Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 511: Inner City Again

And she seemed to hope that the Lu Army could communicate with her more. This feeling was very strange, and the girl in red didn't know what was wrong with her.

However, the girl in red didn't think too much, she glanced at the surrounding environment and walked quickly towards the space portal.

Because she could already hear the roar of cars coming from a distance, it proved that the city guards were coming soon, so she should leave too.

Three seconds after the girl in red walked into the space portal, the space portal gradually transformed from a physical to a virtual shadow, until it disappeared completely in the room, and the room fell silent again, as if nothing had happened...

After the Lu Army and others had all left, the captain of the city guard who had just arrived on the battlefield with a group of city guards looked at the corpses and the disappeared enemies. His complexion instantly turned black and he gave a sharp hammer. I punched the glass of the off-road vehicle and broke the whole glass.

"What about the enemy?! Where did the troublemakers go?! And our waste patrol?! What a bunch of waste! Can't even keep a few people!" The captain of the city guard pointed to the one standing in front of him. Several subordinates shouted.

Hearing the roar of the captain of the city guard, his men lowered their heads and dared not speak. They didn't know where the Lu Army and others were, and even the drone did not find them.

Seeing that his subordinates were not talking, the captain of the city guard became even more angry, and kicked the nearest man directly and said: "I'm asking you something! Is it dumb?! What about the enemy? Can it disappear out of thin air?! With so many eyes and a large number of drones, there is no clue?!"

The man who was kicked by the captain of the city guard directly fell to the ground unsteadily, but he immediately stood up with the pain, not even raising his head.

"Reporter sir! The enemy is very cunning. We used smoke bombs to cover our tracks in advance. Neither our people nor the patrol team found the enemy, and the sky was slightly darker, which brought a lot of trouble to the drone's vision. As a result, the drone did not find the enemy, but we are still looking for it. It is estimated that there will be results soon..." Another subordinate of the city guard commander stood up straight and reported to the city guard commander Hui. .

It's just that the more he talked about it, the smaller his voice became, which fully demonstrated his lack of confidence and fear in his heart.

After listening to his report, the captain of the city guard was so angry that he kicked his hand in front of him and said: "Trash! A bunch of trash! There are so many people on the other side! With such a big monster! Even blind!" You can see them all! Your group of wastes have drones! No one can be found with the best resources in Ori! It is estimated that there will be results soon? I will go to you!

After scolding, the captain of the city guard may not be relieved. He went up and hammered his two fists and said: "You can find it slowly! Anyway, our senior management gave me the order to die. I can't find it tonight. I, the captain, don’t do it. Then you bunch of trash will follow me to drink northwest wind!"

Listening to the scolding of the captain of the city guard, and feeling the brutal beating of the captain of the city guard, the surrounding city guards did not dare to speak out, for fear that the captain of the city guard would vent their anger on them.

It was estimated that I was tired of scolding, or I felt that it would be useless to scold any more. The captain of the city guard suddenly sighed deeply, pulled his collar and said: "Go on, let the target person start the whole city Wanted, rewards those who provide effective clues!"

"Then you leave some people on the battlefield to prevent corpses from happening, and the rest of the city guards will find someone for me! Let the patrol team cooperate with us! Be sure to find the target person within tonight! Otherwise, don't think about it! "

After finishing talking, the captain of the city guard got on the off-road vehicle next to him, ready to report the specific situation to the high-level staff, and by the way bear the high-level anger...

After the captain of the city guard left, the captain of the city guard looked at each other under his hands, secretly rejoicing that the captain of the city guard did not give them more severe punishment.

But they did not stay here to waste time, and immediately went down to do what the captain of the city guard had ordered, because they all knew the consequences of finding no one...

The Lu Jun didn’t know that because his entire Orly City was in chaos again, he saw Mu and Ruan Bing as soon as he walked out of the space portal, none of them were missing, which also made him relieve his hanging heart. Come down.

Just eight seconds after the Lu Army appeared, the figure of the girl in red also appeared like a molecular reorganization, and the portal disappeared immediately, which also meant that all of them had arrived safely.

"Where is our location?" Lu Jun asked the thin monkey while taking out the cold light stick to illuminate the surrounding environment.

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, Skinny Monkey immediately stood up and pointed to the right side and said, "Boss, when you were not here, I took a look around and found that we are very close to the inner city. Just walk on the right One kilometer will see the gate of the inner city."

Hearing the thin monkey's answer, Lu Jun glanced at the girl in red with admiration, because they were so close to the inner city, which meant that they saved a lot of time and made it easier for them to move forward.

"What are you going to do in the inner city? Or sabotage? But the inner city is also stationed with city guards..." The girl in red touched her cheek pinched by the Lu Army and frowned.

Hearing the question of the girl in red, Lu Jun pondered for a while and said: "My goal is the scientific research institute in the inner city. There may be things I need in it. Even if I don't have it, I will destroy the scientific research institute, because Existence has provided too much convenience for the silent crusade, which is very detrimental to me."

As for why Lu Jun told his next plan to the girl in red and the skinny monkey who had only met recently, it was because he was not afraid of being exposed now.

Moreover, after a short time of getting along, he feels that the girl in red and the skinny monkey are trustworthy people, and he believes that he can't be wrong in seeing people.

But the girl in red couldn’t help but walked two steps forward when she heard the Lu Army’s words: "Are you crazy?! The inner city is not that simple, especially the most important scientific research institute, where tens of thousands of city guards are stationed there. The army also has more than 20 silent crusaders with supernatural powers, most of which are in Tier 2, and it is very likely that we will have no return!"

Seeing the red girl's cheeks turned red because of excitement, Lu Jun couldn't help but smile and said: "My plan does sound a bit crazy, but as long as you pay a little attention, there is still a chance of winning, and there will be no return. So exaggerated, but how do you know that there are so many supernaturalists in scientific research?"

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