Seeing the Lu Army’s confident expression, the red girl paused before repliing: "I heard the leader of our Tomahawk Legion say that the scientific research institute is the most important place in Ori City, and the Silent Crusaders are doing some kind of impossibility there. The report's research has also transferred a large number of high-level abilities to protect the safety there."

When the girl in red said this, the Lu Jun nodded silently and said: "Oh, then, it seems that you have a high status in the Tomahawk Legion. You can reach even the first commander, and you can still hear such a small news. , You will not be a spy sent by the Tomahawk Army? Haha..."

Seeing this, the Lu Army was still talking nonsense seriously, the girl in red gently shook her double pony tail and said, "Oh...what and what...even if you have the power to destroy the scientific research institute, But how should you get into the inner city?"

"My ability will fall into a relatively long cooldown after every use, and it won't be able to bring you in."

"And how should you leave Orly City after the matter is over? There will definitely be people everywhere, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible to rush out by brute force..."

After talking to Lu Jun, the girl in red was afraid that Lu Jun would not listen, she looked in the direction of Ruan Bing and Mu Mu and said, "What I said just now is true. The inner city is very dangerous. Please persuade him..."

Seeing the girl in red was really anxious, Lu Jun and everyone couldn't help but smile. They knew that the girl in red was worried about their safety.

"Well, I won't tease you. Let me tell you this. First of all, we are all special-class citizens of Orly City. We have a golden badge and can enter Orly City at any time."

"Secondly, I have arranged an escape route near the research institute. As long as I get what I want, I can leave Ori City instantly. Even if the mission fails, I can safely escape, so tonight we will leave here anyway. Yes." Lu Jun explained to the girl in red with a grin.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, the girl in red also realized that Lu Jun was fully prepared, and she was suddenly relieved.

But the thin monkey on the side was obviously a little bit lost, because he was going to be separated from the Lu Army tonight, which made him very reluctant.

Lu Jun also noticed the expression of the skinny monkey and walked slowly to the skinny monkey's body and said, "What are your personal plans? If you want, I can find a way to let you go with us, and you are welcome to join our team. ."

Hearing Lu Jun's invitation, the lost eyes of the thin monkey lit up and his face flushed, because he didn't expect Lu Jun to say that.

But after a while, the skinny monkey remembered something, and looked at Lu Jundao with a hesitant expression: "Boss, I personally really want to go with you, I swear, but I still have relatives in Orly City. , I can't just leave..."

Hearing what the skinny monkey said, everyone around them turned their attention to the skinny monkey, because the skinny monkey has been following them these days, and they haven't gone anywhere. They thought the skinny monkey was alone.

"Oh? You still have relatives? Why haven't you heard that before? And I haven't seen you go home in the past two days." Lu Jun frowned slightly and said his question.

"'s like this..." The thin monkey explained with a wry smile on his face, "I have a sister alive in my house, but we got separated by some accident a week ago, so I have been looking for her, although I hope not Great, but I haven’t searched Oli City yet, so I don’t want to just give up..."

After listening to the skinny monkey, looking at the skinny monkey's resolute expression, Lu Jun patted the skinny monkey on the shoulder and said: "You have a good idea. Men must be persistent. I hope you can get together soon."

Listening to Lu Jun’s blessing, the thin monkey smiled again on his face and said, "Thank you, boss, if there is a chance to meet you in the future, I will definitely follow you to the death!"

Seeing the skinny monkey's sincere appearance, Lu Jun chuckled lightly without responding, and there was no need to respond at this time.

"What about you? What are your plans?" Lu Jun suddenly turned his head and looked at the girl in red.

"Huh?" The girl in red obviously didn't understand Lu Jun's meaning, and slightly opened her mouth and said, "Didn't I have to go with you because I lost the gambling contract? Why do you still ask... …"

Seeing the simple expression of the girl in red, everyone next to her couldn't help but laugh, and even Xiao Wan was snickering while covering her mouth.

"After all, it's just a verbal bet. If you don't want to, I can still kidnap you? Some things can't be forced, so I now ask your opinion." Lu Jun was helpless to the red girl Tao.

Hearing Lu Jun's words and seeing everyone around her laughing at her, the girl in red lowered her head slightly, her ears getting hot.

"Then can you tell me who you are and why you came to Orly City?" It took several seconds for the girl in red to look up at Lu Jundao, as if she wanted to know more about Lu Jun.

When Lu Jun saw the red girl’s tangled expression and knew that the red girl was hesitating, he slowly said: "We are the rebels, a force far away from the city of Ori, with our own gathering place. In the early stages of development, there were only a hundred people, but most of them were supernaturalists."

"As for the reason for coming here, because a squad of silent crusaders attacked us outside the day before yesterday, so we killed them. By the way, we got a lot of spar in Ori City. If we destroy the inner city, we will leave. ."

After listening to the brief introduction of the Lu Army, the girl in red nodded silently, and she also had a general understanding of the Lu Army in her heart, and secretly marveled at the courage of the Lu Army and others. She actually relied on ten people to kill all the way to Orly City...

"Well, I am willing to go with you. I will help you fight and obey your orders, but you can't exploit my freedom, nor can you pressure me to do those weird and weird things..." The red girl looked on Seriously on Lu Jundao.

In fact, the girl in red didn't agree to go with the army because of the introduction of the army, but she wanted to see the outside world and feel the blood spurting in the battle.

After all, she was really boring here. Although the city of Ori was safe, she gradually realized that this was not the life she wanted, because she felt the intrigue of humans every day.

Since the end of the world has given her such a powerful space ability, she should reflect the value of this ability, instead of hiding in the city of Ori day after day. This is her idea and her choice...

But Anan and others next to him were almost laughing, because the girl in red actually used the words "exploitation" and "oppression"...

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