Gangli Zang, the girl couldn't help but clench her fists:"I said that guy was not a good person, thank you, Onii-chan~"

But then, she couldn't help but roll her eyes charmingly:"But using me to threaten Akane-chan, Onii-chan you are really despicable!"

Bai Ziyu's face suddenly turned black when he heard it:"I'll give you one chance, take back what you just said!"

Faced with the undisguised threat in his words, the girl was not afraid, but made a face:"I'm not! Onii-chan is despicable, despicable, lo~"

This time, Bai Ziyu was really angry:"Today I'll let you often, despicable ghost power!"

"Ah~, help!...,Well~"......

The next day, Bai Ziyu gently kissed the still sleeping girl and slowly pulled his right arm out from under her pillow.

After changing into white casual clothes, he drove to Nanao's house.

""Ding Dong~" accompanied by the sound of the doorbell, a clear voice like an oriole singing out of a valley rang out in the room:"Who is it?"

When she opened the door and saw that the person coming was Bai Ziyu, Nanawei Akane's cheeks immediately turned red:"Why, why is it you?"

"Akane, letting guests stand outside the door is not a good way to entertain guests.~"

"Please, please come in!"

Seeing that some of the neighbors seemed to have stuck their heads out to check, the girl quickly let them in.

Just after entering the door, a gentle female voice came from the kitchen:"Qian, who's here?"

Then, a gentle and beautiful woman in a white T-shirt on the upper body and blue jeans on the lower body came out.

Seeing the other party, Bai Ziyu finally understood why the girl was so gifted, it turned out that she had a heritage!

"Who are you?"

"Hello, sister. My name is Yuichi Hanyu. I am Akane's classmate. This time I came to ask her for advice on the Kung Fu course...."

As he spoke, Bai Ziyu lifted his schoolbag.

0 ······Request flowers0 ·······

Of course he had to put on a full show, and he came prepared this time.

Hearing Bai Ziyu calling his mother"sister", Nanao Akane quickly interrupted:"Don't talk nonsense, this is my mother!"

Bai Ziyu heard this and immediately showed a look of"astonishment" on his face:"How is it possible, sister looks only in her twenties, how could she be Akane's mother, Akane, you are lying to me, right?" Seeing this, the beautiful woman next to him couldn't help but cover her mouth and giggle:"Hehehe~, Yuiichi-kun is really cute, I am indeed Akane's mother!"

"Ah! Sorry auntie, I don't know..., but you really look only in your twenties. Walking down the street with Qian, I think everyone would think you are sisters, not mother and daughter."

............... ......

A wave of compliments was delivered, successfully coaxing the beautiful woman into smiling, causing the capital in front of her to tremble.

Arriving at the girl's room, just after closing the door, Nanao Akane asked with a hint of questioning:"What do you want to do in my house?" She gently stretched out her arms to hug the slender waist, slightly hugged her in her arms, stretched out her index finger to lift the delicate chin, and pecked it lightly:"I heard from Shoko that you are very good at yoga, so I want to learn from you!"


After a while, Bai Ziyu let go of Akane Nanao, whose cheeks were covered with sunset glow and whose breath was as fragrant as orchid, and said with a faint smile:"Okay! Now let Akane show you how to practice yoga!" She shook her thin lips lightly, hesitated for a moment, put her hands together in front of her body, and slowly moved them up.

Then, she placed her left foot on her right ankle and also slowly moved it up, presenting an independent posture of a golden bird.

With such a good teacher teaching in person, Bai Ziyu naturally wanted to learn well.

But in the middle of learning, there was a knock on the door:"Akira, you guys take a break first, I made some cookies..."

Opening the door and looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Bai Ziyu smiled and said,"Thank you, auntie!"

Then he reached out to take it.

At this time, Nanao Akane also turned her head and smiled sweetly,"Thank you, mom!"

"It's okay! You guys continue studying, I won't disturb you!" With a faint smile and nodding, the beautiful woman closed the door and left.

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