Indeed, this underground facility looks very big. Without convenient tools, it would take a lot of time to move grain from below.

"This is a good place. When I emptied all the materials inside, you can remodel it a little bit to make it a place where people can live, and then make the entrances and exits hidden."

"In this way, if something happens to Starlight City in the future, you will be able to withdraw here as soon as possible. Maybe you can hold on for a long time." Lu Jun said while nodding.

His thoughts are different from others. In the eyes of others, this is a warehouse that can only hold things, but in his heart, this is a perfect refuge.

If Zhang Xiao and Zhang Kuang could realize this, they would directly take someone into hiding here when he and the bone dragons attacked.

Relying on the terrain here, the Bone Dragon was unable to play its role, and with the help of many black-robed men and fallen warriors, Lu Jun could not attack by himself anyway.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiao's brain was filled with supplies. He didn't expect this at all, so he and his people were gone...

"Good way, my lord, I took it down!" With a smile on Huang Ming's face, he secretly praised that the Lu Army was smarter than ordinary people like them.

Lu Jun ignored Huang Ming's compliments and continued to walk to the underground warehouse. He wanted to see what it was like inside.

A minute later, Lu Jun walked more than a hundred steps to the bottom of the underground warehouse.

It can be seen that this place is no different from a warehouse on the ground, and the overall area is larger than a football field.

It's just that there is no electricity here. All the light sources are made up of candles, making it look extremely dim.

Fortunately, the Lu Army quickly took out dozens of cold light rods, and slammed them to different directions in the warehouse, setting up the entire warehouse.

In this way, you can clearly see that the materials are neatly arranged in the warehouse, and the most places are even piled up as high as a floor.

Most of them are military dry food, and a small amount of canned food. The rest is mineral water that can be stored for ten years.

Because this place is located in a relatively deep underground location, it has been closed for a long time, so it has not been affected by the blood fog, and the cans are all in good condition.

"Where did Zhang Xiao get these things? This is serious military food, and it is difficult for individuals to get it." Lu Jun turned his head and looked at Huang Ming.

"It was he who discovered a jun affair base 40 kilometers away some time ago. The people inside were infected, and the resources and weapons outside were also destroyed."

"But the materials used by the Jun they hid are still intact, and the quantity is very large. Zhang Xiao mobilized us and many survivors, and it took about a week to completely move back." Huang Ming seriously explained to Lu Jun.

"Where did those weapons go? I didn't find Zhang Xiao used it during the battle yesterday." Lu Jun pointed to the warehouse in front of which there were only materials.

"It was originally here, or our city guards moved in, but a group of people in black robes came a few days ago, and Zhang Xiao gave them all the weapons. I don't know where they were shipped..." Huang Ming scratched his head, he knew only so much.

"It seems that I'm a step slower, it's a pity." Lu Jun shook his head and sighed.

Because he knew very well that the value of weapons was much greater than these food supplies.

Although he has no chance to use it now, he can distribute it to the outer regiments of the Resistance Army or sell it out. That is also a lot of dragon coins...

Although the city guards were very scared when they saw the night demon, they were almost used to it after spending a night together.

In addition, the night demon can speak human language, and the speech is quite funny, so it can also cooperate with the city guard.

Seeing that the Lu Army came here in person, Huang Ming was shocked, and immediately walked forward: "My lord, we are still moving supplies, and the specific amount has not yet been sorted out because there are too many, please give me three more I will satisfy you when the hour comes..."

When speaking, Huang Ming didn't dare to look directly at Lu Jun, with a little fear in his expression.

In fact, he didn't expect the Lu Army to come to him so early. He originally thought he would wait until noon for the Lu Army to be free...

Looking at Huang Ming who hadn't slept all night and his eyes turned red, Lu Jun nodded: "Don't be afraid, I just came over after I was busy and didn't let you deliver it now."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun pointed to the very high accumulation of materials on the field: "How many of these things have you made? Are they all?"

At present, there are about 80 tons of materials on the field, all of which are military-grade food before the end of the world. I don't know where Zhang Xiao got it.

Although it is not too much, these extra gains have already made Lu Jun very satisfied. It can fill his weapon module well, and it can be sold in the trading module at a cheaper price.

"No, no, no, my lord, this only accounts for about 50%. The rest is still in the underground warehouse. We are trying to find a way to move them all out." Huang Ming shook his head continuously and pointed to the place where they stepped on. .

"Underground warehouse? What's the situation? You still have such a large warehouse here?" Lu Jun's eyes were deeply puzzled.

"Yes, this is one of the characteristics of our Starlight City. Before the end of the world, there was such a large warehouse. After the end of the world, Zhang Xiao was treated as a private site. His collection is in it. Few people know it. I was not too long ago. Only found out." Huang Ming explained quickly.

"Then take me in and have a look, so that your people don't have to move, I'll go in and get it by myself, so I can hurry up." Lu Jun waved his hand and motioned to Huang Ming to lead the way.

"Okay, my lord, please come with me." Huang Ming nodded, raised his leg and walked into the central building, and the Night Demon followed.

Although he deserved to be very diligent, Huang Ming didn't quite understand what the Lu Army meant to go down and get it.

Because the remaining materials are still very large, it cannot be moved by one or two people, and it takes thousands of people to work for several hours to be completely transported.

However, even if he had doubts in his heart, Huang Ming didn't dare to ask. He just met Lu Jun now, so speaking less and doing more is the last word.

Looking at Huang Ming and the Lu Army, the people of the City Guards stepped aside and didn't dare to look directly at the Lu Army, so they could only take a sneak peek.

Lu Jun didn't care about this, thinking about other things in his mind, and walked into the building.

About five minutes later, Huang Ming led Lu Jun through several fork roads, turned four or five turns in a row, and then walked into a long downward staircase, and finally came to an underground facility.

"This is Zhang Xiao's warehouse. Since the power system cannot maintain the supply here and the light ladder is broken, we can only use it, which is more troublesome." Huang Ming pointed to the dim surroundings.

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