Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 178: Reinforcements?

But everyone in the room overlooked one point. The ability like transformation cannot be permanent. There must be a time limit. And Anan has been fighting for nearly ten minutes, and his transformation ability is estimated to be coming to an end.

Sure enough, after three minutes, Anan's body size suddenly shrank, his thick hair and tail retracted into his body, and his face returned to its original appearance.

Although all the wounds on his body are healed, he is just a stronger ordinary person without the ability. It is impossible to fight against so many mutant hyenas. The line of defense almost broke in this instant...

However, after the defensive line collapsed, everyone did not panic anymore. Everyone looked calm and calm. After all, they had been experiencing great ups and downs in this half an hour.

Despair has been experienced, miracles have been experienced, joy and sorrow have been experienced, so what can make them panic?

I have to say that the change in their mentality brought about by this battle is huge. If they can survive through it, they will grow very quickly in the future.

Just judging from the current situation, there are more than 300 mutant hyenas. If they want to survive, it is almost impossible to rely on them.

One Velociraptor was also bitten off by a Tier B mutant hyena rushing into the battle line. Other Velociraptors were even more scarred, but these injuries are not fatal to them. As long as they are alive, return to the system. The dragon training module will slowly recover.

Anan and Lin Xiaobai couldn't hold the crowds of mutant hyenas outside, so they had to drag the injured Velociraptor into another off-road vehicle. After the crowds of mutant hyenas had no targets, they surrounded the off-road vehicle. He hit the door and bulletproof glass of the off-road vehicle with his body.

The people hiding in the off-road vehicle can only close the windows tightly and use their bodies against the doors. As long as these mutant hyenas are not allowed to run in and attack the road soldiers, they can temporarily hide in the off-road vehicle to relieve the pressure.

While holding onto the car door, Ruan Xue kept calling Ruan Bing, hoping to wake Ruan Bing. Anan was checking his physical condition to see how long it would take him to use the power a second time.

As long as he activates the transformation ability once, it will be able to delay for a long time, and maybe he will be able to solve these mutant hyenas.

Just when everyone thought they could hold on for a while, the off-road vehicle that Ruan Xue was in suddenly heard a "pop", as if the front windshield was about to crack.

Originally, the windshield of the off-road vehicle was almost destroyed by the sandstorm, and now it was hit by dozens of mutant hyenas, and it was normal to crack.

Hearing the sound, Ruan Xue and Akko immediately opened the rifle safety in the rear seat and stared at the front windshield. They would shoot whenever the windshield cracked.

The mutant hyenas around also knew that the windshield of this off-road vehicle was about to break, and the impact was even more violent. Three seconds later, the windshield of the off-road vehicle was overwhelmed and hit.

The mutant hyenas desperately squeezed into the off-road vehicle and stretched their claws and fangs. They wanted to bite the people in the vehicle. Ruan Xue and Akko squeezed the trigger and shot forward at the fastest speed.

Several mutant hyenas were immediately beaten to blood and turned into corpses under the close-range shooting, but the other mutant hyenas were not in a hurry, because the people in this car could no longer run, and wait until the people in it have no bullets. Rushed in after they were removed.

It is true that Ruan Xue and Akko can no longer run. There are mutant hyenas around the off-road vehicle. They estimate that they can't even open the door, let alone Ruan Bing who fainted.

It is now the countdown to their deaths. The mutant hyenas will rush in as soon as the bullets in the magazine light up, and then tear them apart. This is almost a mortal situation.

Anan in another off-road vehicle had trouble seeing Ako and the others, so he didn’t want to wait for his ability to recover. He had to open the door of the car with a saber and rushed down. It seemed that Anan’s psychological quality improved after experiencing those things just now. A lot, after all, he was already dead.

But just as Anan was about to open the door, Lin Xiaobai on the side suddenly stopped him and shook his head. Anan looked at Lin Xiaobai suspiciously, not understanding what Lin Xiaobai meant.

Lin Xiaobai stretched out his hand and pointed to the ground outside the car, and saw that Ruan Bing's soul lamp that had fallen on the ground suddenly turned on automatically, and the soul of the horror flew out of it first.

It was followed by a large number of tortured souls, the souls of sandworms, and the souls of mutant hyenas. There were thousands of them, which Ruan Bing collected today.

After these souls flew off the ground, they suddenly changed into the form of soul bodies in the air. Thousands of soul bodies were floating in the air. This scene was nothing short of spectacular.

Then the horror gave an order, and these thousands of soul bodies directly attacked the mutant hyenas that were besieging the off-road vehicle. Each of them used their own abilities to surround the more than 300 mutant hyenas on the ground.

The mutant hyenas saw so many things that they hadn’t seen suddenly appeared, which was more than their number. They were scared to run around. The habits of the mutant hyenas are just like this. In large numbers, their attacks will be fierce and courageous.

If there are no more people of the same kind around them, and there are more enemies than them, they won't be ferocious anymore, all of them will die, just thinking about how to escape, and they will be defeated.

This is also the first time that everyone has seen these mutant hyenas rout today. They thought that this group of beasts were really so fierce and really not afraid of death.

Under the attack of thousands of soul bodies, the mutant hyenas were almost slaughtered before struggling, and the mutant hyenas of Tier B were no exception.

Seeing that all the monsters here were resolved, the horror gave another order, commanding all of these souls to enter the soul lamp, acting loyally.

Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue were stunned at all this. They couldn't figure out why the horrors wanted to help them. They were the enemy at noon. Now the enemy at noon turned into reinforcements. Is this too mysterious? Did the terror conscience discover it?

And the horror looked at Ruan Bing's okay, and he was relieved, thinking to himself that it was night, otherwise it would not be able to help if it wanted to.

But while breathing a sigh of relief, it looked at the people on the off-road vehicle again, and it itched with hatred. It would come out to help. It was a helpless act, and it didn't want to do it.

If it can, it wants to kill these people with its own hands, especially Ruan Bing, who imprisoned it! But it can’t do this now, or in order to survive, it dare not do it...

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