Because the road ahead was blocked, Hongyue and the others could only rely on the particle shield provided by the road army to fight back and resist the undead creatures.

But without the protection of the potholes, attacks from the front, back, left, right, and upper five directions can hit them, even the particle shield of the road army can't resist it.

As the undead creatures increased, the line of defense of Hongyue and others was gradually compressed, and soon there was nowhere to go.

Fortunately, the watchman sent out brain waves to the flying elves in advance, so that the elves supported them.

But before the elven creatures had time to get down, they were directly intercepted by the bone dragon army, unable to carry Red Moon and others away.

In desperation, Hongyue could only lead everyone to retreat in the direction where the road army was, and returned to the previous pothole.

"We can't leave! All places are sealed off!" Hongyue shouted to the Lu Army.

Lu Jun did not respond to the red moon, but used his brain to quickly think about the next countermeasure.

If the Fengshen pterosaur was summoned to escape, the number of Fengshen pterosaurs was insufficient, and they could not run away together.

The only way is to turn the Destruction Guards away and restore the blocked space to normal, so that Lin Yilan can use the space portal to take everyone away.

But the problem is to destroy the guard's IQ, this kind of plan is estimated to be difficult to work.

In case something went wrong, the Lu Army and others might be wiped out.

But no matter what, if you have a plan, you still have to try it out, otherwise you will die here.

However, before the road army could take any action, the Destruction Guard stood up, holding the double-headed spear that it had just pulled out in his hand.

This made the Lu Army shout bad, and immediately caused the Tyrannosaurus to withdraw from the destruction guard.

But the Lu Army's order was too late. The next moment the four Tyrannosauruses were hammered by the Destruction Guard, they flew directly four or five meters away.

In addition, the Destruction Guard raised his right arm and summoned a large number of ball-shaped objects with flames to fall from the sky.

Its ability is very similar to the Flame Rain of the Abyss Demon King, but its scope and power are much larger than the Flame Rain.

With nowhere to hide, the Lu Army could only support the particle shield with all its strength and envelop everyone.

As a large number of spherical objects fell, the Lu Army and others were slapped with scalp numbness. If it were not protected by a particle shield, they would have been wiped out.

Fortunately, the Lu Army's brain power is still very sufficient, and he has resisted a whole wave of attacks for everyone until the sky is calm again.

During this period, the surrounding undead creatures just surrounded the battlefield without launching an attack.

Because there are destruction guards, they are not needed, they just need to prevent these humans from escaping.

"We can't go on like this anymore. We will be consumed to death. I will fly up and pretend to run away. Its hatred of me is relatively high. It should be chased. After we leave, the space here will probably return to normal. Now, just take advantage of that time to leave from the space portal." The Lu Jun told everyone his plan.

After talking about it, the road army didn't care if everyone had any opinions, and directly summoned the four tyrannosaurus that had been hit **** the field.

Immediately after, he opened the dragon's wings, made a fierce wave, quickly climbed into the air, and flew to the left.

Originally, the Lu Army intended to open the Tyrannosaurus real body and head-to-head with the Destruction Guard, and this was also one of his backhands.

But he just suddenly discovered that the cooling time of the Tyrannosaurus body has not been restored yet, so that he is not even qualified to head-on, so he can only slip away first...

Seeing the Lu Army suddenly flew up, the Destruction Guards couldn't help but froze for a moment, thinking that the Lu Army wanted to leave the ground human beings to escape.

If you compare the humans on the ground with the Lu Army, the Destruction Guard will naturally hate the Lu Army even more, after all, the Lu Army has injured it.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard also waved his wings, soared into the air, and began to pursue the road army.

As for the humans on the ground, the Destruction Guards were thrown directly to the undead creatures.

Because it can feel that the strength of these humans is not very strong, it is enough for the undead creatures to deal with it.

Now it was Hongyue's turn and the others stunned, because they really didn't expect the Destruction Guard to fly.

Although the Destruction Guard is a winged creature, this wing is too small compared to its size. How can this be able to fly...

The Lu Jun was also surprised. Originally, he thought the Destruction Guard would run after him, but he did not expect that the Destruction Guard would fly directly, and the threat to him would be even greater.

However, this also means that his plan has worked. The Destruction Guard is staying away from Red Moon and others, as long as he can hold back time.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army accelerated the frequency of waving dragon wings and increased the speed to the extreme.

Due to the relatively small size of the road army, the wind resistance during the flight is not large, and the speed is slightly faster than the destruction guard, so that the destruction guard can't catch up.

Seeing the Lu Army playing it like this, the Destruction Guard immediately sent out brain waves, causing the surrounding bone dragons to fly over, blocking the Lu Army with attacks and bodies, causing interference.

Lu Jun also understood the plan to destroy the guards, and immediately used his brain power to summon all the Fengshen pterosaurs to clear the way for him.

But the number of bone dragons was too much. There were only seven Fengshen pterosaurs, and they couldn't hold on any longer and could no longer stay with the Lu Army.

In this way, the Route Army had to deal with the Bone Dragon Army and the Destruction Guard at the same time, and the dangers were all around for a while.

The only good news is that after the Destruction Guard moved away, the space blockade on the side of the red moon was finally lifted, and Lin Yilaan also condensed a usable space portal as quickly as possible.

Although there are undead creatures around and above their heads at this time, they can still enter the space portal and retreat calmly when the black-robed people are fully mentally equipped.

Even the Night Demon threw several swarms of Rot Bats and stepped into the space portal and left with the black-robed people.

It is a pity that due to the rush of time, the space portal set up by Lin Yilan has not been teleported far, and it still belongs to the battlefield.

Fortunately, there are no undead creatures around, nor did the undead creatures in the distance find them, giving them a short breathing time.

At this time, everyone was still in a panic. They really didn't expect to really escape from the hands of the destruction guard.

When the night demon saw that he had escaped from the desperate situation, he was full of emotion, and his heart was mixed.

In fact, it is the one who knows the most about destroying the guard's strength. The reason why it and Hongyue and the others can successfully escape is because of the proper plan of the road army, and there is a lot of luck in it.

After resting for more than ten seconds, Lin Yilan immediately began to condense the second space portal, which leads directly to the periphery of the battlefield, allowing everyone to completely escape danger...

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