Seeing that the Lu Army and Takata had reached a consensus, the city guard commander was a little relieved, because then he wouldn't have to worry about who ordered it.

"Yes, two adults, I will do it right away, and half of the city guards will be left here to protect you." The city guards chief arched his hands and said.

Of course, the commander of the city guard felt very strange when he said this, because the Lu Army was clearly here to kill Takada, so why is it still a target of protection...

But with the eight soldiers in hand, the city guard commander couldn't think of that much, so he immediately retreated and prepared to ask for help.

However, before he had time to go far, there was a sudden commotion from the city guards behind, as if someone was coming.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of people holding torches appeared around. Judging from their chaotic clothing, it is estimated that they came from many different forces.

In fact, these are the people who want to kill Takata. They have been in ambush for a while, originally wanting to watch the city guards and the road army fight each other.

But it seemed that they found that the road army and the city guard didn't mean to fight each other. In order to avoid extravagance, they came out directly and planned to do it themselves.

"It's them! They dare to come here!" Takada stood up, clutching his bleeding leg.

"The visitor is not good, maybe it was here to kill you, can't you think of it? Haha..." Lu Jun added to the side, as if it were not too big a deal.

"Everyone lined up! Protect your lord!" The captain of the city guard also realized that something was wrong and roared.

The members of the city guard also reacted immediately, and began to form a circle with shields and spears facing outwards to prevent people from large and small forces from approaching.

Just as the people of the city guards and the people of large and small forces began to confront each other, there was a sudden voice from above: "Oh, isn't this Lord Takada? How did it become like this? Need my help? Hey? Hey..."

As soon as the voice fell, a person appeared forcibly at a position ten meters above. This person had a pair of black wings and looked like some kind of bird. The specific face of Lu Jun couldn't see clearly.

"Weekly! What do you want to do?! Don't you know if this is Xueying?!" The captain of the city guard seemed to know this person and directly raised the ice spear and shouted.

"I'm talking to Master Takada, is it your turn to interrupt?" The person called Zhou Shang replied.

Then he fluttered his wings, shot dozens of black feathers, and attacked the position of the captain of the city guard.

Fortunately, the captain of the city guard responded in a timely manner, raising the ice shield in his hand to block all the black feathers, otherwise he would die here.

"Weekly! Do you know what you are doing?! I'm not dead yet, are you going to oppose me?!" Takada roared, he seemed to be familiar with this week.

However, this plan must have Takata die, and the way to speed up Takata's death is also very simple, that is, let the elves not let go, let people who don't know the source directly kill Takata.

So they directly united and rejected the request of the commander of the city guard, in order to anger the people who captured Takata.

As long as Takata died, they would have completed the killing by borrowing the sword, and even if the city guard wanted to blame them, they couldn't be blamed.

Maybe you can still see the city guards fighting with these people, then they can take advantage of the fishermen's profit.

This plan was approved by all the forces, and they also made follow-up plans.

That is, all the forces sent some relatively strong people to Xueying, and after the group of unknown people killed Gao Tian, ​​they would take action to kill these people.

In this way, they can not only achieve the purpose of killing Takata, but also gain the reputation of avenging Takata and killing the invaders, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

If these outsiders didn't kill Takata, that would be easy. They would do it themselves and send the outsiders to the sky with Takata.

As for whether they will be retaliated by the city guards in the future, it is not within their consideration. Anyway, as long as Takata dies, the city guards should not be afraid.

With this idea in mind, people from all major forces quickly assembled in these few hours, mobilizing thousands of masters and more than 20,000 ordinary fighters to arrange them around the snow camp.

It's just that the captain of the city guard was busy escorting the elves and didn't notice this, nor did the road army who had been staying in the snow camp noticed it.

"Impossible...Impossible..." Takada was still repeating this sentence in a daze.

"It seems that you are a trash. You were sold by your own people before you died." The Lu Jun couldn't help frowning and kicking Takata. Then he raised his double-headed spear and prepared to take it. Takata killed.

Originally, he kept Takata in order to use Takata's voice and dominance in Xueyue City to rescue the elves, which saves time and effort.

But I didn't expect that Takata's influence in Xueyue City was so weak, but it complicated the matter.

"Wait! I still have a way to get those elves back for you!" Takada suddenly raised his hand to stop the road army, and then turned his head to the captain of the city guard. All of our people are brought here, and I want you to suppress all the forces that unite, and leave no one behind!"

After finishing talking, Takata took out eight soldier charms carved out of solid ice from his arms, each of which could mobilize a team of city guards, which was the most important thing in him.

"Why do you have so many of these things? How many troops can you mobilize?" The Lu Jun looked at these shiny soldier charms with some doubts.

"We in Xueyue City have a total of nine teams of city guards. Each team has 15,000 people. In addition to the team in front of you who is responsible for the internal security of Xueyue City, there are also eight teams guarding Xueyue City. Eight directions to prevent alien biological threats."

"I admit it when I planted it in your hands today, but those forces want to watch me die, and I can't accept it! So I have to kill them. Then you will kill or kill me!" Takada looked savage and vicious. With that said, he was really angry with these forces.

"Okay, but don't try to play tricks, or I won't even give you a chance for revenge." The Lu Jun warned Takada a little, nodded, and agreed.

He did this for two reasons. One was that he really needed Takata, or the help of the city guards.

Because he was not familiar with this place, it would be a waste of time if he went to find those forces one by one, he didn't want this.

The second is that he can understand Takata's feelings. If his subordinates betrayed him at this time, he would probably react more strongly than Takata's.

Coupled with his hard power here, he didn't worry that Takata would encircle him later, so he simply agreed.

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