Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 677: Rescue the orcs

"But we saw these humans encircling a piece of woodland. There seemed to be some orcs in the woodland..." Xiao Wan said uncertainly.

But hearing this, the Lu Army couldn't calm down in an instant: "What?! Orcs?! When did our people go there?!"

Hearing that Lu Jun had misunderstood the meaning of her words, Xiao Wan immediately explained: "Those are not ours, but creatures with two horns, which have the characteristics of orcs. I am not sure if they are orcs... "

After Xiaowan finished speaking, Lin Xiaobai also said: "We originally wanted to take a closer look, but those humans are very powerful. There are about 2,000 ordinary fighters, 70 supernatural powers, and there seems to be a third. Level abilities."

"Because we have a relatively small number of people, we don't want to have extra problems, so I hurried back to report to you..."

After Xiao Wan and Lin Xiaobai finished talking, Lu Jun's eyelids suddenly began to jump. He had a strong premonition that the besieged must be the orcs.

It's just that these orcs are not the orcs produced by the Westwind Fortress, but the orcs exiled in other places after the end of the world.

When this idea appeared in the Lu Army's mind, a mission sound immediately sounded.

"Ding, the real-time mission is triggered. Because the exiled orcs are in crisis, please assist them immediately. If the assistance is successful, the new units of the orcs will be opened, and if the assistance fails, half a million dragon titles will be lost. "

Hearing that even real-time missions were coming, the Lu Army was even more sure of what he was thinking, and at the same time he immediately gave up his plan to attack the Zerg camp.

After all, in front of the new units of the Orcs, this real-time task must have a higher priority.

Although this will provide the Zerg with time to cultivate health and strengthen its strength.

But after a few days, there will be more orc warriors and dinosaur corps on the road side.

When the time comes, even if the Zerg leader brings another 300,000 army to attack, the Lu Army will have the strength to fight.

Thinking of this, the Lu Army immediately climbed to the back of the Fengshen pterosaur: "Xiao Bai, you immediately come up to show the way and take me to the place surrounded by the orcs!"

"Xiaowan, you immediately fly back to the protective magic tower, and let everyone go to the orc besieged spot to gather, we have something to do!"

Hearing the order of the Lu Army, Xiao Wan opened the third form in the next moment, spread out her four wings, and flew towards the protective magic tower.

Lu Jun and Lin Xiaobai also rode Fengshen pterosaurs and took off immediately, rushing in the direction Lin Xiaobai pointed...

Due to the impatience of the Lu Army, the Fengshen pterosaurs also flew extremely fast, causing them to fly 50 kilometers in less than ten minutes.

"It's over there! Look!" Lin Xiaobai suddenly pointed down during the flight.

When the Lu Army looked in the direction Lin Xiaobai pointed, he saw a camp that was still smoky.

Finding that the target was found, the Lu Army immediately patted the Fengshen Pterosaur on the back and signaled that the Fengshen Pterosaur was forced to land. At the same time, the Lu Army squinted his eyes, trying to see the scene below.

When the Fengshen pterosaur descended to about fifty meters, Lu Jun's face suddenly turned pale, because he saw that the woodland below had only the corpse at this time, and there was no moving figure.

"Why... how could this be..." Lin Xiaobai was a little unbelievable, after all, he knew that the battle here was over without even thinking about it, they were late...

"Huh... go down and take a look." Lu Jun said with a gloomy face, letting the Fengshen pterosaur land on the ground.

As the two of them jumped off the back of the Fengshen pterosaur, the ground was full of orc creatures and a few human corpses.

These dead orc creatures didn't know any of them, and some were short and wrapped in strange cloth strips.

Some have two sharp horns and four legs, and they look like rhinos before the end of the world, which makes the Lu Army find it strange.

Although it is impossible to obtain any information from the corpse with the Eye of Data, the Lu Army can still judge from the characteristics of the corpse that these are orc creatures.

As for the human body, the corpses are also very weird. Most of them are dressed in blue uniforms with two crescent symbols engraved on their chests. They are forces that the Lu Army has never encountered.

The most special thing is that the stone spears and stone shields left on the ground are all handmade and seem to belong to humans.

From the weapons and equipment, it can be judged that the human side is from a large force. After all, it is impossible for ordinary forces to create so many stone spears and shields in a short time.

However, no matter what this force is, the Route Army will not let them go, because these humans have ruined the Route Army’s real-time missions and the new Orcs.

Although these humans don't know that the orcs are related to the road army, nor have they seen the road army, but the road army can ignore this, as long as someone harms his interests, they must pay a price!

"Are we late... They seem to have failed to hold on..." Lin Xiaobai said with some reproach, after all, if they had helped out a few hours ago, these orcs might still have a way to survive.

"Well...it's late..." Lu Jun also responded in a deep voice. He wanted to find a living place on the ground, but unfortunately there was none.

Several stone spears were still inserted into individual orcs, and they knew that they were not completely dead. They were inserted by the human side, and the road army was even more angry.

But in the anger, Lu Jun suddenly realized something, that is why the orcs are all dead, and his real-time mission hasn't failed?

Are there any orcs alive? Or those humans have captured some orcs alive? Lu Jun couldn't help but pop out of these bold ideas.

"Xiaobai! Hurry! There may be orcs still alive! It may also be taken away by those humans! Let's find it!" After speaking, the Lu Army directly turned on his dragon form and grew dragon wings. Climb into the air and fly to the right.

Although flying in the form of a dragon will consume a lot of energy, the road army can't control it at this time.

When Lin Xiaobai heard the Lu Army's order and understood the Lu Army's thoughts, he immediately climbed onto the back of the Fengshen pterosaur and flew to the left, facing the Lu Army, expanding the search area.

As part of the flames in the woodland had not dissipated, and the corpses were still warm, the Lu Army concluded that these humans could not go far.

After all, all the vehicles were destroyed after the blood fog, and they could only use their legs to drive the road, not to mention the number of these human beings was very large.

With the passage of time, the Lu Army circled four times along the right, all flying at low altitude, but unfortunately they still got nothing.

Just when the Lu Jun thought he was wrong, he suddenly saw a signal from Lin Xiaobai with an explosive crossbow.

Listening to the sound of the explosive crossbow arrows, Lu Jun was overjoyed and immediately turned his head and flew towards Lin Xiaobai's position, because he knew that Lin Xiaobai must have found something...

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