Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2197: Win or lose

However, the occurrence of this situation was something that the Abyssal Demon hadn't expected at all. Originally, it was planning to come over and delay for a while, because it thought it was invincible.

But the sudden emergence of dinosaurs disrupted its plans and made it trapped in a siege, unable to escape.

While the Abyssal Demon King was surrounded, the conditions of other undead creatures were also very bad.

Because the abyssal demon did not play a role in containing the elves, they were still struggling, being stuck on the opposite bank, unable to pass even half of the river, and the casualties had changed from thousands to tens of thousands, and they were still advancing to 20,000.

Seeing that the battlefield was completely under their control, the Lu Army looked satisfied.

In fact, all of this was arranged by him. He had been preparing to draw the Abyss Demon over. He didn't expect the Abyss Demon to cooperate so well and was falling into his trap.

Although they won't be able to kill the Abyssal Demon for a while, this situation is enough. As long as the undead creatures can't cross the river, the Abyssal Demon can't make any big waves.

With the passage of time, the body of the Abyssal Demon King was consumed by 30%, and the dinosaurs also suffered damages, and the two sides fought back and forth.

The most important thing is that the undead creatures crossing the river are still stuck in the middle of the river, and half of the river is filled with dead bones. The scene is very spectacular.

At this time, the sky also appeared white, meaning that daylight was coming soon, which greatly reduced the combat power of some undead creatures who were afraid of light.

Seeing that it was almost impossible for them to cross the river successfully, the Abyss Demon King who was still entangled with the dinosaurs sighed deeply, no longer hesitating, and directly issued the order to retreat.

Although this is very shameful, it has no other way, because it can't break the river bank when it's dark, and it's even impossible to wait until the day, and there is no need to continue to consume it.

As for why it didn't use its strongest gate to fight, it was because without this opportunity, the situation on the battlefield would not allow it.

You must know that the Gate of the Abyss can only be summoned once a week, and it consumes a lot of money. If it doesn't make good use of it, it will have to wait another week. It doesn't want this.

Therefore, it intends to retreat first, and continue to wait for reinforcements, at least until their new batch of air units are supported, otherwise the attack will be too difficult...

After receiving the command from the Abyssal Demon King, the undead creatures kept turning back, leaving the river, and retreating in the direction they came from.

In fact, they wanted to leave a long time ago, but they didn't have the command of the Abyss Demon before, so they didn't dare to mess around and could only continue to die.

Now I finally waited for the order, how could they still stay, each one can't hate the two legs to run away...

After the undead creatures had almost retreated, the abyss demon shook his foot on the ground, knocking back all the dinosaurs surrounding it.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Lord of the Abyss activated his leap ability, and instantly jumped from here to the other side of the river bank, leaving the battlefield.

Seeing the abyss demon king run away like this, the watchman plans to start his own flash pursuit.

After all, the current Abyss Demon Lord consumes a lot of physical strength, and it is the best time to kill it when the combat power is insufficient.

But the Lu Army quickly reached out to stop the watcher, and shook his head faintly: "Don't chase, it hasn't used its full strength yet, we don't have strong control ability, even if it catches up, it may not be able to beat it. There is no need to take this risk."

Listening to this, the watchman immediately stopped thinking of pursuing and looked up at the road army: "Did they really retreat? Could it be pretend? I always feel that they will not give up so easily..."

However, Thunder Dragon's defense is inherently high, and it is almost immune to fire and rain attacks.

The wind **** pterosaur was relatively fast, and it flew out of Huoyu's attack range in just a few swishes, making the Abyss Demon King unable to strike.

Faced with this situation, the Abyssal Demon King was about to explode in anger, waving the double-headed spear in his hand and slashing at the Thunder Dragon that was closer to it.

But Thunder Dragon seemed to realize that the Abyss Demon King would do this, and in the blink of an eye, he stepped away from the Abyss Demon's attack range, and did not head-on with the Abyss Demon King.

When the angry Demon Lord of the Abyss was about to turn his spear and place the attack on the side of the road army and the watchman, the Tyrannosaurus rushed out.

I saw the four of them directly encircled from the front, rear, left, and right, turning on the violent form one after another, raising their combat power to pseudo-super-order.

Immediately afterwards, they had two arms that restrained the Abyssal Demon King, and two to bite the Abyssal Demon's legs, and the Deinonychus which had just charged from behind attacked the Abyssal Demon's tail.

Being attacked by five dinosaurs at the same time, the Abyssal Demon King did not dare to be careless, summoned a rain of flames, attached to the double-headed spear in his hand, and made the double-headed spear ignite a raging flame.

Then the Abyssal Demon King shook his tail, and slapped Deinonychus with a heavy blow, pushing Deinonychus back.

Then use a double-headed spear to directly smash a tyrannosaurus on the right side, cutting the body of the tyrannosaurus out of a big gap.

Fortunately, the physique of the Tyrannosaurus was so strong that it didn't let the double-headed spear go deep, using the bones to block it.

After the Abyss Demon King finished attacking, other Tyrannosaurus attacks also arrived. Two Tyrannosauruses bit the Abyss Demon’s hind legs and tore a large piece of meat with their extremely sharp teeth.

The other two Tyrannosauruses bit the double-headed spears of the Abyss Demon Lord, preventing the Abyss Demon from attacking.

Although the two-headed spear was burning with hot flames at this time, and it was still very sharp, it cut and bleeds the mouths of the two Tyrannosaurus.

However, the tyrannosaurus was turned on the violent form, the pain was greatly reduced, and the blood became even more crazy, and they used the fighting method of the abyss demon.

The deinonychus that was shot back quickly reacted, and opened its mouth to bite the tail of the abyss demon king, put all the power of the whole body on the tail of the abyss demon king, and restricted the last "weapon" of the abyss demon king.

The most terrifying thing is that this is not all the attacks of the dinosaurs.

Because the next moment, the few wind **** pterosaurs in the air returned, and long-range attacks such as flying their wings and damaging the light poured out on the abyss devil.

The watchmen and Hongyue around the Lu Army were not to be outdone, and kept throwing short daggers and using abilities, putting all their attacks on the Abyss Demon King.

Although the Abyss Demon King is very strong, it is considered the strongest super creature that the Lu Army has encountered, but no matter how strong it is, it is only one of its own. It is really unable to resist attacks from all directions, and wounds continue to appear on his body.

Fortunately, its healing ability is extremely strong, all wounds are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, as long as it consumes some physical strength, it can be supported in a short time.

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