Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 671: Super Dinosaur

In addition, there are dragon titles worth 422,400 points, and 279,300 dragon coins.

The rewards offered by these Tier A supply boxes are terribly rich. There are even hundreds of Tier A dinosaurs. Not to mention other things, they were something that the Lu Army could not imagine the other day.

Forty-nine Tier S Dragon Rider supply crates have three variants of Tyrannosaurus eggs, four variants of Fengshen pterosaur eggs, and three variants of Thunder Dragon eggs.

Dragon Technology Chips-Four Group Taunts, Dragon Technology Chips-Five Thick Skins, Dragon Technology Chips-Extreme Rage six, Dragon Technology Chips-Super Multiple Impact Four, Dragon Technology Chips-Control Immunity Six, Dragon Technology Chips- Destroy five rays, Dragon Technology chip-flying wings cut two.

There are also 13 bottles of S-stage infection virus antibodies, 12 bottles of mental expansion reagents, 14 bottles of physical expansion reagents, 54500 dragon coins, and 122,000 dragons...

Among them, the effect of the two newly developed dragon skills is to destroy the light: the S-order dinosaur can be learned, can spray a light of hundreds of meters from its mouth, and has huge destructive power.

Flying Wing Cut: S-tier dinosaurs with flying ability can learn, can rotate their wings, and create many energy flying wings to kill the enemy.

In the end, the rewards from the twelve super-order supply crates included a mutant giant southern beast dragon egg, and a mutant dragon egg.

Dragon Technology Chip-One Ultra·Flame Bomb, Dragon Technology Chip-One Ultra·Demon Free Body, Dragon Technology Chip-Ultra·Mercury Vortex, Dragon Technology Chip-Ultra·Hydraulic Pressure One.

There are also four group portals, four high-level brain expansion reagents, four high-level physical expansion reagents, 80 strategic points, and 120 research points.

Lu Jun was extremely surprised to see that two super-order dinosaurs could actually be driven out of the super-order supply box.

Because in the trading module, the price of each Super Dinosaur is as high as millions of Dragon Coins, it is logical that his luck would not be so good.

But he was very happy to be able to have two more super-order combat powers, and immediately checked the information of the two super-order dinosaurs.

Among them, Giganotosaurus was a terrifying carnivorous dinosaur, with a weight of 13 tons, a body length of 15 meters, and a terrifying bite force of 12 tons.

This also means that if the Lu Army had a giant southern beast dragon in the previous battle, it would take him only a few minutes to deal with the super-order halberd and spiked ant king...

Another Super Dragon is a creature that lives in the sea. It has a short neck, a long head, a hard jaw, and a streamlined appearance. It is very good at swimming and has a body length of about 15 meters.

This dinosaur is currently of little use to the Lu Army, because there is no sea in his location.

However, this is a super-order creature anyway, and it will definitely be useful in the future.

The four newly released super-level dragon skills effects are: super-flame explosive bomb: the super-level dinosaur can be learned, and can condense a flame explosive bomb with a diameter of five meters to launch, and it will explode after hitting an enemy.

Super·Devil's body: Super-order dinosaurs can learn, can make themselves immune to attacks other than physical attacks, the duration is five seconds.

Ultra·Mercury Vortex: Ultra-level sea creatures can learn, and can create a whirlpool in the sea, **** all enemies within the range into the whirlpool, and continue to cause damage.

Super·Hydraulic pressure: Super-order sea creatures can learn, and can create five times the pressure within the range. Any creature that enters this range will be affected by the pressure.

These super-order dragon skills can't be seen literally, but Lu Jun knows that super-order is extraordinary, and it is practical.

As for the mass portal, high-level brain expansion reagents, and high-level physical expansion reagents, Lu Jun has no multiple tubes, because they have been used before, but only a few more.

It was the additional strategic points and research points that made Lu Jun quite surprised, after all, these were what he lacked now.

After the Lu Army opened all the supply boxes, his current data panel was, number: sr1208

Dragon Title: Dragon Knight

Dragon title value: 10000000/3865723

Abilities: Those with third-order brain powers, third-order physical powers

Brain domain value development: 39%

Body value development: 31%

Dragon Coin: 1864386

Strength Assessment: S Tier

Seeing that so many Zerg creatures had been killed, his dragon rank value had only increased by more than three million points. The Lu Jun couldn't help but smile wryly, thinking to himself that it was too much for his next rank promotion.

However, unknowingly, he now has more than one hundred and eighty million dragon coins, and the Lu Jun is still very excited. He is finally a "rich man" now.

Moreover, his assessment of strength has also reached the S level, and this visible increase in strength makes him extremely satisfied.

After there was nothing to get, Lu Jun stood up from the ground, stretched his waist, and glanced around.

When he saw the rebels and orc warriors lying on the ground in various directions, there was a warmth in his eyes, and these people were indeed exhausted these days.

Therefore, the Lu Army did not interrupt the rest of the crowd, but began to recover the fire guards around the protective magic tower and draw artillery.

As for why it should be put away, it is because the Zerg will not attack in the near future, and will not be used temporarily, these things will occupy a place here instead.

After the defensive facilities were collected, another hour passed. During this period, the Resistance Army and others also gradually woke up and began their new day of life.

Since the battle was just over, the road army did not assign new tasks to the rebels, but asked the old members of the rebels to train members of the outer legions.

This is because hundreds of members of the outlying army have officially joined the resistance army from today, and the Lu Army promised them.

The Lu Jun himself took advantage of the dawn, directly mounted a ostrich, and rushed to the West Wind Fortress and Healing Tower alone.

Now that he has obtained so many strategic points and research points, he has to go back and add new development facilities quickly. This is the key to his becoming stronger.

As for why the Lu Army can fly with dragon wings and ride like an ostrich, it is because the physical consumption of turning on the dragon form is too great. The Lu Army can't bear it for the time being, and can only use it during battle... …

At the same time, in the corpse transport passage of Ori City, Baqi, who had been searching for the city for a night, returned with the fifth class.

They were a little embarrassed, and there were a few holes in their black robes, and there were obvious signs of battle. It seemed that they had fought a small group of enemies in Ori City.

Seeing Baqi came back, all the black-robed people who hadn't slept all night stood up, wanting to see if Baqi and others found anything.

But Baqi just had a sullen face and didn't say a word. It seemed that the experience that night made him feel bad.

About ten seconds later, just as a black-robed man wanted to ask Baqi what happened, Baqi suddenly raised his right foot, kicked him fiercely on the old fifth’s body, and kicked him over... …

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