Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 678: Tier 3 Elder

When they arrived at Lin Xiaobai’s position, the Lu Army saw a large group of humans walking below, some holding stone shields, and some holding stone spears. They talked loudly and seemed to share the joy of victory. .

A group of orcs were escorted by this group of humans, each of which was **** with five flowers, and there were dripping blood stains on his body, the number was about two hundred.

Seeing this, the Lu Army immediately opened the Eye of Data and scanned the group of orcs until a few rows of data appeared before his eyes.

[Thunder Rhinoceros, whose strength is assessed as Tier B, is an intermediate class of orcs that can use rhino horns to summon thunder and lightning to attack enemies. 】

[Witch Doctor, whose strength is assessed as Tier B, is an intermediate class of Orcs, who is good at using voodoo to injure enemies or heal allies. 】

After confirming the identity of the orcs, the Lu Army immediately looked back at Lin Xiaobai: "It's them! We have to rescue the orcs and avoid all the orcs from dying!"

Hearing the Lu Army's order, Lin Xiaobai nodded slightly and began to think about how to attack the humans below.

Even if they cannot kill these humans, they have to delay time and wait for their people to come and support.

However, before the Lu Army and Lin Xiaobai acted, the humans below discovered the Lu Army and Lin Xiaobai.

Because there were dozens of supernatural beings in the crowd, these supernatural beings had just heard the explosion of the crossbow arrows, they were alert, and they saw the wind **** pterosaur in the air as soon as they looked up.

Seeing that he could not wait any longer, the Lu Army made a decisive decision and immediately began to dive, waving its dragon wings and approaching the crowd below.

Lin Xiaobai slammed the trigger and shot an explosive crossbow into the densest area of ​​the crowd, deliberately avoiding the position of the orcs.

As the explosions sounded, the originally joyous crowd began to chaos, and kept raising stone shields in an attempt to resist.

But where a small stone shield could stop the explosion, the crowd suffered heavy losses in an instant.

The Lu Army also took this opportunity to fly into the crowd, attacking the humans below with dragon claws and dragon tails.

Seeing how arrogant the road army was, and daring to fly down alone, the surviving humans immediately raised a stone spear to besiege the road army.

However, no matter how many stone spears stand in front of the road army, they will be beaten to death by the road army, and there is no resistance at all.

Even if it is a hard stone shield, the Lu Army can smash it directly with the dragon's tail, which is extremely violent.

Seeing a monster-looking human being slaughtering their warriors infinitely, the supernaturalists in the crowd couldn't help it, and they shot one after another, using various abilities to attack the position of the road army.

Feeling the sound of breaking through the air from the rear, the Lu Jun did not choose to turn his head back, but immediately used the flash and slapped the dragon wings to climb, leaving the original position.

The moment the Lu Army left, dozens of supernatural powers flew over, banging on the crowd who had no time to react, and suddenly many people fell.

Seeing that instead of hitting the road army, the fighters on the right were accidentally injured by the ability of one's own side, all of them were stunned.

But they just stayed for a while, and soon re-locked the position of the road army, ready to continue using the long-range ability.

But this time they failed to achieve their wish, because suddenly many wind blades flew down, cutting off the heads of several supernaturalists.

It turned out that the wind **** pterosaur who had been flying above saw that the road army needed help, and immediately shot it. A bunch of wind dragon skills suppressed the supernatural powers and couldn't lift their heads.

With the help of Fengshen pterosaurs, the Lu Army was even more adept. They were simply "riding" on the "face" of the crowd to kill them.

Just when Lin Xiaobai planned to let the Fengshen pterosaur approach the bottom to expand the results, a Tier 3 ability player in the crowd shot.

This supernatural person is an old man who is nearly sixty-year-old, with a pale temples, and the wrinkles on his face are like wilted eggplants.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for the elderly to understand the abilities, let alone become the third-order abilities. It may be due to age or lack of talent.

But this old man is obviously a special case. Although his appearance looks fragile, his aura becomes more and more dignified.

I saw the old man folded his hands together, made a strange gesture, directly used his Tier 3 ability, and suddenly pointed towards the wind **** pterosaur.

In the next moment, an enchantment appeared in the air, blocking the path of the Fengshen pterosaur. No matter the Fengshen pterosaur smashed from left to right, it could not leave this enchantment.

Lin Xiaobai also tried to use the explosive crossbow to shoot at the enchantment, but unfortunately all the crossbow arrows were blocked, and some even bounced back, causing Lin Xiaobai not to shoot casually.

After Lin Xiaobai and Fengshen pterosaurs were trapped, the Lu Army had no helpers, which caused all the ability players to focus on the Lu Army and began to besiege the Lu Army, which instantly increased the pressure on the Lu Army by more than three times. .

The old man looked at the road army who was beaten and couldn't lift his head, and he was secretly refreshed, thinking that as long as the road army was killed, the girl and flying monster above belonged to him.

Lu Jun also discovered the abnormality of Fengshen pterosaur and Lin Xiaobai, and knew that the situation was very unfavorable for him.

But the Lu Army did not have no backs. In the next moment, the Lu Army consumed 80% of its brain power and summoned five Tier A dinosaurs.

Among them are two sickle dragons, one Abelisaurus, one Chinese raptor, and the strongest Deinonychus dragon at Tier A temporarily.

The moment these five dinosaurs came out, the surroundings suddenly became silent. Both ordinary people and supernatural beings were suppressed. They stayed where they were and forgot what they were going to do. After all, five huge giants suddenly appeared. The beast is so shocking.

However, the fact that these humans did not attack did not mean that the dinosaurs did not attack either. In the next moment, the dinosaurs roared and used their own dragon skills to smash a blood path from the crowd and attacked the old man.

Seeing the menacing dinosaurs and the blood-stained Lu Army, the old man's face became pale all of a sudden, and his legs were tied to lead blocks, unable to move.

But the old man is a Tier 3 ability person after all, and he quickly adjusted his mood, and immediately ordinary soldiers raised stone shields and stone spears to line up defense.

Some ordinary people are also allowed to evacuate first with the **** orcs, because these orcs are the mission target of their trip and they should not be lost.

With the idea of ​​dragging the road army and the dinosaurs, the old man led the superpowers and ordinary people under his hand to fight to the death, and immediately caused a lot of trouble to the road army.

Looking at the orcs gradually being taken away, Lu Jun was anxious, because if he couldn't save these orcs, his real-time mission would be ruined.

But now he is entangled by these humans, it is difficult to get out, unable to rescue, even if flying to low altitude, he will be beaten by the ability.

Moreover, at the speed of him and the dinosaurs, it will take a lot of time to kill all these humans, but he has no time...

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