Everyone looked at Siwak's tragic situation and didn't care. The question they most puzzled now was, where did the Lu Army go? Could this explosion be caused by the road army?

When everyone looked around looking for the Lu Army, Xiao Wan in the distance suddenly pointed down in mid-air: "He is there! Help him!"

Hearing Xiaowan's words, everyone saw the Lu Army lying quietly under Siwak.

Since the Tyrannosaurus body has just been used, the Lu Jun has passed out at this time, and it is estimated that he will not wake up in a short time.

Seeing this, Ruan Bing immediately ordered the bloodthirsty king bat and the wind **** pterosaur to descend, because now only she can quickly rescue the road army.

However, when Ruan Bing turned around, he realized that the Fengshen pterosaur had disappeared in midair at some point.

This is because it belongs to a creature summoned by the Lu Army, and the Lu Army falls into a coma, and it will disappear.

With Ruan Bing's urgent need for high-level combat power, the disappearance of the Fengshen pterosaur undoubtedly made them worse.

But even without the Fengshen pterosaur, Ruan Bing still wanted to save the Lu Army. The next moment she flew down on the bloodthirsty king bat alone, with determination on her face.

But before Ruan Bing approached, Siwak discovered the existence of the Lu Army, which made everyone watching this scene feel cold.

Although he was severely injured by the road army, if he could take advantage of the situation to kill the road army and destroy a powerful enemy, Siwak could still accept this result.

So in the next second, Siwak lifted its foot joint several meters high and smashed it against the head of the Lu Army.

In this case, even if Ruan Bing's speed was too fast, it would be too late, because the road army would die at Siwak's feet in less than two seconds.

Everyone's eyes widened and their brains were blank. They couldn't imagine what would happen to the Lu Army if they were killed.

But at this moment, Lin Yilan, who had been shrinking behind, suddenly got into a space portal that had been prepared for a long time, and appeared beside the Lu Army hundreds of meters away.

Immediately after, Lin Yilan held the unconscious Lu Jun in his arms and activated his second ability, the space gap, leading the Lu Jun into the space and time gap temporarily, avoiding Siwak’s foot attack. .

But this does not mean that Lin Yilan and Lu Jun successfully escaped, because the gap in space can only temporarily avoid the attack, and it will reappear in a few seconds.

Seeing the newly emerged humans ruining its plan to kill the Lu Army, Siwak was extremely angry, and once again raised the foot joints and pressed Lin Yilan's head.

Since this human dared to come to rescue, then kill this human with the road army, this is Siwak's idea.

Seeing Lin Yilan and Lu Jun re-exposed to Siwak's attack, everyone felt desperate.

Because they all understand that Lin Yi's lazy time gap cannot be used continuously, and there will always be times when his brain power is exhausted.

The condensing time of the space portal is relatively long, and Lin Yilaan cannot use it within a second or two.

So at the moment, this is almost a mortal situation. Lin Yi lazy went to rescue the road army, but just put himself in.

Ruan Bing, who was still flying down the bloodthirsty king bat in mid-air, was also sad. How much she hoped it was her who was staying next to the Lu Army at this time.

Although it may not be possible to live with the Lu Army, it would be a good choice to die with the Lu Army at the last moment.

It's a pity that she doesn't even have the chance to die together with the Lu Army, and she still has to watch the Lu Army die in front of her. The saddest thing in the world is nothing more than this...

The two super-order Zerg leaders looked at this scene with excitement.

After all, the enemies that have caused them great trouble are finally dying, and they will also have the final victory in this battle. Nothing can make them more happy than this.

Just when everyone felt that Lu Jun and Lin Yilan could no longer survive, a strange wave suddenly rippled in Lin Yilan’s body, which shook Siwak’s feet and caused a small explosion. .

When the explosion was over, Lin Yilaan and Lu Jun had disappeared, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

If Lu Jun is still awake, he will find that this is actually the third ability that Lin Yilan has just learned, space shock.

The effect is to cause spatial fluctuations in the area where it is located, causing an explosion, and allowing the user to teleport to any location, which is an uncontrollable existence.

According to normal logic, this ability is very unreasonable, even very tasteless, after all, it will be transmitted to other places every time it is used, which is useless for combat.

But in this case, this ability just saved Lu Jun and Lin Yi's life, allowing them to escape from Siwak.

Looking at Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy who disappeared without a trace, everyone screamed with excitement.

Although they didn't know what happened, as long as they didn't see the body of the Lu Army, that was a good thing.

After another round of explosions, Siwak couldn't hold it anymore, and he directly withdrew from the body of the Cerebral, and returned to a normal body of two meters high.

Seeing that he was hit so hard, Siwak was trembling with anger, and it never thought that the enemy would escape under its nose.

Although it is also proficient in space abilities, it knows that Lu Jun and Lin Yilaan have been teleported away, but it has no ability to follow the past.

After checking his own injuries, Siwak placed the target on the Lu Army's men.

Since the Lu Army is gone, it can only use its subordinates to "stab" it. After all, it must end the battle as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Siwak quickly condensed a brain wave ball and smashed it at the bloodthirsty king bat flying above.

Fortunately, the bloodthirsty king bat carrying Ruan Bing reacted fast enough to avoid it as soon as it turned over, otherwise it is estimated to be beaten alive by the brain wave ball.

After avoiding the attack, Ruan Bing took the bloodthirsty king bat and retreated far away from Siwak.

After all, the Lu Army had been rescued, and it didn't make much sense for her to choose to struggle with Siwak.

But Sivac obviously didn't intend to let Ruan Bing and the others go. In the next moment, he ordered the Zerg leader to gather the remaining Zerg creatures, attack the orc warriors and dinosaurs, and start a new round of battle.

Seeing the enemy attacked them again, Wood immediately assembled the team and counterattacked.

The morale of the people on the field did not plummet because of the absence of the road army, but broke out with 120% strength.

After all, they all knew that the Lu Army had done their best, and the Lu Army had kept them for so long, and it was time for them to give back.

So now let them guard the territory of the Route Army! This is what everyone thinks.

Seeing that the enemy, instead of being defeated, was stubbornly resisting their attack, preventing the Zerg creatures from advancing half a step forward, Siwak couldn't help but stare wide, his face in disbelief...

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