"Okay! Since you don't know how to live or die, don't blame me for doing it!" Shen Mo gritted his teeth and said, then activated his own ability, holding the ice skates, and rushed towards the position of the road army.

Shen Mo's ability is to be able to hold up a shield in front of him. The surface of the shield is first shining with fire and then with electric light, which seems to be able to switch attributes at will.

Seeing Shen Mo approaching, Lin Yilan's heart tightened, and he directly released the tightened recurve bow in his hand and shot an iron birch arrow.

With a sound of "swish", Tiehua Arrow slashed through the air, creating a burst of air-breaking sound, and hitting Shen Mo's chest directly.

However, due to the shield protection, Tiehua Arrow failed to injure Shen Mo. Instead, it bounced more than two meters away, and the shield was not weakened at all.

"Haha, it's useless, do you think my ability is so easy to break?! You are dead!" Shen Mo ridiculed mercilessly as he charged.

Seeing this, Lin Yi lazy wanted to draw a bow and shoot arrows again to stop Shen Mo's footsteps.

However, Lu Jun directly held Lin Yilan's hand and signaled Lin Yilan not to panic.

Then he stood still on the spot, holding the ice blade in his right hand, motionless, as if waiting for Shen Mo to approach.

Seeing this scene, An Hao and the members of the expedition team were taken aback. They didn't even want to pass the army to do, and they didn't know why the road army didn't run.

But in the next moment, they all opened their eyes wide, because they saw the Lu Army suddenly wield the ice skates, creating a afterimage, and directly slashing against Shen Mo.

With the sound of a sonic boom, the two ice skates collided heavily, and the ice skates in the hands of the Lu Army directly shattered, turning into many ice flakes, and falling to the ground.

However, the ice blade in Shen Mo's hand was safe and sound, and the shield on his body did not change a bit. It seemed that the Lu Army could not cause damage to Shen Mo at all.

Seeing that the Lu Army had no power to fight back, An Hao and the expedition team were not surprised. After all, it is normal for ordinary people to be unable to defeat the superpower.

The only thing they felt sorry for was that Lu Jun was obviously allowed to run, but he chose to stay. This was really looking for death, no wonder others.

"Haha, ordinary people dared to slash with me. I really don't know how to live or die, go to hell!" Shen Mo laughed, brandishing an ice skate and stabbing Lu Jun’s neck...

The shouting youth had a stubborn face, holding a brand-new ice skate in his hand, and his feet were shaking constantly as he spoke.

"Come back right away and carry our luggage for us, otherwise you don't want to leave today!" the young man said again.

Hearing these words, the Lu Army slowly stopped and looked back at the young man: "Oh? Do you have an opinion on me? What if I say no?"

Lin Yilaan also stopped at this time and stood quietly behind Lu Jun, holding the recurve bow in his hand, without the slightest fear in his eyes.

Seeing that Lu Jun didn't put him in his eyes no matter whether he was speaking or his expression, the scorn on the young man's face also turned into anger, and he raised the ice skate in his hand to rush over to do it.

But the scarred middle-aged man stopped the young man in time, pressing his shoulder and said: "Shen Mo! What are you going to do?! He is also from Xueyue City! Don't mess around!"

As soon as he was stopped by the scarred middle-aged man, the young Shen Mo became a little unwilling, and slammed the scarred middle-aged man abruptly: "Anhao, what are you pretending to be a good person? He speaks to us like this, you dare not move him? What is the leader?"

Hearing what Shen Mo said, An Hao's expression changed: "Shen Mo, we are here to complete the task, don't be okay to look for trouble!"

After finishing talking, An Hao raised his eyes to signal Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy to go quickly, don't give Shen Mo a chance to make trouble.

Although he didn't know Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy at all, it didn't mean that he was malicious towards Lu Jun and Lin Yi lazy.

Now his men suddenly jumped out to embarrass Lu Jun, he was actually quite embarrassed.

"What **** task do I care about you?! I only know that the two people in front don't have a team and their strength is not very good. I want to grab them today. No one will stop me. If you are willing to help, stand up and we will divide evenly afterwards!" The young man Shen Mo directly spoke out his intentions loudly.

Hearing these words, the expressions of the people in the expedition team changed, because under normal circumstances they would not rob someone from Xueyue City, let alone put it forward in such a fair manner.

"Shen Mo! Have you forgotten our rules?! You can't do anything to the people in Xueyue City!" An Hao was obviously disgusted with Shen Mo's actions and frowned deeply.

The expedition team nodded in agreement. Although they are not good people, there are basic principles.

"Oh, a bunch of cowards, they are all in the end of the world, what are the rules." Shen Mo ridiculed everyone, "It is your business to obey the rules. Don't stop me from getting rich. If you steal these two people, I will be able to live happily for a few days. Up."

After speaking, Shen Mo rushed forward several steps holding the ice skates, and came to Lu Jun and Lin Yilan. From his vigorous movements, he could see that he should be a supernatural person.

"Hey, you two, immediately hand over the valuable things on your body, and I will spare your life!" Shen Mo yelled, pointing to the position of Lu Jun, and kept looking at Lin Yilan's face, his eyes revealed greed. .

Seeing this, the people in the expedition looked at An Hao one after another, seeming to be asking what they should do.

After thinking for a while, An Hao shook his head and signaled everyone to stop moving and just watch them quietly.

Because they came out to complete the task, not to conflict with their own people, there is no need to fight here.

Moreover, Shen Mo was also a Tier 2 ability player, whose strength was only a little weaker than An Hao, and An Hao did not dare to forcibly stop Shen Mo.

After all, it was no joke to fight with a Tier 2 ability person, they were likely to lose both sides, which was not what he wanted to see.

As for the Lu Army side, An Hao couldn't control it anymore. He did everything that should be done and let the Lu Army leave quickly. Unfortunately, the Lu Army didn't listen, and the rest was up to God's will.

Seeing An Hao and the others did not intend to interfere, Shen Mo became even more arrogant, because in such a place, only An Hao can stop him, and no one else can. This is his idea.

"My things are here. Come and get them if you want." Lu Jun suddenly opened his cloth bag, revealing the compressed biscuits and iron birch arrows inside, and smiled disdainfully at Shen Mo.

Seeing that there are so many good things hidden in Lu Jun's cloth bag, Shen Mo's eyes straightened, thinking that he really grabbed someone.

But the disdainful expression on Lu Jun's face suddenly affected his good mood and made him feel despised.

You must know that he is a Tier 2 ability person, even though he is not ranked in Xueyue City, he is already a strong in the eyes of ordinary people, and this kind of contempt makes him very unhappy.

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