Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1878: The newly emerging power?

"These days we have emptied all the ammunition resources you left behind, and killed more than 100,000 Zerg creatures, many of which are higher-level Zerg creatures."

"But our rebels have also injured and killed 20 core members and 482 peripheral members these days. The orc warriors have suffered more than 1,000 casualties, and the various dinosaurs have also suffered more than 1,000 casualties. The fighting beasts controlled by Xiaowan It is countless..."

"If you don't come back, we may have to give up this line of defense, because if we continue to procrastinate, sooner or later our people will all be consumed..."

In the end, Ruan Bing's voice gradually became smaller, because these casualties were unacceptable at all times.

"Oh, we bury all the people and creatures that died in the battle, and those peripheral members will be added as core members. In the future, their families will be raised by our resistance army, and they will have privileges in the gathering places we control." The Lu Army quickly issued an order Gave an order.

Although the deaths of orc warriors and dinosaurs made him very heartbroken, these are all renewable units and he can afford to lose.

And every member of the Resistance Army was carefully trained by them. Among them, there were many potential supernaturalists, and the one who died would lose one. He still had feelings for these people.

The Lu Army’s remarks also refreshed the surrounding members who heard the order, because the Lu Army’s approach made them feel very warm.

After all, death is actually a very cheap thing in the last days when life is worthless.

The Lu Army let them see their own value, and the Lu Army also told them that death is actually meaningful.

"Well, I also have this idea, and it will be implemented soon." Ruan Bing nodded, agreeing with Lu Jun's words.

However, neither she nor the Lu Army knew that this order would become the future tradition of the Resistance.

In subsequent battles, the members of the outer regiments of the Resistance did not fear death or flee.

Because they know that their family members will get huge benefits after they die, and they will get better resettlement, and they have no worries at all.

And an army that is not afraid of death is undoubtedly the most terrifying, they will be invincible...

"What's the situation on the silent crusade? How would they know where we are?" Lu Jun asked again.

He was more curious about this issue than the battle with the Zerg. After all, the people of the Silent Crusade attacked them at the same time as the Zerg creatures, which is really weird.

"I really don't know this, but I feel that there are other forces involved in it, otherwise the silent crusaders would not have received so much information." Ruan Bing said after a moment of thought.

"Other forces? Are you saying that someone knew that we were fighting with Zerg creatures, and they deliberately attracted the Silent Crusade in order to consume our strength?" Lu Jun frowned slightly.

If time can come back again, she hopes that the days with Lu Jun will become frozen and eternal. It's a pity that she only controls space abilities, she cannot change time, let alone change the future.

Xiaowan probably saw Lin Yilan’s expression, she slowly walked to Lin Yilan’s side and gently took Lin Yilan’s right hand: "Thank you for saving him and bringing him back. All of us I owe you all."

In fact, Xiaowan knew that the Lu Army could come back, and the biggest hero was Lin Yi lazy, otherwise the Lu Army might have died in Siwak's hands long ago.

Looking at Xiao Wan with clear eyes, Lin Yilaan slowly squatted down, squeezing Xiao Wan's face: "What are you talking about? This is what I should do. I'm also one of you."

Feeling her face about to be "deformed", Xiao Wan did not struggle, but approached Lin Yilan's ear: "Miss Sister, let me ask you, have you been together with Brother Lu Jun for so many days? What happened? Tell me secretly, I won't tell."

After speaking, Xiao Wan still chuckled in Lin Yilan's ear with a smirk expression.

"Fuck you, what's in your little head all day long..." Lin Yilan's face was slightly red, and Xiao Wan's face was frantically "ravaged" and the topic changed.

However, after being troubled by Xiaowan, her mood suddenly improved a lot, and she didn't have all the messy thoughts.

Because at least someone still remembers everything she did, which was enough for her.

After a deep sigh, Lin Yilan retracted his lonely expression, with a sunny smile on his face.

Let her pass the past, cherishing the moment is the most important thing, and who is right about the future...

Seeing Lin Yi lazy returning to normal, Xiao Wan did not continue to make trouble, but quietly took Lin Yi lazy's hand and looked at Lu Jun.

Although she is still young and doesn't understand many people's sophistication, she still understands the emotions of everyone around Lu Jun.

This is a good thing for both the Route Army and the development of the Resistance Army.

Lu Jun didn't know this, because after speaking with Ruan Bing and Lin Xiaobai, Goshawk, Butcher and others also surrounded him and talked to him for a long time.

He replied one by one, not neglecting, after all, these were his friends and even relatives in the last days.

Without the company and help of these people, he would never be where he is today, at least he would not develop so fast...

When the old story was over, Lu Jun turned his head to Ruan Bing's side: "What is the current situation? Tell me."

Although he is now confident that he can kill Siwak, it is still necessary to understand the current situation.

"Simple Big Bear and Anan should have told you, now I say something important." Ruan Bing organized the language a little bit, "We have established a line of defense along the West Wind Fortress and Beizhai, referred to as the Northwest Line of Defense."

"Zerg creatures began to attack us seven days ago. Until last night, a total of 470,000 Zerg warriors of various types were invested and 147 large and small attacks were launched."

"Before, they would only be dispatched at night and truce during the day, but in recent days they are also attacking during the day, and they will come once in almost three hours."

"There were 144 attacks we blocked, and three battles in which Siwak personally participated resulted in our line of defense being broken."

"Fortunately, after we assembled all the high-level forces, we were able to fight Siwak. Every time we lost the defense, we successfully regained the line of defense.

"But as the front is tight and our manpower is not enough, I can only summon all the people from the outer legions to replenish the line of defense and be responsible for logistics."

"Also exceptionally promoted hundreds of members of the outlying army, allowing them to be promoted to core members, responsible for frontal combat."

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