Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1877: Continue to march

After all, this fateful little girl has his shadow on her body, and she is also very similar to Lin Xiaobai when she was a child. This is the past that the Lu Army cannot go back to, so he cherishes this situation very much.

The big bear and Anan next to them were scared by Xiaowan and Lu Jun. This was the first time they saw Xiao Wan crying, and the first time they saw Lu Jun talking like this.

But they soon closed their open mouths and watched the warm scene quietly, for fear that a little disturbed the peace.

Because in the deceitful end times, they can still see such a pure scene, which makes them feel that their humanity is not exhausted and the future can be expected.

Lin Yilan on the back of the other Fengshen pterodactyl looked at Xiao Wan with some envy.

In fact, many times these days she wanted to rush into the arms of the Route Army like this, not for anything else, just to talk.

But she can't, because she and Lu Jun are both adults, with an invisible yoke.

Before you are ready, it is best not to insert the key of the shackles.

If she knew there was no tomorrow, she might try to open the shackles and let everything stay in today.

But now they are still alive, some things should not be changed easily, after all, the adult world is too complicated...

After crying for nearly a minute, Xiao Wan started to die, but her little head was still buried in the arms of Lu Jun, and her nose would sobbing from time to time.

Lu Jun also didn't let go of his hand holding Xiaowan, and even changed a posture that made Xiaowan feel more comfortable, because he knew he had to give the little girl a little warmth at this time.

It wasn't until another three minutes passed, maybe I thought it was almost the time, the Lu Jun patted Xiaowan's head: "Okay, get up, I promise you now, I will take you wherever I go in the future."

These words made Xiaowan's eyes bright, she got out of the arms of the Lu Jun directly, fluttered on her four wings, flew to a position a head shorter than the Lu Jun, and stretched out her right hand and tail finger: "Then we pull the hook. ."

"Well, yes, pull the hook, as long as I'm still alive, this sentence will take effect forever." Lu Jun also stretched out the tail finger of his right hand, which was heavily hooked with Xiaowan's fingers.

Although this scene is a bit naive, the Lu Jun's expression is serious, because this is an adult's promise to a child.

The promise should be serious, and it will not change regardless of landslides or tsunami...

After pulling the hook, Xiao Wan's mood improved a lot, and the sorrow between her eyebrows was instantly relieved, and she looked at Big Bear and Anan next to him: "Uncle Big Bear, Brother Anan, why are you back? Where are our people? Have the people of the Silent Crusaders been beaten away? I have been busy dealing with Zerg creatures recently, and I’m so sorry for not supporting you..."

As for why I asked about this rather than what happened to the Lu Army recently, it was because the current situation was tight and it was not the time when the children were in love.

When you are free in the future, you will tell her all about the road bureau. Xiaowan is very clear about the road army's style.

Facing Xiaowan’s questions and apology, Daxiong and Ananqi smiled bitterly, and hurriedly said: "The vanguard of the Silent Crusade was beaten away by Boss Lu. There should be no problem for the time being. There is nothing important on our side. The battle here is more important."

They don't dare to accept Xiao Wan's apology, after all, Xiao Wan is a Tier 4 ability person and can kill them at will. There is no age difference in the last days, only strength.

"Then I will take you to Sister Ruan Bing, she should be rectifying the defense line now, we can give her a surprise." Xiaowan snickered.

When everyone was thinking about this, Xiaowan in the distance also found the figure of Lu Jun and others, which made her almost jump off the back of the bloodthirsty king bat.

Originally, she had received information from the little animal, thinking that an enemy was approaching, and planned to come over to meet the enemy.

But I didn't expect that the Lu Army, who had been missing for ten days, came back. This is undoubtedly the most pleasant surprise for her in recent days.

It is estimated that she disliked the bloodthirsty king bat flying too slowly, Xiaowan directly turned on her third form, growing four wings, and flew from the bloodthirsty king bat to the front of Lu Jun instantly, and threw herself into his arms.

"Brother Lu Jun, where have you been, I miss you so much..." Xiao Wan's eyes were red, and her words were choking. After speaking, she couldn't help but cried.

In fact, apart from Sister Ruan and Lin Xiaobai, she might be the one who worried the Lu Army the most.

Because apart from Lu Jun, she has no relatives in this world, nor anyone who can make her feel close.

In these days when the Lu Army was absent, she had been fighting with the Zerg creatures. She should fight and kill. She had supported one-fifth of the battlefield by herself, and she had not said a word to anyone.

Because she felt uncomfortable, she didn't want to say anything, she couldn't say anything, let alone express her emotions in front of other people.

In these nights, she has thought of leaving the West Wind Fortress countless times to find the Route Army by herself.

Although she didn't know where the road army was, she didn't know if the road army would come back, let alone where to go.

But these are not important, maybe only on the way to find the Route Army can she get a moment of peace and make her less uncomfortable, at least she tried hard.

However, looking at the precarious front and the brutal Zerg regiment, Xiao Wan was unable to leave for a long time.

Because this land was beaten down by the road army with hard work, and with the hard work of the road army, it is also their home, which cannot be abandoned.

So after making several choices, Xiao Wan still did not leave, guarding their defense all the time.

Her idea is to guard the road army's home first, if the road army can come back, then she can give the road army an explanation.

If Lu Jun can't come back, then she will leave here forever, leaving this place that she will miss and sad in her dream...

But now that the Lu Army returned without incident and fell into the arms of the Lu Army, Xiao Wan's feelings finally could not be controlled.

Not only did he speak for the first time in ten days, but he couldn't help crying, as if it was the only way to get the catharsis he deserved...

Feeling the warmth in his arms, Lu Jun also generously hugged Xiaowan, who was less than 1.4 meters tall, and rubbed her head: "Cry, am I back? I'm sorry, I worried you. Stop crying, okay..."

Lu Jun's tone was like coaxing a child, with a special kind of gentleness, without any impurities.

And Xiaowan is indeed a child. Her feelings for Lu Jun are pure and sincere, and Lu Jun is also true to her.

If it was normal, he would be so annoying that others would cry "whooping" at every turn, but Xiaowan didn't make him feel that way, instead he felt pity for a while.

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