Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 672: Got nothing

After kicking it, Baqi seemed to feel that it was not enjoyable enough. He kicked the old fifth in the stomach again and yelled, "Trash! Waste of my time! You trash!"

Seeing that Baqi was in such a big fire, the people in black robes around him dared not step forward, for fear that Baqi would transfer the fire to them.

In the end, two other black-robed men with Tier 3 strength told the other black-robed men about their experience last night.

That is, they followed the old five in the city of Oli all night, and even ventured into the inner city of Oli.

Not only was there no trace of Xiaowan and Goshawk, but was spotted by a patrolling city guard and was almost surrounded.

Fortunately, the strength of a few of them is strong enough to get rid of the city guards and escape from the inner city before dawn...

After listening to the words of the two third-order black-robed men, the other black-robed men stared at the old fifth with disdain.

Because they had already begun to doubt the abilities of the fifth, if they couldn't find Goshawk and Xiaowan, the fifth would be a waste to them.

And Baqi thought so too, that's why he was so angry, he even felt that the fifth child was playing tricks on him deliberately.

After venting for a while, Baqi may have been tired from playing, suddenly stopped, took a rough breath, and pointed to Lao Wu: "I will give you time to explain, but you'd better give me a reasonable explanation. Otherwise I can only kill you!"

Seeing Baqi's stern eyes, the old fifth wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his face was unwilling to say: "I have been looking for the traces of the ability search, especially their activities in the inner city. More traces."

"But I don't know why all the traces disappeared after looking for it, and there is no information about them leaving."

"So I think there must be something hidden in the last place we went. If you give me more time, I will definitely find a clue!"

In fact, what the old fifth said is the truth. He has indeed been looking for Xiaowan's traces, and he has also found a scientific research institute that was almost destroyed by the Lu Army and others.

As for why the old five didn't find the bionic tent and the single portal left by the Lu Army, it was because they had just arrived there when they were discovered by the city guards stationed there.

This can be considered lucky for the Lu Army, otherwise the secrets of his portal and West Wind Fortress will be discovered...

But Baqi didn't believe in the old fifth's rhetoric. As soon as he heard that the old fifth had more time, he couldn't help it, and continued to lift his foot and kick the old fifth.

"More time?! More time?! I will take the entire city of Ori and let you find it slowly, okay?!"

After kicking the fifth child, Baqi pulled the black robe, breathed a breath, and casually pointed at a black robe humane: "How is the situation outside? Do those monsters have any effect on the right side of Ori City? ?"

Seeing that Baqi disappeared, the accused black-robed man immediately replied: "Report Master Baqi, no, those monsters were beaten back by the supernatural powers of Ori City in the middle of the night, leaving only a corpse."

Hearing this, Baqi couldn't help expressing a curious expression: "Oh? Repelled? Are there many abilities in Oli City? What kind of power is it probably?"

Seeing that Baqi was very interested in this question, the black-robed man recalled a little bit before saying: "Well, from the power point of view, there are hundreds of power users. I haven't found any particularly strong ones. Most of them are first-order. I don’t know if there is anything hidden."

Hearing that Ori City could now mobilize hundreds of abilities casually, Yaqi was silent.

Originally, he planned to give the old five another chance to continue sneaking into Ori City tonight, but since there are so many supernaturalists, he has to weigh it.

When Baqi was struggling with this issue, the door of the corpse transportation channel to Ori City was suddenly opened, and a group of city guards carrying several corpses was about to walk in.

However, when they saw so many strangers inside, the city guards were stunned, and for a moment thought they had gone wrong.

Because they would transport the corpses at this time every morning, there would not be so many people.

"You...who are you?!" A city guard who felt something was wrong first raised his muzzle.

But Baqi moved faster. When the city guard raised his gun, Baqi's snake hand went out and bit the city guard's throat instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the people in black robes around made their moves, smashing the city guards in front with their abilities, turning the people who carried the corpses into corpses.

However, one of the city guards fired the gun before he died, and the sound of gunshots rang through the corpse transport channel, which attracted the resistance from other directions.

Hearing a sudden commotion outside, Baqi cried out inwardly.

Because it is daytime, there are a lot of city guards on duty. As soon as the gunshots, they can't hide their hiding here.

Now Yaki faces two choices, that is, war and withdrawal.

Fighting, they are isolated and helpless in someone else's territory, no matter how strong they are, they can't beat the tens of thousands of city guards.

Baqi was unwilling to withdraw. After all, they didn't get anything this time. They also lost dozens of fallen fighters. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "stealing chickens and losing rice".

Moreover, as long as they withdrew, they would not have a chance to return, because the city guards would definitely strengthen the defense of the corpse transport channel, so that they would not be able to repeat the trick.

After a difficult decision, Baqi finally felt that their lives were more important, and began to let the fallen warriors and the black-robed men retreat.

However, Baqi only discovered a problem when retreating, that is, the corpse removal channel was too small. They managed to squeeze everyone in last night. Now they want to withdraw, which is not something that can be done in a short time.

But the outside city guards were about to come in, they didn't have much time, they had to go out quickly or buy more time.

After judging the seriousness of the situation, Baqi quickly made a decision to let the black-robed men organize a line of defense in place, temporarily preventing the city guards from entering the passage, and buying time for the fallen soldiers behind.

Although they could leave behind the fallen fighters and leave first, Yaqi didn't want to do that.

Because these fallen fighters were all cultivated by him one by one, they were his weapons of the last days, and they were also the capital for galloping the last days.

Therefore, Baqi will not give up these fallen fighters until it is compelled.

Hearing Baqi's order, even though the people in black robes were unwilling, they still bite the bullet and organized a line of defense. Half of them stayed in place, and half of them climbed to the second floor of the corpse transportation channel.

Seeing that Baqi hadn't killed him, Lao Wu understood that this was a good opportunity for him to survive. He immediately endured the pain and got up from the ground and joined the black robe man's line of defense...

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