Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2196: Fight each other

Originally, the dinosaurs wouldn't be able to defeat the Lord of the Blood Rock. Now that the powerful combat power of Wood is added, the Lord of the Blood Rock is naturally suppressed so that he can't even lift his head.

And the Lord Blood Rock felt bitter. It had been beaten up for a day. Originally thought it would be better if it returned to its own territory. Who knew that all the enemies would follow...

Now it can't fight or run, and it basically doesn't have a good chance.

Its only hope is that the dinosaurs and wood can reveal some flaws so that it can take the opportunity to leave.

But in fact it is not that simple, because as long as the dinosaurs and wood exist at the same time, there is basically no chance for the Lord Bloodstone.

Seeing this scene before him, Lu Jun felt a little uncomfortable, because the soul in the wood body was obviously using his dinosaur as a "gun".

It is estimated that he wants to use the hands of the dinosaurs to kill the Lord of Blood Rock and complete the control of the battle.

However, the Lu Army won't let the soul in the wood succeed, and it is still going to delay it for a little longer, so it has to let the Lord Bloodrock and the wood fight more intensely.

Otherwise, as soon as the battle is over, the wood will enter the tower, and then Lin Yilazy will have no time to untie the space taboo.

So the next moment, the Lu Army thought about it and took the dinosaurs back from the battlefield.

With the order given, the dinosaurs disappeared instantly as if molecules were ungrouped, and the battlefield became empty.

This caused both Lord Wood and Bloodstone to be stunned for a moment, and looked around, seeming not to understand what happened.

Then the first thing that reacted was the Lord Bloodrock, and it began to ecstasy, because it meant that it could face fewer enemies, and the chance to stand up.

Although it is still hard to beat the wood head-on, but at least this gives it hope.

Thinking of this, the Lord Blood Rock burst out a lot of blood, showing thousands of blood spears, and now it is about to turn from defense to offense.

Looking at the arrogant Bloodstone Lord, the soul in the wood was a headache.

It just came close to killing Lord Bloodrock, as long as the dinosaurs existed for five or six minutes, the victory would belong to it.

But at this time, the dinosaurs disappeared. It was definitely Lu Jun and others who were making ghosts. It still understood the truth.

However, even if it knew the cause of the matter, it couldn't go to Lu Jun and others to settle accounts at this time.

After all, the toughest enemy is still concentrating on the attack, and the battle must be stabilized first.

Therefore, the soul in the wood soon suppressed his own anger, and concentrated on the battle before him...

"Something happened! Wood came over from the southeast two minutes ago!" Lin Yilan said as soon as he saw everyone.

She originally thought that everyone was looking for it at the lower level, but she didn't expect them all to run underground.

Fortunately, Xiaowan left a cold light rod on it, indicating the location of the underground passage for her.

"Oh? Is he coming in? Where is he now?" The Lu Army subconsciously took two steps forward, which is very bad news for them.

"I haven't come in yet. I have already joined the battlefield. I am helping the creatures of the Hank clan kill the creatures of the Bloodstone clan. After the wood joins the creatures of the Hank clan, the attack becomes very scary, just like going crazy." Lin Yilan He answered without hesitation.

"That's right, there is the ability to strengthen the strength of his subordinates, but he doesn't come here, let them kill first, we currently have a more important thing to deal with." Lu Jun said as he pointed to the side next to him. The corpse, "We found the most important thing. The problem is that it seems to be forbidden to use space capabilities, so I can't take it away. See if you can crack it."

After speaking, Lu Jun stepped aside and signaled Lin Yi lazy to come over.

"Oh, so, let me try it." Lin Yi lazy nodded, and went straight to the body next to Lu Jun.

Immediately afterwards, she gently put her hand on the body and closed her eyes, as if she was feeling something.

A few seconds later, Lin Yilaan opened his eyes and frowned, "You are right, there is indeed a space taboo above this corpse."

"The effect is to make this corpse unable to move, even if you want to take it away, it is not clear how the creatures of the blood rock clan do it."

To tell the truth, originally Lin Yi lazy thought that the creatures of the Blood Rock clan were reckless and would not use any powerful abilities.

But now it seems that she underestimated the enemy, and the blood rock clan clearly has masters who can use space abilities.

In fact, this is normal. The Blood Rock clan can even deprive King Hank of his soul and body, and let King Hank's soul go to other planes. It is nothing to taboo the space under the body.

"Then do you have a way to crack it? Only by holding this corpse in our hands can we have the initiative, otherwise the soul in the wood can easily succeed." Lu Jun looked at Lin Yilan, very Looking forward to Lin Yilaan's satisfactory answer.

"I can't guarantee that I can do it, because the forbidden creature in this space is obviously much stronger than me. I can only try my best and it will take at least 30 minutes." Lin Yilan looked embarrassed. Because she is not very confident about it.

"Try it, even if there is only a 1% chance, it is better than looking at it. As for time, we will delay it for you. Before success or failure, we will ensure that no creatures will come to harass you." Lu Jun motioned to Lin Yi Laziness can start.

"Okay, I beg you for the above situation." Lin Yi lazy nodded, sitting directly on the ground, his hands glowing, and he could clearly feel the power of the space inside.

"Let's go up as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to stop the wood seeing all this." Lu Jun looked around and said to everyone.

"Would you like to leave someone here to protect her? There will be no problems if we are all gone?" Ruan Xue seemed a little worried about Lin Yilan being here alone.

"No, I checked. There is only one way to enter here, which is the big hole on the first floor. As long as we guard the place, there will be no living creatures coming in, and it will be easier to defend there." Lu Jun shook his head and moved forward. Go.

Everyone looked at Lin Yilaan and followed behind until the first floor of the tower.

Following the flames on the battlefield, it can be clearly seen that the creatures of the Hank clan and the blood rock clan are still fighting, and they are getting worse.

In addition to the creatures on both sides and the dinosaurs of the road army, there is also a strange figure on the battlefield, which is wood.

It's just that at this time, he no longer fights against the ordinary creatures of the blood rock clan, but fights against the lord of blood rock with the dinosaurs.

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