Although this level of attack can cause no harm to it, it still feels uncomfortable to be beaten.

Originally, it felt that it was hard to come out, so it wanted to be more prestigious and play with these humans.

But these humans actually dared to attack it first and wanted to die by themselves, so it's no wonder it.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard grabbed the ground above the pit with both hands, and lifted it up.

As the Destruction Guard exerted force, the land slowly loosened, and in the end it was opened directly, exposing the entire pothole.

Knowing that this piece of land weighs a few tons, the Destruction Guard can be made without much effort. This kind of power is definitely not reachable by ordinary creatures.

Without the protection of the ground above the pit, Red Moon and the crowds of black-robed men were completely exposed to the undead creatures, making the undead creatures excited. They wanted to kill these humans in a day or two, and they surrounded them.

Fortunately, the disappearance of the land also gave Hongyue and the others a shortcut to escape. They directly climbed the fallen mound to the edge of the pothole.

Seeing that these humans wanted to run, the Destruction Guard was unwilling, and instantly slammed on the ground, unlocking their scorched earth ability.

At the moment when the ability was used, a layer of flame suddenly appeared in the surrounding land, and it became muddy, making it very inconvenient to walk.

This effect exists within thousands of kilometers nearby, causing Hongyue and the others to use a lot of effort every step they escape.

Seeing that these humans were confined by it, the Destruction Guard hummed, and immediately rushed forward.

Although it is okay to leave these humans to other undead creatures to kill, it has finally come over, and of course wants to do it on its own.

However, just as the Destruction Guard took a few steps forward, the Lu Army's eyes suddenly turned red, and a super laser was fired at the Destruction Guard, once again hitting the Destruction Guard's jaw.

This caused the Destruction Guard to lower his head subconsciously and see the road army standing at its feet.

Due to the height problem, it didn't know who was attacking him before, and it has only now realized that the Lu Army has been doing tricks.

The next moment, its eyes sprayed out a green fire, and it hit the location of the road army.

Fortunately, the Lu Army had always been prepared for the destruction of the guards, and directly rolled over to avoid this wave of attacks, allowing the fire to fall on the ground, corroding the ground into a big hole.

While avoiding the attack, the Lu Army's eyes once again used the gap to shoot super laser light, hitting the body of the destruction guard for the third time.

In this way, the Destroy Guard was completely angry, and it could clearly feel that the Road Army was provoking it.

So in the next moment, the Destruction Guard will no longer care about the escaped Red Moon and others, but will let other undead creatures deal with it.

Anyway, let the undead creatures catch the red moon and others first, and wait for it to finish before killing it.

Then it directly lifted its right leg and stepped on the head of the road army. It hadn't encountered a creature that dared to challenge it for a long time.

Faced with the attack of the Destruction Guard, the Lu Army did not panic at all, and directly inserted the double-headed spear in its hand in place, and jumped away after another.

Due to weight issues, it is difficult for the Destruction Guard to recover after stepping out, causing it to only step on the double-headed spear.

If it is an ordinary weapon, it will definitely not be able to harm the Destruction Guard, and it will be directly trampled on by the Ranked Destruction Guard.

But the double-headed spear is made of abyssal magic crystals, and it has a certain armor-breaking ability, which is true for creatures of any order.

So after the Destruction Guard stepped on the double-headed spear, the soles of the feet were directly broken open, allowing the double-headed spear to plunge into it, a full one meter deep.

This made the Destruction Guard couldn't help wailing, even though it was just a small wound, but it hurts the soles of the feet, making it feel pain as long as it stands.

A small human could actually cause it to be injured, which was beyond the expectation of the Destruction Guard, and his expression immediately became serious, ready to start a serious battle.

However, before this starts, it must pull out the double-headed spear under its feet, otherwise it will affect it.

So the next moment, the Destruction Guard sat directly on the ground, making a roar of flesh hitting the ground, and then used his left hand to pull the double-headed spear on his right foot.

But the double-headed spear was too small for the Destruction Guard, and it took a lot of effort to get it out.

Seeing that the attention of the Destroying Guard was finally attracted, the Lu Army slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he "returned" the two-headed spear that he had just acquired, as long as he could hold the Destruction Guard, it was worth it.

At the same time, he also understood that this was a good opportunity to attack the Destruction Guard, and immediately let the Tyrannosaurus rush toward the Destruction Guard.

In addition, the Lu Army also sent a signal to the red moon in the distance, letting the red moon turn on the moonlight and the moon to help him fight.

The red moon that received the signal immediately reacted, using his brain power, using the moonlight to make a moon shadow appear in the sky, and then using the moonlight to help them hide their shape.

With the appearance of moonlight, it also means that the Lunar eclipse can be used by the road army.

In the next moment, the Lu Army's brain power was fully deployed, and with the help of the moonlight above, it used the lunar eclipse, causing hundreds of moon pillars to fall from the sky, and the target was the destruction guard sitting on the ground.

Feeling the pressure of falling from the air, the Destruction Guard slowly raised his head and glanced at the moon pillar above with disdain.

Immediately after that, it did not make any evasive movements, but raised its right arm that was flaming, propped up a road shield, and blocked the upper side.

When the lunar eclipse hit this flame shield, there was a burst of "pop-pop" from time to time.

But no matter how you hit it, you can't destroy the flame shield, let alone attack the road to destroy the guard.

You must know that the lunar eclipse currently used by the Lu Army is a little more powerful than the red moon, and even Tier 4 abilities can be easily blocked, which is enough to prove the horror of destroying the guard.

Fortunately, the tyrannosaurus had already rushed to the Destruction Guard at this time, and saw that they directly opened their own violent form and pounced at the Destruction Guard.

Facing the incoming dinosaur, the Destruction Guard raised his hand with a punch, directly hammering a Tyrannosaurus closest to it.

Although the other three tyrannosaurus also took advantage of this opportunity to bite its body, it was a pity that they failed to break the Destruction Guard's defense, and were hammered one by one by the Destruction Guard.

Seeing that the powerful Tier S Tyrannosaurus could not deal with the Destruction Guards at all, the Lu Army's heart suddenly went cold.

Although he had thought that there was a big gap between the strength of Tyrannosaurus and Destruction Guard, he did not expect to be directly crushed by Destruction Guard.

Since the battle on the road side failed to limit the destruction of the guards, the undead creatures could deal with the Red Moon and others unscrupulously, and they immediately surrounded everyone...

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