Even if you want to go to a group fight, it is very unrealistic. After all, the Tyrant Infected Body also has other companions. The best way is to use the ability to destroy the Tyrant Infected Body's shield from a distance.

But the problem is that their superpowers are all on Ruan Bing's side, there is no place at all, and it will take a while to support them.

Although they have two Tier 4 ability players, Ruan Bing and Xiao Wan, it is reasonable to fight against the tyrant infected body alone.

But Ruan Bing's ability is about the soul, and it is of no use to soulless creatures that are infected.

Most of Xiaowan's abilities are to domesticate creatures and change her posture. There is no advantage in real head-to-head fights.

With her attack power and small size, if there are no mutant creatures of all kinds, it is estimated that even a blow from the tyrant's infected body will not be able to stop...

In this way, only the Lu Army can fight the Tyrant Infected Body on the field, because he is also a Tier 4 ability, and he is also a double fourth-order brain and body domain, and it is definitely not a problem to head against the Tyrant Infected Body.

However, it was in a single one-on-one situation. If he was allowed to face five tyrant infected bodies at the same time, he would not be able to defeat it anyway. The Lu Army knew this very well.

In addition, his offensive ability is relatively single, which is a large-scale attack and lacks a single point of outbreak. To deal with the infected body of the tyrant, it needs to slowly wear away the shield on its body.

But the dinosaurs who broke through will not have this time. In terms of speed, they will come soon.

Unprepared by that time, they will encounter the mutant infected team that has been prepared for a long time, and the consequences can be imagined, and they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

But this does not mean that the Lu Jun has no choice. In fact, he still has a "card" that has not been used, and now it is time to take it out.

Seeing the next moment, the Lu Army stretched out his frowning brows and recovered his inner peace. Without warning the dinosaurs in the breakout of the danger ahead, they still let them continue to rush forward.

But then the dinosaurs who broke through were safe, and saw them slam off the entangled infected body and continue to break through to the south.

Diggers deliberately kept these dinosaurs, but at this time they were surrounded by digging sandworms. They were in a state of insecurity. How could they have the ability to keep other dinosaurs, they could only watch the dinosaurs go farther and farther.

Seeing that her method worked, Xiao Wan was overjoyed, and immediately sent the remaining flying mutant creatures over and asked them to take away the second batch of injured dinosaurs, not one for the infected.

The Lu Army was not idle either, and continued to fly into the air, with a blazing bomb in each of his left and right hands. The place where the most infected body was aimed at was a smash to cover the retreat of the dinosaurs.

Ruan Bing and the others are also advancing smoothly. It is estimated that they will be able to arrive at the designated place before.

This also means that after a small episode, the road army and others' breakthrough plan is still in progress, and will be successful immediately.

The corpse controller in the distance watched that all this was about to collapse. You must know that the earth digger was their new trump card. They thought they could win the Lu Jun and others in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, not only did the plan fail to be implemented, it was also entangled by a group of "stupid" bugs from nowhere, and the corpse controllers were so angry that their scalps were numb.

In fact, this is mainly because the number of ground diggers is too small, only a few thousand have just launched an attack, and there is no feeling of destruction.

If 10,000 or 20,000 ground diggers emerge from the ground at the same time, the Lu Jun and others estimate that it will really hang.

However, it is too late to say anything. Many countermeasures have been blocked. The Lu Army and others are about to flee, and the infected group will be defeated in the first confrontation.

But the corpse controllers didn't seem to have the idea to give up. They were still using their mental power to send out brain waves like crazy.

Xiaowan also detected the chaotic brainwaves around her, and felt that something was wrong. She immediately used the short-range communicator to issue an early warning to the Lu Jun: "Brother Lu Jun, I have detected multiple mental powers. The corpse controller may still You have to be careful on your side if you have any post tricks left."

"Received, after the dinosaurs have completed the breakout, you must also evacuate immediately with the digging sandworms. You can't love fighting." Lu Jun responded to Xiao Wan.

Then he focused all of his attention on the ground and flew to a higher place, giving himself a rich vision, in order to see clearly the intention of the infected group.

When flying to a height of hundreds of meters, the Lu Army finally found some Ne Duan.

That is, there is a mutant infected body team in the infected body group that is detouring at full speed, and the target is the southwest direction, which is also the retreat route of the dinosaurs.

Although it is a small team, in fact this team is not small at all.

From a distance, you can see that there are five tyrant infected bodies and more than one hundred double hammer infected bodies inside.

There are countless other black thorn infected bodies and lickers. It is preliminary estimated that these creatures add up to 7,000.

If there were only 7,000 mutant infected bodies, the Lu Army would not take it seriously. After all, they had only killed tens of thousands of mutant infected bodies just now, and the number was several times that of the new ones.

But the problem is that these five tyrant infections and more than one hundred double hammer infections are very difficult to entangle.

With the size and strength of the infected tyrant, as long as they stand in a row, they can block the dinosaurs' path.

At that time, the two-hammer infected body and other mutant infected bodies just need to harass them indiscriminately and cooperate with the tyrant infected body, and the dinosaurs' breakthrough action will fail.

The corpse controller also knew this very well, so when the ground digger started to act, they also quietly sent a team of mutant infected bodies to intercept it, with the purpose of leaving another back.

Originally, they thought that this team of mutant infections would be useless, but they did not expect that the groundbreaker's sneak attack failed, which directly made this team of mutant infections useful.

If they had known this, they should have sent a little more mutant infected to join, the corpse controllers were thinking annoyed.

However, fortunately, judging from the current situation, this team of mutant infections is also sufficient.

After all, the corpse controllers can also see that the dinosaurs of the Lu Army are all Tier A, and they do not take advantage of the tyrant infected body. They have an advantage in the class.

As long as the dinosaurs that break through can be kept, the army of infected bodies behind them will soon be swarmed, and victory will still belong to them at that time!

Thinking of this, the corpse controllers were in a good mood, and quickly sent brain waves to each other to prepare the other infected bodies to support them.

In this way, the road army would know the intentions of the corpse controller, and he couldn't help frowning, feeling that these infected bodies were very troublesome.

Because according to the current situation, the dinosaurs of Tier A do not have the advantage in terms of body size or position, or even against the tyrant infected body in terms of physical strength.

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