Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2025: The interweaving of steel and abilities

"Woke up, but as soon as she woke up, she said that she had discovered something, and hurried out with Ruan Xue, Butcher and others, and asked me to stay here and wait for your return."

"I also told you not to worry, she will return with someone soon, and then carefully tell you what she found." Xiao Wan recalled for a while before speaking.

"Out? Didn't she say what was going on? When did you go out?" Lu Jun frowned slightly, wondering what was going on.

"She didn't say anything. We woke up in the early hours of the morning. She set off at that time and went to the southeast." Xiaowan pointed to the distance, "I wanted to follow, but I was afraid that you would not know the situation. And stayed."

"How many people were taken away? Was it related to the battle?" Lu Jun asked again, feeling a little anxious.

"Only 20 members of the Resistance Army should be searching for information. It is estimated that they will be back before the afternoon. You don't have to worry." Xiao Wan tried her best to comfort Lu Army.

"Huh, I hope, then leave it alone, wait until they come back." Lu Jun let out a deep breath, trying to calm his mood.

He knew that Ruan Bing's character was very stable and would not mess around. He went out as soon as he woke up, and he must have found something extraordinary.

It's a pity that he doesn't know where Ruan Bing's destination is, so he can't chase it out, and can only wait for Ruan Bing to return.

"Brother Lu Jun, do you want me to go out and see for you?" Xiaowan could feel Lu Jun's anxiety.

"No, you go to finish what I said, I'll wait for her to come back here." Lu Jun shook his head.

"Okay, I'm leaving, Brother Lu Jun." Xiaowan nodded obediently, and opened the third form and left the area.

As a result, the road army was left alone, and he did not choose to wait, turning on the dragon form and flying to the southeast side of the West Wind Fortress.

Because there is a place to expand the dragon's nest, after more than a day of accelerated construction, dozens of dragon nests in his system have been completed, and now is the time to place it.

A few minutes later, the road army arrived at the densest area of ​​the dragon's nest, with thousands of dinosaurs resting or moving below.

From a distance, it is very spectacular, like a giant dinosaur paradise.

Looking at this scene, the Lu Jun took a deep breath, thinking to himself that in a week, there would definitely be dozens of times more dinosaurs here.

Immediately after, he let the dinosaurs outside make room for the prepared dragon nest.

Since the model of each dragon's nest is very large, this area looks a little insufficient, and the road army can only continue to place the dragon's nest around the West Wind Fortress.

It wasn't until nearly half of the West Wind Fortress was surrounded and nearly twenty dragon nests were consumed that the Lu Army stopped.

Now he can no longer continue to place the Dragon Nest in the Westerly Fortress, because the Westerly Fortress requires a lot of strategic buildings and space.

He plans to place the remaining dragon nests in other gathering places, such as Tianhai City or Oli City. Those places must also be garrisoned by dinosaurs.

After finishing the Dragon Nest, the Lu Army spent nearly two hours putting the dragon eggs in the armed module.

He didn't let the dragon eggs hatch randomly, but selected them to determine the proportions so that the dinosaurs could cooperate.

But the small movements of Old Five, Baqi and others broke this balance, causing the infected body in the outer city to run out of nearly 70% and attack the West Wind Fortress of the Road Army.

In the beginning, this was a bad thing for the Lu Army, because it was completely out of his plan to deal with so many infected bodies suddenly.

However, after he defended this wave of offensive, it also meant that there was nothing infected in the outer city, which gave him a chance to occupy the outer city.

Under the "cleansing" of the night demon and the bone dragon yesterday, the remaining infected bodies in the outer city and inner city of the sky were all dead, and the present scene appeared.

It's just that the current Celestial Overseas City Army can't swallow it down. After all, it is a metropolis with a population of tens of millions. The scope is too large, and his current manpower is not enough to manage a fraction.

But the materials inside were coveted by the Lu Army. What was used by tens of millions of people is now owned by their rebels.

Excluding those damaged and unusable, even if 90% is deducted, it is a very valuable thing.

The most important thing is that when the population of the road army increases in the future, he will also have enough territory to develop and will not be restricted.

Lin Xiaobai could also understand the meaning of Lu Jun's words and nodded silently, as if he knew what to do.

"Well, the fire here will not end for a while, let's go back first. Just leave two people here to watch. If the fire is not enough, add one more." Lu Jun pointed to the front and gave the order .

Indeed, with the current fire, they can't do anything, it's better to go back first.

In this way, after unifying their opinions, the Lu Army took Lin Xiaobai and others to start the return journey, and it took more than two hours to return to the West Wind Fortress.

In fact, if the Lu Army rides the Fengshen pterosaur, it will not take so much time.

But he wanted to check the best route from Westwind Fortress to Tianhai City along the road to facilitate future actions, so it was relatively slow.

From a distance, we can clearly see that there is no abnormal situation in the West Wind Fortress as a whole at this time, and everything is restored to the same order as before.

It's just that there are not as many patrolling creatures around as before. This is because the casualties caused by the battle have not completely eased the Westwind Fortress.

As soon as Lu Jun returned, a small figure flew in front of him from a distance, plunged into his arms, and shouted: "Brother Lu Jun!"

Don't think about it, just listening to the sound of the road army can also know that this is Xiaowan, so he immediately lowered his head and looked at Xiaowan who was already awake.

It can be seen that Xiao Wan is very energetic at this time, and she has changed into clean clothes. It is estimated that she has "sleep" and is full these days.

"I thought you were going to sleep for a few more days." Lu Jun smiled and rubbed Xiaowan's head.

"Slightly, I woke up from hungry. At first I thought the battle was not over yet, but later I found out that there was nothing wrong with me." Xiaowan stuck out her tongue and shared her funny story with Lu Jun.

"It's good if you wake up. You are not here these few days. I have lost a coolie. I have to run errands myself for many things. I am not used to it." The smile on Lu Jun's face became brighter.

"Hehe, I'm ready." Xiao Wan also laughed.

Lin Xiaobai and the surrounding resistance army members watched this harmonious scene, and walked away quietly without interruption.

In the next ten minutes, Lu Jun directly told Xiaowan in detail what had happened in the past few days, and Xiaowan needed to complete the task.

Regardless of the fact that Xiaowan is not big, she now has Tier 4 strength and is extremely powerful, but she is the right arm of the Lu Army and can do many things.

After the conversation, Lu Jun changed the topic: "Where is Ruan Bing? Is she awake?"

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