After all, in its cognition, human beings are a group of creatures that are greedy for life and fear of death. They will go together if they are good, and they will run immediately if they are bad, without the slightest fighting quality.

But all this happening before him refreshed Siwak's view of humans, making it involuntarily dignified, not knowing what he was thinking...

As the battle continued to fall into a stalemate, and the rebels regained their footing, Siwak could no longer sit still, and immediately dragged his tired body to the center of the battlefield.

Although it was seriously injured at this time, it could only display its super-level strength at best, but the thin camel was bigger than a horse, and it was no problem to deal with the situation in front of it.

Seeing that the Zerg’s strongest combat force, Siwak, was coming, Ruan Bing in the air and the wood on the ground rushed out first, preparing to unite against Siwak.

Because the road army is not there, only they can stop Siwak a little bit. No matter whether they can fight or not, they must face it. This is the responsibility of being a strong man.

"Let's hold it! The rest will be handed over to you! It will be a victory!" The wood carrying the Lei Ying horizontal knife yelled behind him, and said the order to deploy.

"Sure victory! Sure victory! Sure victory!" The resistance army also shouted short words to boost morale, making their voices echoed on the battlefield.

Although everyone seemed to have high morale, everyone knew that if there were no accidents, they would have been defeated in this battle.

Because the Zerg's high-end power did not lose the slightest, only some "small trash fish" died, but their strongest road army and Fengshen pterosaurs are no longer there.

Under this declining, the gap between them and the Zerg was invisibly widened, so it was only a matter of time before they failed.

As for why they are willing to fight even after knowing the failure, maybe this is the **** nature of the resistance...

Facing the Tier 3 Wood and Tier 4 Ruan Bing, Siwak didn't panic at all, condensing a brain wave ball with both left and right hands at the same time, smashing it at Ruan Bing and Wood.

Looking at the huge ball of light that hit, Ruan Bing chose to dodge, while the wood wielded a thunder shadow horizontal knife and slashed hard, cutting the brainwave ball in half.

Immediately afterwards, the wood rolled and passed through the brain wave ball, activated its second ability, multiple mirror images, and sneaked around Siwak.

After confirming that Siwak had entered his attack range, Wood activated his third ability, the Thunder Prison Knife, and summoned dozens of phantoms of the Thunder Shadow Cross Knife.

With a burst of lightning and thunder and the sound of the blade slashing through the air, Siwak was completely covered by the effect of the Thunder Hell Knife's array killing, and suffered no less than 20 Thunder Shadow Cross Knife phantom damage.

However, it is a pity that although Wood's powers are so powerful, Sivac did not suffer much damage.

After all, Siwak's current strength is equivalent to a Tier 5 ability player, and it is no problem to beat a Tier 3 ability player.

After carrying the strongest ability of wood, Siwak's huge head suddenly opened a hole, and then dozens of light **** flew out at an incredible speed, covering the wood.

Because the ball of light was too fast, the wood that had just used its ability was exhausted and couldn't evade it. It could only split three **** of light in a row, and then fell under the bombardment of other **** of light.

Seeing the wood fall to the ground, Siwak sneered, soaring towards the location of the wood, preparing to strike the wood a fatal blow.

Fortunately, Ruan Bing from above was supporting her. She frantically absorbed the soul bodies on the battlefield, and then transformed these soul bodies into Ten Thousand Souls, and swung towards Siwak's position, blocking Siwak's way forward.

Seeing the incoming Ten Thousand Souls Slash, Sivac didn't dare to hold on, and stopped slightly, avoiding Ten Thousand Souls Slash, and stopped attacking the wood.

But this didn't mean Siwak gave up. It suddenly opened the opening in the head and shot dozens of luminous balls, covering Ruan Bing's position. He planned to repeat the old tricks and use this method to kill Ruan Bing.

However, Ruan Bing riding the bloodthirsty king bat was obviously more flexible than the wood. When the bloodthirsty king bat dodged from left to right, a ball of light could not hit Ruan Bing.

Seeing that they were safe, Ruan Bing excitedly patted the back of the bloodthirsty king bat, seeming to praise the bloodthirsty king bat for hiding well.

But before Ruan Bing had time to issue the next step, she suddenly heard a burst of air breaking behind her.

When Ruan Bing turned his head, he saw the super-rank Manchurian Blade and Man Wing behind her, and a two-meter-long wind blade was attacking her, only ten meters away.

Seeing this, Ruan Bing was too late to make any defenses in a hurry, so he could only slap the bloodthirsty king bat slammed, and signaled the bloodthirsty king bat to escape.

The clever bloodthirsty king bat also understood what Ruan Bing meant, and immediately made irregular emergency evasion without looking back.

But the speed of the wind blade was too fast, and it reached the body of the bloodthirsty king bat in an instant, making the bloodthirsty king bat unable to completely avoid it.

Only heard a sound of "chi", the bloodthirsty king bat was hit by the wind blade, and a wound broke open on its body, bursting out a large amount of blood.

Suffering so badly, the bloodthirsty king bat could no longer maintain its balance, and had to flap its wings with difficulty and fall to the ground.

Ruan Bing, who was staying on the back of the bloodthirsty king bat, also knew that the bloodthirsty king bat could not fly, and began to clenched his white teeth, grasping the back of the bloodthirsty king bat with both hands to prevent him from falling.

In this way, it took several seconds for the bloodthirsty king bat and Ruan Bing to fall to the ground. The bloodthirsty king bat was on the verge of death and went into a coma and lost all combat effectiveness.

Although Ruan Bing was also stunned by the shock, she sat on the back of the bloodthirsty king bat and suffered no injuries. So after shaking her head, she stood up, summoned the Soul Eater, and asked Siwak. The direction rushed.

Seeing that a relatively high-level enemy was solved again, and only Ruan Bing was left, Siwak was very satisfied with the surprise attack of the Manchu Blade.

Immediately afterwards, Siwak opened the opening in his head again, sending dozens of light **** toward the Soul Eater's position.

It's not that it only has such a trick, but since this trick is useful and can kill the enemy, then it doesn't need to engage in those bells and whistles.

Facing these unsolvable light balls, Ruan Bing, who was riding the Soul Eater, felt a headache, and could only wield the Ten Thousand Soul Slash desperately in an attempt to destroy these light balls.

But after all, Ruan Bing had a big gap with the Soul Eater. Her Ten Thousand Soul Slash only destroyed half of the light ball, and the rest of the light ball was still attacking her.

Facing this kind of situation, Ruan Bing was completely helpless, and it was difficult for the larger Soul Eater to use speed to avoid it.

So in the next moment, Ruan Bing could only lie down on the Soul Devouring Scythe, summon a soul shield to stand in front of him, ready to carry this wave of attacks.

However, even wood with extremely high physical strength can't stop Siwak's attack. How can Ruan Bing, who is a brain power, stop...

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