Because he is very clear about the strength of the tyrant's infected body, only the fourth-order ability can contend with it, and the third-order ability has little chance.

"We only need to drag them, and there are members who are rushing to ride the dragon, let's try it!" Lin Xiaobai replied resolutely.

"Well, look for the opportunity yourself, don't force it." Lu Jun nodded with a calm face.

If there are other ways, he will not agree, but unfortunately he can no longer choose.

After obtaining the permission of the Lu Army, Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue had no ink marks, and they activated their own abilities one after another.

Ruan Xue uses the third ability, the growth of wood, sowing seeds, growing trees, and turning trees into treants.

This is also the only ability she currently has a little control and attack. The characteristics of the wood system ability are so, there is no way.

Lin Xiaobai used the second ability, the ice energy bomb, blessed on the explosive crossbow, and blasted the infected body of the tyrant below.

As for why not directly use the third ability with higher damage, it is because that needs to go to the ground, which is very risky, and it is not yet that time.

While launching the attack, Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue will also quickly use their first ability, Wood Recovery and Frost Shield.

It's just that they are not using it on themselves, but to enhance the defense of the orc warriors and dinosaurs below and to rescue the wounded.

Although it is not very useful, they are trying their best to do everything they can.

The situation of the dinosaurs and orc warriors was very difficult, but after Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue joined the battlefield, the situation changed a little, and the casualties increased a little.

Although this will not change the situation of the battle, it is also good news in misfortune.

And under the constant attacks of Lin Xiaobai and the tree people, the shields of the infected tyrants also showed signs of loosening. It is estimated that no matter how hard the attack is, there will be a chance to break it.

Looking at this scene, Lu Jun was a little excited, because he actually felt a glimmer of hope of victory.

Driven by this kind of thought, Lu Jun took a few deep breaths and shook his aching head.

Immediately afterwards, he slowly used his brain power and began to try to condense the flames.

According to normal circumstances, the backlash has passed nearly ten minutes and should be over. He can use the ability, so he plans to try it.

Sure enough, Lu Jun's guess was correct. Two fiery explosive bombs slowly appeared from the palm of his hand and gradually became the size of a sphere, which also meant that Lu Jun's ability was successfully used.

This time the Lu Army did not hesitate at all, and directly threw the flame explosive bomb in his hand, hitting the infected body of the tyrant head-on, exploding among the three infected bodies of the tyrant.

Due to the excessive power, the tyrant's infected body was almost consumed and the shield failed to resist it. It exploded all at once, and the three shields exploded together.

"Okay!" The Lu Army in midair waved his fist fiercely, and roared uncontrollably.

If someone hears it nearby, there will be a sense of sadness.

Because all this is really not easy, he hadn't been so difficult in the battle when he had no abilities some time ago.

And losing the shield means that they have a chance to kill the tyrant's infected body, and even more a chance to defend the sky...

At the same time, the side effects of using the body of steel also began to erode Lu Jun's body, leaving him in a state of extreme weakness.

In fact, the body of steel can't last for so long. Just now, the road army has been holding on.

It's just that it takes too much power to deal with the infected body of the tyrant, which makes him really unable to hold it.

"Damn... this is the time..." Lu Jun clutched his head in pain.

At this time, he had completely lifted the body of steel, leaving only the dragon form to fly in the air.

If you use one sentence to describe Lu Jun’s feelings, it would be that 10,000 steel needles pierced in his brain, and the pain made him hard to breathe.

But the Lu Army didn't care about its own injuries at all, and kept its eyes on the bottom.

Because there are still four tyrant infected bodies below, the attack must not be stopped.

Just when the Lu Army used his brain power to resist weakness and prepared to condense the flames and bombs to continue his attack, he suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell from the air.

This is the result of his mental backlash when he used his brain power in a weak state.

If he doesn't stop the action at hand, the backlash will be aggravated in the next step, which may lead to a backlash in strength.

"I may not be able to fight anymore, you are ready to come out and fight hard..." The Lu Army said this to the dinosaurs and orc warriors in the sky.

At this time, he was very helpless, after all, this order was no different from letting them come out to die.

Let alone hundreds of thousands of mutant infected bodies, the four tyrant infected bodies alone are not something they can deal with.

But now there is no way, if the dinosaurs do not come out to fight, the sky will burst within a minute.

Under the order of the road army, a group of orc warriors also knew that the situation was urgent, and they were led by several resistance army members to rush out.

They are already prepared to pay for the Westerly Fortress. If this war requires sacrifice to quell, let them do it!

Seeing the dinosaurs and orc warriors running out, all the infected tyrants became excited.

If the Lu Army can't attack, it's okay to kill the Lu Army's subordinates to vent their anger.

In the next moment, they cooperated with the surrounding mutant infected body and began to massacre the creatures on the side of the road army.

Although the orc warriors and dinosaurs resisted desperately, due to the power gap, they were unable to shake the powerful tyrant infected body.

Even the most defensive Ankylosaurus is a kick in front of the infected body of the tyrant.

Seeing the tragedy below, Lu Jun's heart was bleeding. You must know that these are all the troops he has worked so hard to accumulate.

This was also the first time his subordinates were massacred since the end of the world, making the Lu Jun full of hatred and nowhere to vent.

If he was given another chance, he would take the lead to get rid of the infected body of the tyrant, no matter how much he paid, and reduce the threat posed by the infected body group.

It's a pity that it is too late to think about this, and the Giganotosaurus and the members of the resistance army are pinned down.

The S-tier dinosaurs have no extra brain power to summon, and the A-tier dinosaurs can't beat it. It seems that the sky is broken.

Just as the Lu Army made up its mind to let the Giganotosaurus on the left and the members of the Resistance Army in the middle abandon the sky, shrink the line of defense and return to defense, suddenly a voice came into Lu Army's ears: "Brother, here we are! "

Looking in the direction of the sound, the Lu Army saw Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue riding on the bloodthirsty king bat.

The two of them discovered that the situation on the road side was not right, so they rushed over from the center to support them.

"No, you two can't get rid of them." Lu Jun shook his head directly.

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